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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of Research in Music Education (JRME) publishes research reports that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of music. An essential objective of the JRME is to communicate research results to active researchers as well as to a broad spectrum of other individuals with interest in music education. Authors should be especially clear in reporting their purpose, procedures, and conclusions, and they should suggest implications for and applications to the profession. We encourage research on the issues raised in A Research Agenda for Music Education: Thinking Ahead and Vision 2020: The Housewright Declaration.
Instructions to Authors

Please submit four copies of the typed, double-spaced manuscript, along with four copies of a separate abstract not exceeding 150 words (960 characters, including spaces), on 8?inch by 11-inch paper. The type size of the manuscript text should be no smaller than 12 points (double spacing should include 28 points total for the line of text and the following line). Tables and figures should have text no smaller than eight points when the item is reduced to fit the JRME's column size, which is approximately 4inches wide and 7inches high. Figures and drawings must be camera-ready copy. The entire manuscript, including the abstract and any figures, drawings, tables, and references, generally should not exceed 20 pages. However, longer articles in which extensive narrative is essential will be given full consideration. We encourage the submission of short-form articles (4-10 pages) in addition to full-length reports. The short form is appropriate for research involving multiple investigations of a continuing line of research and for replications. Short-form articles must be labeled as such on the title page submitted to the chairperson of the editorial committee. To enable anonymity in the reviewing process, the author's name, address, and institutional affiliation must appear only on a separate cover sheet, and the manuscript and the abstract should contain no clues to the author's identity or institutional affiliation. If you have an e-mail address, please include it in your correspondence on the cover sheet only. Manuscripts not adhering to these guidelines will be returned.

Research articles must conform to one of the following style manuals: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition, 2001), The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition, 2003), or A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (K. L. Turabian, 6th edition, rev. by John Grossman & Alice Bennett, 1996). Authors may not mix styles within a single manuscript, and the title page must indicate the style used. Please write in clear, readable English, limit the use of passive voice, and avoid excess words.

The JRME also accepts announcements containing the contents of other music research journals and calls for papers for research conferences on a space-available basis. Table of contents announcements must exclude all subscription information except the name and address (including e-mail) of the appropriate contact person, or the publisher's Web site. Calls for papers must be brief. Announcements by the Society for Research in Music Education will take precedence. Deadlines are December 1 for the Spring issue; March 1 for Summer; June 1 for Fall; and September 1 for Winter. All copy must be sent to the chairperson of the Editorial Committee for review prior to publication.

In accordance with the "Code of Ethics," submitting a manuscript indicates that it has not been published previously and is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, either in its entirety or in part. Authors are expected to comply with APA ethical standards (www.apa.org/ethics/code2002.html) and institutional and federal regulations in the treatment of human subjects.

Editorial Board

Please address manuscripts and correspondence concerning editorial matters to:

Wendy L. Sims
Chairperson, JRME Editorial Committee
University of Missouri-Columbia
138 Fine Arts Bldg.
Columbia, MO 65211

E-mail: jrme@missouri.edu

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