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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of the Early Republic is a quarterly journal committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776?861). JER is published for the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic. SHEAR membership includes an annual subscription to the journal.
Instructions to Authors
Author Guide
The Journal of the Early Republic is committed to publishing the best scholarship on the history and culture of the United States in the years of the early republic (1776?861). This brief guide for authors and abbreviated style manual is intended for use by contributors to JER.

For the most part, we follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Where options exist in the Chicago Manual of Style, we indicate JER's preferred use. We suggest that authors refer to previous issues of JER to get a sense of our format and style.

Please submit your manuscript as a Word file e-mail attachment. To facilitate our policy of anonymous manuscript review, please go to "Properties" in the document and strip out any identifying information. Do include the title of the submission on the first page. The author's name and address (both postal and e-mail) should appear in a separate Word document, along with a 250-word abstract.

Within the Word file, all lines should be double-spaced and unjustified, including quotations and notes. Articles should not exceed 9,000 words in length, including endnotes. NOTE: Use omnibus endnotes (see below). Research Notes submissions should be approximately half the length of articles.

Submit your manuscript to
jer@shear.org. Correspondence regarding editorial matters should go to:
Journal of the Early Republic
The Library Company of Philadelphia
1314 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107-5698
Tel.: 215-546-0754
Fax: 215-546-0755.
Web site: http://jer.pennpress.org

If your manuscript is currently in a justified format, please unjustify it before saving and printing your final copy. Before your essay can be typeset to fit JER format, it must have ragged right margins. Please do not make changes to your electronic file that do not appear on your hard copy.

We encourage you to use illustrations and can accept either glossy photographs (preferred) or 300 dpi TIF files. Supply each illustration with a caption, accompanied by a source line and such acknowledgments as are required. You are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions in writing to publish the illustrations.

Journal style calls for omnibus endnotes: that is, one endnote per paragraph. The total number of endnotes thus should not exceed the number of paragraphs. Quotations should be placed first in the endnote and in exact order of appearance. Citations, in exact order, should follow the quotations. Please ensure the accuracy of your quotations and citations. They must be verified before submitting the article. Quotations from books and articles should cite the specific page(s).

1Gordon S. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (New York, 1992), 335.

2Richard C. Rohrs, "American Critics of the French Revolution of 1848," Journal of the Early Republic, 14 (Fall 1994), 366.

Quotations longer than five lines should be set off from the text by indenting both margins five spaces, but not by single spacing.

For books, give the name of the author(s) or editor(s) in normal order; the complete title of the work in italics; and, within parentheses, the number of volumes (if more than one), and the place and date of publication. Finally, include the page numbers you are citing.


3Roger H. Brown, The Republic in Peril: 1812 (New York, 1965), 87.

4R. Carlyle Buley, The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, 1815-1840 (2 vols., Indianapolis, 1950), 2: 160-61.

In edited volumes:

5The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd (20 vols., Philadelphia, 1950-1982), 12: 171-201.

6Boyd, Papers of Jefferson, 10: 180.

7Grady McWhiney, "Ethnic Roots of Southern Violence," in A Master's Due: Essays in Honor of David Herbert Donald, ed. William J. Cooper, Jr., Michael F. Holt, and John McCardell (Baton Rouge, 1985), 112-37.

8Mark C. Carnes and Clyde Griffin, ed., Meanings for Manhood: Constructions of Masculinity in Victorian America (Chicago, 1990), 190-91.

In reprints or second editions, include the original date of publication:

9Matthew Carey, Autobiographical Sketches. In a Series of Letters. Addressed to a Friend (1829; rep., New York, 1970), 22.

10Eugene D. Genovese, The Political Economy of Slavery: Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South (1961; 2nd ed., Middletown, CT, 1989), 35.

In subsequent citations, use ibid. if the citation immediately following is the same or ibid. with a different page number if the citation is identical except for the page reference. If other citations intervene, use the short title format.


11Brown, Republic in Peril, 17.


13Ibid., 21.

14Buley, Old Northwest, 1: 95.

For articles, give the author's name, article title, journal, date, and page reference. Months should be as follows: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. Use short title format for subsequent, nonconsecutive citations.


15Donald R. Hickey, "The Monroe-Pinkney Treaty of 1806: A Reappraisal," William and Mary Quarterly, 44 (Jan. 1987), 65-88.

16James L. Huston, "Virtue Besieged: Virtue, Equality, and the General Welfare in the Tariff Debates of the 1820s," Journal of the Early Republic, 14 (Winter 1994), 523-47.

17Hickey, "The Monroe-Pinkney Treaty," 82.

Treat dissertations like books, except place the title within quotation marks and include the type of thesis and the institution where it was submitted within the parentheses containing publication data.


18Thomas D. Hamm, "The Transformation of American Quakerism, 1800-1910" (Ph.D. diss., Indiana University, 1985), 101-21.

For newspapers, the practice now, whether or not the city where the newspaper was published appears as part of the title, is to italicize or underline only the name of the paper, but not the city or town. The city should be indicated, along with the state, if needed, immediately before or after (within parentheses) the newspaper title. Section, page, or column need not be included.


19Albany (NY) Argus, May 13, 1816.

20Indiana Daily State Sentinal (Indianapolis), Oct. 1, 1849.

21Ibid., Oct. 12, 1849.

22Albany Argus, June 22, 1816.

23Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, DC), Jan. 13, 1820.

For manuscript collections, the intent is, as with books and articles, to give the author, date, and place of the item cited. This requires the name of the collection containing the item and the location of the collection. The location of the repository is given only in the first citation unless required for the sake of clarity.


24Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Apr. 27, 1795, Madison Papers (Library of Congress, Washington, DC).

25William Thornton to John Quincy Adams, May 19, 1826, Adams Family Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston); Thornton to Nathaniel Macon, Feb. 7, 1812, Records of the House of Representatives (National Archives, Washington, DC).

26Joshua Gilpin to Madison, June 25, 1810, Madison Papers.

Finally, in a miscellaneous category, note that in law case citations such as Marbury v. Madison (1803), the "v" is not italicized or underlined; that no apostrophe is used in dates such as the 1790s or the 1830s; that the possessive of proper names ending in "s" requires an "'s"; and that both hyphens and capital letters are used sparingly. Thus, we do not capitalize words such as president or secretary of state unless they are used with a proper name (President Washington, Secretary of State Jefferson), nor do we capitalize words such as republic or state when they stand alone.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board & Publication Staff
Roderick A. McDonald
Rider University

Managing Editor
Kate Tyler Wall

Review Editors
Robert S. Cox and Rachel K. Onuf

Journal of the Early Republic
The Library Company of Philadelphia
1314 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107-5698
Phone: 215-546-0754
Fax: 215-546-0755

Review materials should be sent to:
Robert S. Cox and Rachel K. Onuf
Hop Brook Farm
7 Whitaker Road
New Salem, MA 01355-9727

Editorial Board
Richard J. M. Blackett
Vanderbilt University

John L. Brooke
Ohio State University

Dan Dupre
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Sandra M. Gustafson
University of Notre Dame

David J. Hancock
The University of Michigan

C. Dallett Hemphill
Ursinus College

Graham Hodges
Colgate University

Daniel Walker Howe
Oxford University
Cathy Kelly
University of Oklahoma

Peter B. Knupfer
Michigan State University

Daniel C. Littlefield
University of South Carolina

Cathy Matson
University of Delaware

Peter S. Onuf
University of Virginia

Andrew Jackson O'Shaughnessy
The Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies

Nancy Shoemaker
University of Connecticut

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