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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and scope
Sponsored by the Blanton-Peale Institute, which joins the perspectives of psychology and religion, Journal of Religion and Health explores the most contemporary modes of religious thought with particular emphasis on their relevance to current medical and psychological research. Using an eclectic approach to the study of human values, health, and emotional welfare, this journal provides a scholarly forum for the discussion of topical themes on both a theoretical and practical level.

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts, in English, should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief via the journal's web-based online manuscript submission and peer-review system:


Inquiries regarding journal policy, manuscript preparation, and other such general topics should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief:

David A. Leeming, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Religion and Health
Blanton-Peale Institute
3 West 29th Street
New York, NY 10001
e-mail: dleeming@blantonpeale.org
Tel.: (212) 725-7850, Ext. 110

The online system offers easy straightforward log-in and submission; supports a wide range of submission file formats [such as Word, WordPerfect, RTF, TXT, and LaTeX for manuscripts; TIFF, GIF, JPEG, EPS, PPT, and Postscript for figures (artwork)]; eliminates the need to submit manuscripts as hard-copy printouts, disks, and/or e-mail attachments; enables real-time tracking of manuscript status by author; and provides help should authors experience any submission difficulties.

Manuscripts should be checked for content and style (correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar; accuracy and consistency in citation of figures, tables, and references; stylistic uniformity of entries in the References section; etc.), as the typesetter is instructed to follow (accepted) manuscripts as presented. Page proofs are sent to the designated author for proofreading and checking. Typographical errors are corrected; authors alterations are not allowed.

Books for review and inquiries about book reviews should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief at the above address.
Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors (or their employers, if they hold the copyright) to the Blanton-Peale Institute will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. Such a written transfer of copyright, which previously was assumed to be implicit in the act of submitting a manuscript, is necessary under the U.S. Copyright Law in order for the publisher to carry through the dissemination of research results and reviews as widely and effectively as possible.

Manuscript Style
Type double-spaced using generous margins on all sides, The entire manuscript, including quotations, references, figure-caption list, and tables, should be double-spaced. Manuscript length, except under unusual circumstances, should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages. Number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals, with the title page being 1. In order to facilitate masked (previously termed "double-blind") review, leave all identifying information off the manuscript, including the title page and the electronic file name. Appropriate identifying information is attached automatically to the electronic file. Upon initial submission, the title page should include only the title of the article.

An additional title page is to be uploaded as a separate submission item and should include the title of the article, author's name (with degree), and author's affiliation. Academic affiliations of all authors should be included. The affiliation should comprise the department, institution (usually university or company), city, and state (or nation) and should be typed as a footnote to the author's name. The title page should also include the complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the one author designated to review proofs. A brief autobiographical paragraph, preferably no longer than 100 words, that includes highest degree, academic affiliation, expertise, projects, etc. (in that order) should be included on the title page.

An abstract is to be provided, preferably no longer than 100 words.

A list of 3¨5 key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing purposes.
Illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals and cited in numerical order in the text. Photographs should be high-contrast and drawings should be dark, sharp, and clear. Artwork for each figure should be provided on a separate page. Each figure should have an accompanying caption. The captions for illustrations should be listed on a separate page.

Tables should be numbered (with Arabic numerals) and referred to by number in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate page. Center the title above the table, and type explanatory footnotes (indicated by superscript lowercase letters) below the table.
List references alphabetically at the end of the paper and refer to them in the text by name and year in parentheses. References should include (in this order): last names and initials of all authors, year published, title of article, name of publication, volume number, and inclusive pages. The style and punctuation of the references should conform to strict APA style Cillustrated by the following examples:

Journal Article
Plante, T. G., & Aldridge, A. (2005). Psychological patterns among Roman Catholic clergy accused of sexual misconduct. Pastoral Psychology, 54, 73¨C80.

Levin, J. (2002). God, faith and health: Exploring the spiritualit  Chealing connection. New York: Wiley.

Contribution to a Book
Cutler, D. L., Bigelow, D., Collins, V., Jackson, C., & Field, G. (2002). Why are severely mentally ill persons in jail and prison? In P. Backlar & D. L. Cutler (Eds.), Ethics in community mental health care: Commonplace concerns (pp. 137¨C154). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Footnotes should be avoided. When their use is absolutely necessary, footnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and should be typed at the bottom
of the page to which they refer. Place a line above the footnote, so that it is set off from the text. Use the appropriate superscript numeral for citation in the text.

In general, the journal follows the recommendations of the 2001 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Fifth Edition), and it is suggested that contributors refer to this publication.
No Page Charges
The journal makes no page charges. Reprints are available to authors, and order forms with the current price schedule are sent with proofs.
Springer Open Choice
Open Choice Publication: In addition to the normal publication process (whereby an article is submitted to the journal and access to that article is granted to customers who have purchased a subscription), Springer now provides an alternative publishing option: Springer Open Choice. A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular ¡°subscription-based¡± article, but in addition is made available publicly through Springer¡¯s online platform, SpringerLink. To publish via Springer Open Choice, upon acceptance please visit the link below to complete the relevant order form and provide the required payment information. Payment must be received in full before publication or articles will be published as regular subscription-model articles. We regret that Springer Open Choice cannot be ordered for published articles.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board


David A. Leeming, Ph.D.
Blanton-Peale Institute, New York, USA

Executive Editor:

Kathryn Madden, Ph.D.
Blanton-Peale Institute, New York, USA

Former Editors:

Harry C. Meserve, D.D.; Ann Ulanov, Ph.D.; Barry Ulanov, Ph.D.

Editorial Advisory Board:

Jeffrey H. Boyd, M.D., M.Div., M.P.H.J.; Arthur Caliandro, D.D., L.H.D.; Donald Capps, Ph.D.; Ana Maria Catanzaro, R.N., Ph.D.; Ewert Cousins, Ph.D.; Soren Ekstrom, Ph.D.; Kevin J. Flannelly, Ph.D.; R. Frank Gillum, M.D., M.S.P.H.; Daniel E. Hall, M.D.; Fredrica R. Halligan, Ph.D.; Curtis W. Hart, M.Div.; James W. Jones, Ph.D.; Donald Kalsched, Ph.D.; Norman J. Kansfield, Ph.D.; Felicity Kelcourse, Ph.D.; Harold G. Koenig, M.D., M.H.Sc.; Elizabeth Midlarsky, Ph.D.; James Parks Morton, D.D.; David M. Moss, Ph.D.; V. Walter Odajnyk, Ph.D.; John Peale, Ph.D.; William Rich, Ph.D.; Jane Simon, M.D.; Charles B. Strozier, Ph.D.; Ann Ulanov, Ph.D.; Peter H. Van Ness, Ph.D.; Andrew Weaver, Ph.D.

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