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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association is published twice a year as a service to M/MLA members, who are encouraged to submit essays and book reviews.

The spring issue each year is devoted to shorter "working papers," and the M/MLA invites submissions of 12-15 pages drawing from 12-15 sources, due each year on 12/15.

The fall issue is devoted to the previous year's convention theme, which is announced in advance on the web site and in the Journal. The annual deadline for these more developed submissions (not exceeding 8,000 words in length) is March 31. The topic for the Fall 2009 issue will be "Fame/Infamy."

If you would like to submit an essay, send an electronic copy to the M/MLA office at
mmla@luc.edu. Papers should follow the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. (2003). To ensure that the Journal is accessible to the broad membership, essays should be in English and, when text in other language is quoted, translations in English should be provided. PMLA is a useful source for examples of how to provide translations in MLA style.

Current members automatically receive a subscription to the Journal. Back issues (subject to availability) are $7.50 each, or $6 if six or more of the same issue are ordered. To purchase back issues, send a check or money order in US funds to the M/MLA office. Be sure to specify the issue(s) and quantity requested.

Instructions to Authors
This year we will once again be posting each session's abstracts on the M/MLA web site with the goal of making session and paper selection easier for conferees, while fostering communication among the presenters in each session.

In order to expedite the posting of abstracts to the M/MLA website, we kindly ask that all chairs and coordinators observe the following specifications. Use our Sample Abstract as a model.


1) Send your session's abstracts to the M/MLA office by April 26, 2009.


For sessions that will be following the traditional discussion format, ALL papers should be postmarked by AUGUST 30. (Sessions following the oral delivery format should NOT send their papers to M/MLA.) We will begin filling paper orders in September. The discussion format cannot work if a session's attendees do not have the papers to read in advance. Therefore, it is important that we have your paper on time in order to make it available to all interested convention registrants.

Papers should:

  • Be a maximum of eight single-spaced pages (including title pages, notes, and works-cited pages)
  • Be on 8 1/2" by 11" paper
  • Have at least a one-inch top margin on the first page
  • Be fastened with a paper clip, not stapled
  • Be sent by surface mail (papers should not be faxed, sent in the body of an e-mail, e-mailed as an attachment, or submitted on a diskette)

    To cover additional copying costs, please include a check for $5 per page over the eight-page limit. Papers over eight pages will not be reproduced and distributed until this fee has been received.

    Papers can be mailed to:

    Department of English
    Loyola University Chicago
    6525 North Sheridan Road
    Chicago, IL 60626

    If you have any questions about the paper specifications, please e-mail us at mmla@luc.edu.

  • 2) E-mail the abstracts as an attachment IN ONE DOCUMENT to mmla@luc.edu

    3) Ask authors to keep their abstracts under 250 words, easy for session organizers to check with Word Count.

    4) Include the essay's title and the author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address.


    Your assistance is invaluable to this endeavor, and we sincerely appreciate the favor of your time and effort as we strive to improve M/MLA's service to all its members and conferees.

    If you have any questions about the abstract specifications, please e-mail us at mmla@luc.edu.

    Editorial Board
    Officers for 2009 Executive Committee
    Jenifer S. Cushman
    Juniata College 
    Elizabeth Klaver
    Southern Illinois University
    (term ending Fall 2009)
    Vice President
    Richard R. Glejzer
    North Central College
    Katherine H. Lee
    Indiana State University
    (term ending Fall 2009)
    Past President
    Devoney Looser
    University of Missouri-Columbia 
    Timothy A. Spurgin
    Lawrence University
    (term ending Fall 2009)
    Executive Director
    David Posner
    Loyola University Chicago
    Kathleen Diffley
    University of Iowa
    (term ending Fall 2010)



    Craig Dionne
    Eastern Michigan University
    (term ending Fall 2010)



    Jefford Vahlbusch
    University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
    (term ending Fall 2010)



    Eilene Hoft-March
    Lawrence University
    (term ending Fall 2011)



    R. Clifton Spargo
    Marquette University
    (term ending Fall 2011)

    Marjorie Worthington
    Eastern Illinois University
    (term ending Fall 2011)


     Contact Information
    Midwest Modern Language Association
    Loyola University Chicago Department of English
    6525 North Sheridan Road
    Chicago, IL 60626
    Phone: 773-508-6083 (Main Office); 773-508-6057 (Steve Venturino)
    Fax: 773-508-6062
    Email: mmla@luc.edu

    Executive Director: David Posner

    Associate Director: Steve Venturino

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