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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal

Started in 1946, the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences is internationally recognized as one of the top publications in its field. The journal's coverage is broad, publishing the latest original research on the written beginnings of medicine in all its aspects. When possible and appropriate, it focuses on what practitioners of the healing arts did or taught, and how their peers, as well as patients, received and interpreted their efforts.

Subscribers include clinicians and hospital libraries, as well as academic and public historians.

The Journal is ranked 4/28 in the History and Philosophy of Science category of the ISI Social Science journals Citation reports 2006 with an impact factor of 0.897.

Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors

The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences publishes work relating to all aspects of the history of medicine and of the various sciences impinging on it. Manuscripts not exceeding 15,000 words (45 pages) are invited.

Preparation Of Manuscripts

Send manuscripts in triplicate to Margaret Humphreys, M.D., Ph.D., Department of History, Box 90719, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708. Please submit the paper on a PC-formatted disk, preferably in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect, along with the manuscript copies. The electronic file may be sent via e-mail to the editor as a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) attachment, rather than on disk, if preferrred. Double space throughout in 8 1/2 x 11 inch format. The title page should include the author's mailing address, delivery address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

At the time of manuscript submission, the author(s) will disclose any financial arrangements pertinent to the research that might create the appearance of bias. All sources of research support and/or involvement in litigation as an expert witness should be listed in a letter to the editor. If no conflict of interest exists, this should be stated also.

Place an abstract (up to 200 words) after the title. Provide 6-10 key words for indexing.

Do not justify right margins. Type quoted material of sixty words or more double-spaced, each line indented left five characters, and without quotation marks. Run shorter quotations into the text using double quotes. Commas and periods always appear within end quotes. Write dates as 2 January 1997 without punctuation; years are written 1861-1865. Use 1860s, not 1860's.

Type footnotes double-spaced on pages following the end of the text. Use consecutive superior numbers placed after the end-mark of punctuation for footnote references; in the notes themselves type the numbers on the line in indented paragraph form. Include any acknowledgments and disclaimers in an initial unnumbered footnote. Abbreviate journal names in the style used by the National Library of Medicine in the Index Medicus. A second citation of the same source, if immediately following, is Ibid.; if other footnotes intervene, use the author's last name, short title, and (for quotations) page number. Use inclusive page numbers for journal articles and book chapters: 3-17, 23-26, 100-103, 104-7, 124-28, 1115-20. For classical citations, give all bibliographic data at first citation; for all subsequent citations, give author and short title. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of citations. Follow the examples below for citations:

  1. J. S. Haldane, Organism and Environment as Illustrated by the Physiology of Breathing (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1917), 99.
  2. Ibid., 105.
  3. Harvey Cushing, The Life of Sir William Osler, 2 vols. (London: Oxford University Press, 1925), II, 865.
  4. E. H. DuBois-Reymond and Carl Ludwig, Two Great Scientists of the Nineteenth Century: Correspondence of Emil Dubois-Reymond and Carl Ludwig, comp. Estelle DuBois-Reymond, ed. Paul Diepgen, trans. Sabin Lichtner-Ayed, ed. Paul Cranefield (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982), 60-61.
  5. Haldane, Organism and Environment, 99-102.
  6. Cushing, Osler, II, 542-49.
  7. Leila Jackson and J. J. Moore, "Studies on Experimental Scurvy in Guinea Pigs," J. Infect. Dis., 1916, 19, 478-510, 485.
  8. C. M. Jackson to G. S. Ford, 8 November 1917, folder 32, Guy Stanton Ford Correspondence, University of Minnesota Archives, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  9. Jackson and Moore, "Experimental Scurvy."

The most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style published by the University of Chicago Press should be consulted for materials not covered here.

When a manuscript is accepted the author will be asked to submit it (or the revised version, if necessary) in electronic form, preferably in Microsoft Word for Windows. The electronic file should be prepared accurately, consistently, and simply, avoiding the use of special fonts or elaborate formatting for aesthetics. Paragraphs should be formatted the same way throughout.


Details of all funding sources for the work in question should be given in a separate section entitled 'Funding.' This should appear at the end of the article. The following rules should be followed: the full official funding agency name should be given, i.e. ¡®National Institutes of Health¡¯, not ¡®NIH¡¯; grant numbers should be given in brackets; multiple grant numbers should be separated by a comma; agencies should be separated by a semi-colon; no extra wording like 'Funding for this work was provided by ...' should be used; where individuals need to be specified for certain sources of funding the following text should be added after the relevant agency or grant number 'to [author initials].' An example is given here: ¡®National Institutes of Health (CB5453961 to C.S., DB645473 to M.H.); Funding Agency (hfygr667789).¡¯


Authors are reminded that unpublished materials are protected by common-law copyright without duration and are not covered by the fair use doctrine. Permission to publish such material and to quote beyond fair use from copyrighted material, regardless of authorship, is the responsibility of the author. Submit written permission with the manuscript. It will be returned if the manuscript is not accepted. It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors grant an exclusive license to Oxford university Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the license agreement, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the publisher.


Two illustrations are allowed without charge. The page size is 4 x 7 inches, but space must be left for legends. Include only photocopies of illustrations with the initial manuscript submission. If the paper is accepted, sharp glossy prints and electronic files will then be requested. Legends should be typed on a separate page in double space. Illustrations must be identified on the reverse. Estimates for additional illustrations will be provided upon request.

Any corrections in galley proof that are not typographical errors will be charged to the author.

Offprints may be ordered by authors or institutions at the rates given on a form attached to galley proofs.


For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.


Permission to reproduce copyright material, for print and online publication in perpetuity, must be cleared and if necessary paid for by the author; this includes applications and payments to DACS, ARS, and similar licensing agencies where appropriate. Evidence in writing that such permissions have been secured from the rights-holder must be made available to the editors. It is also the author's responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the particular institutions. Oxford Journals can offer information and documentation to assist authors in securing print and online permissions: please see the Guidelines for Authors section. Information on permissions contacts for a number of main galleries and museums can also be provided. Should you require copies of this, please contact the editorial office of the journal in question or the Oxford Journals Rights department.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Margaret Humphreys

Box 90719
Department of History
Duke University
Durham NC 27708


+1 (919) 684 2285


+1 (919) 681 7670


Michael Flannery

Reynolds Historical Library
UAB Lister Hill Library 301
1530 3rd Ave. South
Birmingham, AL 35294-0013


Caroline C. Hannaway


Kelly Kennington


Jacalyn M. Duffin

Peter C. English

John M. Eyler

Norman J. Gevitz

Gerald N. Grob

Joel D. Howell

Suzanne White Junod

Susan C. Lawrence

Kenneth M. Ludmerer

Elizabeth Lunbeck

Michael R. McVaugh

Charles G. Roland

William C. Summers

Nancy Tomes

Arleen M. Tuchman


Leonard G. Wilson

Robert J.T. Joy

Robert U. Massey

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