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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal

The Journal of the American Academy of Religion is generally considered to be the leading academic journal in the field of religious studies. Now in volume 75 and with a circulation of over 11,000, this international quarterly journal publishes leading scholarly articles that cover the full range of world religious traditions together with provocative studies of the methodologies by which these traditions are explored. Each issue also contains a large and valuable book review section.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

Journal of the American Academy of Religion is covered by the following abstracting and indexing services:

ATLA Religion Database
Book Review Index
British Humanities Index
Bulletin signaletique: Histoire et sciences des religions
Current Contents
Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature
Humanities Index
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fur Bibelwissenschaft and Grenzgebiete
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts
Magazines for Libraries
New Testament Abstracts
Religion Index One: Periodicals
Religious and Theological Abstracts
Religious Periodical Index
Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique
Social Science Citation Index
Social Services Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts

Instructions to Authors

Information for Authors

Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be addressed to:

Charles T. Mathewes

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400126
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126

Authors must submit three hard copies of their document, and a copy on disk (using a standard word-processing program in either PC or Mac format, preferably in Word). Papers should be roughly 8000 words in length (including references and footnotes). An abstract of not more than 150 words must accompany each manuscript. Original hard copies and electronic files (in PDF, TIFF, or EPS) of all figures should accompany manuscripts. Authors should provide full contact information, including e-mail address, with manuscripts. All manuscripts accepted are subject to editorial modification. Copies and disks will not be returned. Upon request, the editor will furnish authors with a style sheet.

The journal encourages the submission of suitable illustrations. Prepare your figures at print publication quality resolution, using applications capable of generating high-resolution .tif files (600 d.p.i. for line drawings and 300 d.p.i. for color and halftone artwork). Figures should be set at 4.5 inches wide. The printing process requires your figures to be in this format if your paper is accepted for publication. For useful information on preparing figures visit http://dx.sheridan.com where you can also test whether your figures are suitable for production by using the proflight tool at http://dx.sheridan.com/onl/. Please also prepare a second version of your figures at low-resolution for use in the review process; these versions of the figures can be saved in .jpg, .gif, .tif, or .eps format.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint extracts and reproduce illustrations. The permissions forms should be supplied with the final manuscript. All necessary credits and acknowledgments should be included in the figure legends.

Books for review should be sent to the book review editor:

Kurtis Schaeffer

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400126
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126

The Journal does not guarantee review of unsolicited books.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Charles Mathewes

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400126
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126


+1 434 924 1398


+1 434 924 1467


Kurtis Schaeffer

Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400126
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126

Publishers: Sending books for review


Mark A. Csikszentmihalyi

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Anna M. Gade

Oberlin College

R. Marie Griffith

Princeton University

Anne Monius

Harvard University

Jonathan Schofer

Harvard University

Corey D. B. Walker

Brown University


Hibba Abugideiri

Villanova University

Leila Ahmed

Harvard University

Victor Anderson

Vanderbilt University

Maria Pilar Aquino

University of San Diego

John Barbour

St. Olaf College

Catherine Bell

Santa Clara University

Maria Clara Bingemer

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Anne Blackburn

Cornell University

Ann Braude

Harvard University

Catherine Brekus

University of Chicago

Jose I. Cabezon

University of California, Santa Barbara

Elizabeth A. Castelli

Barnard College

David Chidester

University of Cape Town

Francisca Cho

Georgetown University

Francis X. Clooney

Boston College

Sheila Daveney

Iliff School of Theology

Barbara DeConcini

Emory University

Francis Schussler Fiorenza

Harvard University

Mary McClintock Fulkerson

Duke University Divinity School

Robert Gibbs

University of Toronto

Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

Princeton University

Terry F. Godlove Jr.

Hofstra University

Dan Gold

Cornell University

Sunil Goonasekera

University of Peradeniya

Yudit K. Greenberg

Rollins College

Janet Gyatso

Harvard University

William David Hart

University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Christine Heyrman

University of Deleware

Cindy Hoehler-Fatton

University of Virginia

Amy Hollywood

Harvard University

John Iskander

Georgia State University

David Jasper

University of Glasgow

Tazim R. Kassam

Syracuse University

Olga Kazmina

Moscow State University

Catherine Keller

Drew University

John Kieschnick

University of Bristol

David Klemm

University of Iowa

Gary Laderman

Emory University

Robin Lovin

Southern Methodist University

Laurie Maffly-Kipp

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Jane McAuliffe

Georgetown University

Richard Miller

Indiana University

Ebrahim Moosa

Duke University

Vasudha Narayanan

University of Florida

Michiaki Okuyama

Nanzan University

Jacob Olupona

University of California, Davis

Robert A. Orsi

Harvard University

Peter J. Paris

Princeton Theological Seminary

Laurie Patton

Emory University

Jean Porter

University of Notre Dame

Joseph L. Price

Whittier College

Tariq Ramadan

Oxford University

Richard Rosengarten

University of Chicago Divinity School

John K. Roth

Claremont McKenna College

Abdulaziz Sachedina

University of Virginia

Michael Satlow

Brown University

Leigh Schmidt

Princeton University

Regina Schwartz

Northwestern University

Robert Sharf

University of California, Berkeley

Mona Siddiqui

University of Glasgow

J. K. A. Smith

Calvin College

Kathryn Tanner

University of Chicago

Bron Taylor

University of Florida

Hava Tirosh-Samuelson

Arizona State University

Richard Valantasis

Iliff School of Theology

Manuel A. Vasquez

University of Florida

Steve Wasserstrom

Reed College

Jace Weaver

University of Georgia

Judith Weisenfeld

Princeton University

William Werpehowski

Villanova University

Elliot Wolfson

New York University

Robert Wuthnow

Princeton University

Glenn Yocum

Whittier College


Ann Williams Duncan


Jacqueline Brinton

Erika Meitner

Jennifer Phillips

Jessica Starling

Jeffrey Vogel

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