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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The American Musical Instrument Society is an international organization founded in 1971 to promote better understanding of all aspects of the history, design, construction, restoration, and usage of musical instruments in all cultures and from all periods.

The membership of AMIS includes collectors, historians, curators, performers, instrument makers, restorers, dealers, conservators, teachers, students, and many institutional members. All individual members have full voting rights and, with the exception of spouse members, receive the Society's publications.

Instructions to Authors

The AMIS Journal welcomes articles representing original research on topics of interest to scholars, collectors, curators, and performers. These subjects concern the construction, history, sociology, and conservation of instruments, and questions of performance practice related to particular instruments. Contributions must consist of new, previously unpublished material or original interpretations. Articles may be submitted in languages other than English, but it is the author’s responsibility to provide an English translation if the article is accepted for publication.

To be considered for publication in the Journal, an article should be submitted in triplicate to: Dr. Janet K. Page, Editor, AMIS Journal, Scheidt School of Music, University of Memphis, 3775 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN 38152 (e-mail: jpage2@ memphis.edu). The deadline is October 31 preceding the calendar year of publication, but manuscripts are welcome at any time; if the next issue is already filled, they will be considered for a later issue. Upon receipt, the article is reviewed by members of the editorial board and sometimes also by outside readers with expertise in its particular subject area before a decision is made to accept it. Thereafter, the editor will work closely with the author in all matters relating to information, accuracy, and content. Decisions concerning style and presentation will be made by the editor.

In preparing manuscripts for submission, the following guidelines should be observed:

  • Follow the 15th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2003) in all respects, using the examples presented in Chapter 17 for footnote and bibliographical citations. It may also be helpful to consult recent volumes of the Journal for additional information and models. ?Provide one-inch (2.5 cm) margins at both sides and top and bottom of every page; leave the right margin unjustified. Use a typeface with large, clear characters (12 point) and easily visible punctuation marks and endnote numbers. For book and journal titles use either an italic font or underlining.
  • Double-space everything, including notes, lists of captions, text, block quotations —everything, without exception.
  • Place footnotes on separate pages at the end of the article. Since the Journal does not usually include separate lists of sources with articles, complete bibliographical information on all publications cited should appear in the first footnote in which they are mentioned. ?Quotations in foreign languages should be translated in the text, with the original normally appearing in a footnote; alternatively, for block quotations the original may be placed just below the translation.
  • Musical examples and tables should be numbered (each in its own series) according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the article. Each one should be placed on its own page with a title, rather than being inserted into the main text. Musical examples should be submitted either as camera-ready copy (preferably pre-sized to the JOURNAL’s page margins), or as electronic files in EPS, TIFF, or Acrobat PDF format; an extra charge will be made for converting handwritten examples to printable form.
  • The Journal welcomes illustrations. Since the author is responsible for acquiring them, they remain his or her property and will be returned. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission—for both print and electronic publication?from the owners of original paintings, photographs, and other illustrative material, some of which may be under copyright protection. Copies of all permissions should be received by the editor no later than six weeks following an article’s acceptance for publication.

If photographs and diagrams are submitted as hard copy, each one should be on a separate page, with small items glued to a blank white sheet. Photographs should be clear glossy prints, preferably black-and-white although color prints are also acceptable. (There may be an additional charge for conversion from slides or other transparencies.) Diagrams must be of draftsman quality and camera-ready.

Alternatively, such material may be submitted in electronic form. In this case, it must conform to the publisher’s technical specifications, which may be consulted on line at http://www.areditions.com/journals/info/FileSub.html. Briefly, this means it should be in an appropriate format, such as Quark Express, Photoshop EPS or TIFF, Adobe Illustrator EPS, or Acrobat PDF; please inquire before sending any JPG files. Scans should be at 300 dpi for grayscale images and a minimum of 900 to 1200 dpi for line art. Each art file should contain only one art example, comprising a single page; captions should be supplied as part of the article’s text and not included with the art files. All art files should be submitted on disk rather than by e-mail, acompanied in each case by a hard copy printout for reference and review.

Regardless of the method used for submission, number the hard copy of each figure on the back, in a series separate from the numbering of any musical examples or tables, and indicate which direction is up unless there is no possibility for ambiguity. List figure captions on a separate page or pages and include complete source information for all illustrations, such as location and institution, inventory number, and credits for photographers and previous publishers.

After an article is accepted, the author will be asked to supply an electronic copy of the text, either on a disk or as an e-mail attachment, preferably in Microsoft Word. (This may also be included as part of the original submission, in addition to the three required hard copies, but is likely to be rendered obsolete by subsequent editorial requests for revisions.) Files may be formatted either for Windows or Macintosh computers; if a word processing program other than Microsoft Word or WordPerfect is used, a generic (ASCII) version should also be included.

Book Reviews. The Journal reviews books on subjects concerning the construction, history, sociology, and conservation of instruments, and questions of performance practice related to particular instruments. Reviews are ordinarily between 750 and 1000 words long, but length is negotiable. Reviewers normally receive a copy of the book reviewed. Suggestions of books for review or of possible new reviewers are always welcome. Reviews are normally solicited by the review editor. Those interested in reviewing books are invited to write to: Dr. James B. Kopp, 1106 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (e-mail: j2kopp@aol.com).

Editorial Board

Journal Editorial Board:

  • Cecil Adkins
  • Edmund A. Bowles
  • Beth Bullard
  • Stewart Carter
  • Robert E. Eliason
  • William E. Hettrick
  • Cynthia Adams Hoover
  • Edward L. Kottick
  • Kathryn L. Shanks Libin
  • Kenneth Moore
  • Ardal Powell
  • Harrison Powley
  • Sam Quigley
  • Albert R. Rice
  • Kenneth Slowick
  • Susan E. Thompson

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