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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (hereafter JSCE) is published by Georgetown University Press twice a year with a distribution of 1400. The JSCE is comprised of scholarly papers, book reviews, and advertisements. Currently, the co-editors are Mary Jo Iozzio (miozzio@mail.barry.edu) and Patricia Beattie Jung (pjung@luc.edu); the book review editor is Lois Malcolm (lmalcolm@luthersem.edu). The JSCE grew out of what was The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics. On the basis of the SCEs 21st Century Report, several changes were implemented by Christine E. Gudorf and Paul Lauritzen, who served as co-editors during this crucial period of transition. These changes included: an expansion of the journal to two issues per year, the addition of book reviews and advertisements, a decision to make it electronically available in full text form through ATLAS, and a new name and cover reflective of these changes.

Instructions to Authors

Evaluation Guidelines

The JSCE offers speedy publication of high quality work as a service to authors who have crafted papers for delivery at the annual meeting of the SCE, and as a service to the members of the Society and of the larger academic community who benefit from the published presentation of these contributions to ethical inquiry. The editors' first objective, then, is to discern which of the papers, among those submitted for consideration, represent the most penetrating and fruitful contributions to our common enterprise of inquiry. The system of expert and editorial review developed by the editorial board has been put in place to ensure fairness and equity in the assessment of the quality of the papers available for publication.


In selecting papers for publication, the editors and editorial board will consider whether the paper:


¨¹      Represents the full scope of the Society's scholarly interests: theological, philosophical, historical, professional, and social ethics; primarily Christian ethics but also Jewish, Islamic, and comparative ethics. This representation will not be possible in any single issue, but the issues of the JSCE, taken together, should reflect this diversity.


¨¹      Provides a forum for the work of new scholars (those in the first five years or so beyond the dissertation) and for the articulation of emerging issues and perspectives. Some preference may be given to papers from new scholars or papers on particularly timely topics, but only within the guidelines concerning quality.


Referees and co-editors will use the following criteria when evaluating papers:


1.          Does the paper make sense? Is it clearly written and comparatively free of jargon? Are the distinctions crisp? Is the argument coherent and accessible? Does the paper offer a strong line of argument with appropriate support and adequate development? Is the argument complex, sophisticated, or unusually elegant?


2.          Is the paper competent? The issue here is scholarly substance. Is the author familiar with the principal dimensions of the topic and with the established body of relevant literature? Does the author handle sources honestly, resourcefully, and without distortion? Has the author offered an even-handed treatment of the topic or do the author's own commitments bias the presentation in worrisome ways? If the author's position is controversial, does she or he position her or his work in the context of the current debate?


3.          Does the paper make a significant contribution? Does it offer an analytic, creative, or constructive contribution to the field? Is the work original, provocative, or unusually incisive? Is the argument adventurous? Does it open new possibilities or raising a plausible challenge to the reigning consensus? Does the paper add to, rather than merely repeat, what is already available in the work of others?   


The following criteria are strongly encouraged.


4.          Does the paper follow contemporary standards of language use? The JSCE is committed to inclusive, non-discriminatory, and non-inflammatory language. Does the paper reflect in any way writing that is sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or otherwise derogatory of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion?


5.          Does the paper reflect contemporary standards of diversity? Does the paper follow the recommendations of the Twenty-First Century Report¡± and the commitment of the JSCE Editorial Board to foster the dialogue among the diverse perspectives present in the SCE and to encourage deliberately this discourse through the critical and sustained engagement of the work of scholars who are currently underrepresented in the academy?  Does the paper engage the work of emerging scholarship from, for example, Black and Womanist, Hispanic/Latina(o) and Mujerista, Asian and Asian American, and other context-based theologies?  Does the paper include critical scrutiny and social/self-reflection of the racial, cultural, and/or religious implications for the subject, scholarship, or method of the investigation? Does the paper review scholarship beyond North American contexts and/or examine work in languages other than English? Does the paper explore the work of scholars throughout the world, that is, does the paper demonstrate consideration of the subject beyond a North American-centric worldview?


6.          Does the paper advance interdisciplinary approaches and/or methodologies? Has the author used another disciplines hermeneutic to explore and value the questions of ethical inquiry?  Does the paper deliver insight from another disciplines tools of investigation?  Is the methodology sufficiently presented?


7.          Is the paper of general interest? Does it address important ethical questions? Does it draw upon religious and theological resources in addressing these questions? Will the paper interest large numbers of the Society's members, however specialized its particular subject matter may be?



IRB Regulations on Research Involving Human Subjects

At present federal laws and regulations regarding the protection of human subjects during research activities apply to researchers who are funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Many academic and health care institutions have extended the Common Rule to all research involving human subjects, whether so funded or not. Most now require that all research on human subjects be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Likewise, the JSCE strongly encourages authors to follow the US Code of Federal Regulations, "Title 45, Public Welfare (Department of Health and Human Services) Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects" (June 23, 2005). The Federal Code, also known as the Common Rule,applies to any research that involves human subjects. The Code requires that research involving human subjects undergo scrutiny by and receive approval from an IRB prior to the start of study to ensure that subjects are protected from harm.


The JSCE requires IRB approval of any research that involves human subjects with the review of work presented at the 2010 annual meeting (and thereafter); this notice advises those who will be submitting proposals in response to the Call  for the 2010 Annual Meeting (and subsequent calls) that their research may be subject to this requirement.  Increasingly, journals are looking at the ethics of research conducted by the authors of papers submitted for publication review. The requirement of IRB approval will remind researchers of their responsibility to ensure appropriate protections are in place before they initiate studies that involve human subjects; this kind of research includes but is not limited to interviews, focus groups, the completion of questionnaires and the like (when in doubt, consult your local IRB). The JSCE stands with those journals that require identification of a research protocol review and approval by a local IRB.


While many of our authors are members of institutions that support their own IRB and are familiar with the Federal Code, others are not. The Code permits a researcher whose institution does not have its own IRB or who are independent of institutional affiliation to submit a protocol to an IRB of another institution. Following the Common Rule, IRB approval must be received before any research with human subjects begins, including research that appears innocuous, like interviewing people where they work, play, pray, eat, or sleep.


Once IRB approval is met, a protocol number is assigned to the research and the study may begin. When authors submit their papers to the JSCE for publication review, they need only note the protocol number and date of IRB approval. No paper including research with human subjects that lacks IRB approval will be accepted by the JSCE following the publication of volume 30.1 (2010). For a sample citation of IRB approval see Laura A. Stivers, Making a Home for All in Gods Compassionate Community,JSCE 28.2 (2008): 71, n.34.


For more information regarding the Federal Code visit the website of the US Department of Health and Human Services and follow the links to Regulations and Policy Guidance http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/, http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm, and http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/decisioncharts.htm.

Editorial Board

Officers of the JSCE 




Mary Jo Iozzio                            Patricia Beattie Jung

Professor of Theology                 Professor of Christian Ethics

Barry University ¨CTHEO                    Oubri A. Poppele Professor of Health and


Department of Theology & Philosophy       Saint Paul School of Theology

                                                                        11300 Northeast Second Avenue              5123 Truman Road

Miami Shores, FL 33161                    Kansas City, MO 64127

(305) 899-3944                          (816) 483-9605

miozzio@mail.barry.edu                     patricia.jung@spst.edu



Book Review Editor

Lois Malcolm

Luther Seminary

St. Paul, MN 55108





Editorial Board

David Gushee, Mercer University

Linda Hogan, Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin

Judith Kay, University of Puget Sound

Dov Nelkin, Rutgers University

Douglas Schuurman, St. Olaf College

Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University

Christopher Vogt, St. John¡¯s University, New York

William Werpehowski, Villanova University

Traci West, Drew University

Tobias Winwright, St. Louis University

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