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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH) is the leading architectural history journal that is published in the English language. The scholarly articles in JSAH are international in scope and focus on every period in the history of the built environment. The journal is broad in its perspective and features the latest research methodologies in the expanding field of architectural history and allied disciplines including the history of design, landscape, urbanism and historic preservation. Published continuously since 1941, JSAH also features guest editorials, exhibition reviews, book reviews, obituaries of key figures in the discipline and abstracts of papers delivered at the Society's scholarly annual conference. JSAH is a benefit of membership in the Society of Architectural Historians.
Instructions to Authors
Notes to Contributors

Initial Submission

Two hard copies of each manuscript (one without the contributor’s name) should be sent directly to the editor of the journal. DO NOT MAIL MANUSCRIPTS TO THE SAH OFFICE. The manuscripts should include an abstract, text, endnotes, list of figures, and photocopied reproductions.  Please do not submit photographs or digital scans in the initial submission.  Electronic manuscripts are not accepted. 

1. The manuscript must be typed, double-spaced, on one side of standard size (8 ?x 11 inches or A4) paper. Set the computer program to print a maximum of twenty-five lines per page in twelve-point type (ten to twelve words per line). Pages are to be numbered consecutively throughout, with endnotes, captions, abstract, and photo credits on separate pages following the text.
2. Provide the author’s name and institutional affiliation or city of residence on the first copy of the manuscript. Omit this information on the second copy. Please include photocopies of illustrations with the first submission.
Do not send original artwork or electronic images. The photocopied images should be numbered consecutively on the face.
3. Manuscripts must be clearly printed with a letter-quality printer and should follow the conventional underscoring of words to be printed in italics. Do not use italic or boldface. Notes must be supplied as double-spaced endnotes on separate pages.
4.  Do not send original artwork or electronic images. The photocopied images should be numbered consecutively on the face.

In no more than 150 words, the abstract should summarize the argument and define the methodological approach of the article. 

1. Endnotes should follow The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition) and the practices of this journal.
2. Abbreviate the title of this journal as JSAH. Any other such abbreviations in the notes should be spelled out on first mention.

Illustrations in Manuscripts Accepted for Publication
It is essential that authors procure high-quality black-and-white illustrations.
Original illustrations for publication MUST follow these specifications:


      • glossy prints
      • preferably 8 x 10 inches and no smaller than 5 x 7 inches
      • each photo must be clearly labeled on the back with the figure number

Electronic Images:

      • Images must be scanned in black and white so the resulting scan is at least 5 x 8 inches and 300 dpi. Smaller dimension or lower resolutions will not be accepted.
      • Scans must be saved as grayscale. RGB scans will not be accepted.
      • Scans must be saved in TIFF format.
      • Label each scan with the matching figure number in the text

Bear in mind that no printing process, no matter how sophisticated, can improve the quality of the images you submit. Neither photocopies nor scans taken from either books or photocopies are acceptable. Illustrations submitted for publication should be photographs of high quality or scans of high-quality photographs that meet the scanning specifications noted above. 

Please note that scanning images from books or other publications often results in moire patterns when the image is published. The distortion may not be discernible in the scan but becomes apparent during a late stage in the printing process, when it is extremely expensive to correct. Please avoid using such scans, but if their use is absolutely necessary, the author is responsible for correcting the pattern (descreening) in PhotoShop and alerting JSAH to the problem.

For additional information regarding the preparation of digital images, please see a web site prepared by Penn State Press: http://www.psupress.org/author/author_digsub.html, particularly the section on halftones. This site details the descreening process and other ways to avoid problematic issues that often arise with scanned images.  

In addition:
1. Each illustration should be marked indicating the top of the illustration (if necessary), the author’s last name, and the figure number.
2. Authors must obtain permission to reproduce illustrations when necessary and pay copyright fees and other costs. Include a copy of the written permission with the manuscript. Illustrations will be returned to authors.
3. The list of illustrations provides the figure captions. The order of information is: designer, name of the building or object, location, date, description, source. If a building has been destroyed, include that information. Subsequent references may be shorter than the first one. The caption may also be used to direct the reader to a salient part of the image. Such references can unburden the text of minor details and help orient readers. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively in order of mention in the text.
4. Illustration credits should be listed separately following the endnotes. If relevant to the text, sources such as periodical publications may be included in captions.

Editorial Miscellany
1. Spelling: use current American spelling and typographical practice. JSAH uses the Merriam- Webster Collegiate Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webstercollegiate.com/.
2. Names and titles: after the first mention, the last name of a person living or dead will suffice unless clarity requires a title or additional name.
3. Numbers and dates: use figures rather than spelled-out numbers for cardinal numbers over one hundred and for all measurements. Form the plural of decades without an apostrophe; ?980s?rather than ?980’s.?Dates should be given in the following forms: ?7 October 1947,??7 October,?“October 1947,?and ?947?0.?BR>4. Dimensions: use figures rather than spelled-out numbers and spell out units of measurement: ?00 feet,??3 centimeters,??6 Roman palmi.?English and metric units may be abbreviated in discussions of quantitative data in technical articles: 100 ft., 43 cm (no periods with metric abbreviations).
5. Quotations from foreign languages must be translated in the text, with the original in the endnote only if necessary. Isolated foreign words will be italicized in the printed text and should be shown by underscoring in the version submitted to the editor. Full foreign-language quotations are set in roman type and put within quotation marks. Foreign personal titles, names of buildings or rooms (Sala della Pace, Residenz), institutions (Bibliotheca Hertziana), and the like are not italicized.
6. All other editorial issues may be resolved by consulting The Chicago Manual of Style or the editor.

Letters to the Editor
A letter that comments on an article or review should be sent to the editor, who may forward the letter to the author for reply. Letters may be sent by electronic file. Letters will not necessarily be published; if published, they will be subject to editing. 

The Publishing Process
When an article is accepted for publication, the editor will provide detailed instructions about the requirements for final submission. JSAH requires that all texts (essay, endnotes, abstract, captions, and illustration credits) be submitted on CD, separate from any CD containing the illustrations. Mac format is acceptable for the images only; the text files must be for PC. 

Upon submission, the manuscript is copyedited to conform to JSAH house style. The managing editor will send copyedited articles to the author to review and approve; copyedited book, exhibition, multimedia, and website reviews will be sent to the commissioning review editor for review and approval. The first page proofs, laid out with illustrations, will also be sent to article authors and review editors for approval. 

Authors may not normally make changes in their texts after the type has been set; such changes should occur during the copyediting stage. The cost of alterations after typesetting will be billed to the author. Printer’s errors will be corrected without charge. 

If you have any questions about the format an article should take for submission or you wish guidance as to whether a subject might be appropriate for JSAH, please write directly to the editor.

Authors of articles will receive 25 standard offprints, and authors of review will receive 10. (If an article or review has multiple authors, the offprints will be split between them.) If an author is interested in a more complicated offprint (bound with the cover of the journal, for example), the author must request this form of offprint before the issue goes to print and cover the cost of the offprint.


Editorial Board
Current JSAH Editors


Prof. Hilary Ballon
826 Schermerhorn Hall
Dept. Art History & Archaeology
Columbia University
1190 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Editor Designate
As of September 2007, send manuscripts to:

David Brownlee
Department of the History of Art
University of Pennsylvania
Jaffe Building
3405 Woodland Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6208

Book Review Editors

North and South America

Prof. Daniel Abramson
Tufts University
Dept. of Art & Art History
11 Talbot Avenue
Medford, MA 02155

Europe, Africa, and Asia to 1750

Prof. Sarah McPhee
Art History Department
Carlos Hall M35
581 S. Kilgo Circle
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Europe, Africa, and Asia from 1750

Prof. Eric Mumford
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Architecture
Campus Box 1079 (or Givens Hall)
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Exhibition Review Editor

Prof. David DeLong
115 Meyerson Hall
University of Pennsylvania
210 South 34th Street
Philadelphia PA 19104-6311

Multimedia and Website Review Editor

Prof. Edward Dimendberg
University of California, Irvine
Department of Film and Media Studies
235 Humanities Instruction Building
Irvine, CA 92647

Proposals for website reviews should contain the following:

-A functioning URL
-The name of the individual or group responsible for the content of the website
-A brief description of the content, approach, and organization of the website
-A brief explanation of the unique features of the website, its contribution to scholarship, and why the JSAH readership would find its review of interest.
Send proposals to Professor Edward Dimendberg at Dimendberg@cs.com.

Managing Editor
A. Krista Sykes
276 Harvard Street, #1
Cambridge, MA 02139

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