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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
JRS publishes papers on the history, archaeology, literature and art of Italy and the Roman Empire, from the earliest times down to about A.D. 700. The emphasis is on historical themes, but there are also articles on literary, archaeological and art historical topics, including issues of cultural and intellectual history. Papers make a fresh and significant contribution to the understanding of the Roman world and stimulate further discussion. Articles primarily on the archaeology of Roman Britain are published in Britannia. Please click here for full contents of the journal including detailed list of books reviewed and reviewers
Instructions to Authors

Journal of Roman Studies Policy Statement



Scope. The JRS aims to publish papers in the full range of the field which the Roman Society was established to promote, that is the study of the history, archaeology, literature, and art of Italy and the Roman Empire, from the earliest times down to about AD 700. Although the emphasis of the Journal has been on historical themes, we welcome submissions on literary, archaeological and art historical topics, including those on issues of cultural and intellectual history that cut across these categories. Papers primarily concerned with the archaeology of Roman Britain should be sent in the first place to Britannia; those concerned with the archaeology of the Roman Empire at large are equally welcomed by this Journal.


Style. The Journal seeks to publish papers that make a fresh and significant contribution to the understanding of the Roman world, and have the potential to stimulate further discussion. Though papers have in recent years tended to be lengthy, the Journal would like to publish more short articles which address issues of general importance. All papers should be carefully thought through and clearly argued; this does not necessarily involve a heavy use of footnotes, but does involve clear statement of the argument and of its broader significance, and adequate signposting to the reader of the steps in the argument. They should so far as possible be accessible to the non-specialist reader, and citations in ancient languages should always be translated.


Editorial procedure. The Journal is run by an Editorial Committee: Professor Alison R. Sharrock (Editor), Professor Christopher J. Smith (Review Editor), Dr W. Mary Beard, Professor E. Gillian Clark, Professor Martin D. Goodman, Professor Philip R. Hardie, Dr Simon R.F. Price, Professor L. Michael Whitby, Professor Roger J.A. Wilson and Professor Greg D. Woolf. Submissions are circulated at the Editor’s discretion to members of the Committee and, where appropriate, to other specialist readers. In order to ensure maximum impartiality, all submissions are circulated without indication of authorship; it is helpful if submissions do not carry the author’s name, institutional affiliation or other indications of identity. The process of refereeing necessarily takes time, but authors may expect to receive a verdict within two or three months of submission. Detailed comments are normally sent only to authors of submissions which have been accepted, or which are thought suitable for resubmission. Authors are frequently invited to revise submissions in the light of such comments.


Deadlines. The Journal is scheduled to appear in November each year. The optimum time for submission is between April and December of any given year for appearance in the following year’s issue. Those intending to make submissions later than that are advised to contact the Editor in advance.


Style guidelines. Detailed guidelines on matters of presentation are available from the Editor, but recent issues of the Journal should be treated as a general guide.


Discs. Submission of the final version on disc is welcomed, but a clean print-out must also be supplied. Discs in Wordperfect or Word for Windows are preferred, but Word for Macintosh and other standard languages are also acceptable.


Electronic Matters. The Society has decided to make more use of electronic communication. The Society’s website now gives the table of contents and abstracts of all articles in the Journal published in 2002 and 2003, and the table of contents for articles published in 1997-2001. Whenever possible, articles now include the e-mail address of the author. The Society has decided to permit JSTOR (a system of electronic archiving) to put on its website back issues of the Journal; for information on access to JSTOR click here. The Society also makes available to members (for an extra charge) current issues of the Journal and Britannia in computer readable form.


Article submissions and all general enquiries should be addressed to the Editor, Professor A.R. Sharrock, Dept of Classics and Ancient History, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.


Correspondence relating to reviews should be addressed to the Review Editor, Professor C.J. Smith, Library of the Hellenic and Roman Societies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK.


Books for review should be sent to the Librarian, Hellenic and Roman Societies, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, UK.

Editorial Board

Chairman: Dr Simon R.F. Price

Journal of Roman Studies


Editor: Professor Alison R. Sharrock

Dept of Classics and Ancient History, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL

Editor: Dr A. Simon Esmonde Cleary, FSA

Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of

Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT

Review Editor: Professor Gregory D. Woolf

Review Editor: Mr Richard J. Brewer, FSA

Professor W. Mary Beard

Dr Barry C. Burnham, FSA

Professor E. Gillian Clark

Dr Hilary E.M. Cool

Professor Martin D. Goodman, FBA

Mrs Nina Crummy

Professor Philip R. Hardie, FBA

Professor Sheppard S. Frere, CBE, FBA

Professor Henry R. Hurst, FSA

Professor Michael G. Fulford, FBA, FSA

Professor Christopher J. Smith

Professor Lawrence J.F. Keppie, FSA, FRSE


Dr John Peter Wild, FSA

Editor, JRS Monographs: Professor Christopher J. Smith

Editor, Britannia Monographs: Dr John Peter Wild

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