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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of the West is an illustrated quarterly devoted to the history and culture of the American West.

Journal of the West theme issues:

Each issue of the Journal is highlighted by a series of articles on a theme central to the history and life of the region. Should you have an idea for a future theme issue of the Journal, the knowledge and desire to edit the issue, and know of contributors who would like to write articles for such an issue, please contact the Journal's managing editor, Dr. Steven L. Danver, at Journal of the West (E-mail).

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Article Contributors

The JOURNAL of the WEST is aimed at the knowledgeable Western History enthusiast as well as the academic. Articles should be based on sound scholarly research, though in a less formal presentation.

General Information

  • Articles submitted to the JOURNAL of the WEST must be original and offered exclusively.
  • Articles are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format, and may either be e-mailed to Journal of the West, or submitted on diskette or CD-ROM. This may be done either by the article author or by the issue guest editor.
  • When typing the article, do not hit a hard return at the end of each line; simply allow the computer to enter a soft return.
  • All pages must be numbered consecutively. Place the author's name under the title on the first page.
  • Use a single tab for paragraph indents.
  • Do not use hyphenation codes; use Word Wrap. Do not use HYPERLINKS.


  • Articles ideally should be no more than 15 pages of text with an additional page or two for a bibliographic note (or endnotes).


  • Limit (or avoid) notes; direct quotations, however, must have citations. When these are used, insert the numbers into the article with the Superscript font position, then type the note at the end of the article, double-spaced. (Do not use a computer program's Footnote or Endnote format.) The following style must be used for notes (note, pages are to be numbered 41-49 not 41-9):

    1. Anthony McGinnis, "Intertribal Conflict on the Northern Plains and Its Suppression, 1738-1889," JOURNAL of the WEST, 18, 2 (Apr. 1979): 41-49.
    2. William R. Adams, Civil Rights in America (Boston MA: Little Brown, 1982), 60.
    3. Conrad E. Jones, Records of Mormon Trails, 3 vols. (Ogden: University of Utah Press, 1934), 1:92-98).
    4. Ibid., 3:29. (Same author as in fn 3, but vol. 3, page 29.)
    5. Ibid. (Same volume, same page.)

  • A Bibliographic Note or Selected Readings can follow the article, citing sources used in its preparation, exclusive of any notes used for direct quotations.
  • The Bibliographic Note (or Selected Reading) can be prepared in a paragraph form, citing author, title, place of publication (city, state), publisher, and date of publication; or a bibliographic list can be prepared, alphabetized by author's last name and including the same complete information.


  • All illustrations that authors wish to be included with their articles (maps, photographs, line drawings) must include full credit to the owner, as well as permission to print.
  • Authors are required to obtain their own illustrations, paying any fees incurred. Illustrations are returned to the author after publication. If your illustration source provides the image at no cost, we will send them a copy of the issue upon publication if you so request.

Photo Specifications

Size 5x7 or 8x10, whichever is most convenient and economical.
Type Black and white glossies only (except for very sharp photocopies of line drawings). Digital In TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater; a printed copy of images must be included with disk.
Quantity Eight total illustrations (maps, photos, drawings) maximum per article.
Captions Each illustration must be photocopied by the author, with an explanatory caption and full credit typed on that photocopy and be submitted with the article.

Permissions Information

Illustrations To be obtained by the author.
Quotations Please limit your quote to a maximum of 200 words from any single source (throughout the entire article). If this length is exceeded, it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission from the copyright holder and submit a photocopy of that permission to the JOURNAL. Poetry and music may require special permissions.

Biographical sketch and author photograph

  • Please include a one-paragraph biography (vita) and a personal photo to be used at the end of the article.

Additional Information

  • The editorial staff will read and evaluate unsolicited articles for suitability of publication, and occasionally we may send the article to an editorial referee for an opinion. If an article is accepted for publication, the author will be sent two copies of our contract; one is to be signed and returned to JOURNAL of the WEST.
  • For authors solicited by JOURNAL of the WEST as part of theme issues, two copies of the contract are sent after the final draft has been approved; one is to be signed and returned to JOW.
  • JOURNAL of the WEST offers article authors either a one-year gratis subscription to the journal or 15 copies of the issue.
  • The article, which is considered a "work done for hire," will be copyrighted with the issue in the name of the JOURNAL of the WEST.
  • Additional copies of the issue may be purchased by the author at the time the contract is signed, for $6 per copy. (Post-publication price per copy is $12, as only a limited number are printed.)
  • The JOURNAL of the WEST editorial staff will be accessible to you and will work with you to publish a worthwhile contribution to the field of Western American history.

Editorial Board

Contact Journal of the West:

Journal of the West
P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1911
Journal of the West
Phone: (805) 968-1911
Fax: (805) 685-9685

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