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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Electronic edition at ingentaJournals

The Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages is designed to be part of an international effort to bring together scholarly treatments of all aspects of pidginization and creolization. Special emphasis is laid on the presentation of the results of current research in theory and description of pidgin and creole languages, and application of this knowledge to language planning, education, and social reform in creole-speaking societies.

The journal has a companion series of books, the Creole Language Library, under the editorship of Miriam Meyerhoff and Umberto Ansaldo.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, IBR/IBZ, INIST, Int. Bibliography of Social Sciences, Language Abstracts, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, European Reference Index for the Humanities

Instructions to Authors

Contributions are welcomed from all countries. They should be written in English, using American spellings. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary and Webster's Third New International Dictionary are recommended as references. Manuscript style, including the references, citations, and punctuation standards, should be in APA. For articles, one (1) clear paper copy and one (1) electronic copy preferably as an e-mail attachment should be sent to the Editor. The receipt of manuscripts will be promptly acknowledged, however note that manuscripts cannot be returned.

Manuscripts, for articles only, are reviewed anonymously by at least two competent scholars. Authors' identification should be provided on a separate sheet, giving the title, name of author(s) and affiliation, business and home addresses, email address, and telephone numbers. The title page of the article and all subsequent pages should not identify the author. If you do identify yourself in the body of the manuscript, by whatever means, we will not remove that identification. Authors will be informed within four months whether their article has been accepted for publication.
Manuscripts of articles must be accompanied by both a set of keywords (maximum 10) and an abstract of 100-200 words. The abstract should be a summary of the entire paper, not just the conclusions. The only constraint on the length of articles is that they should be no longer than they need be. Authors must write concisely, avoiding excessive numbers of examples.
Short Notes are encouraged where the point can be made very briefly. They must be less than 1500 words (including references and endnotes) and should be identified as a Short Note, but they may also have a title of their own. We especially encourage Short Notes that are an elaboration of articles already published, as well as of the regular column that appears in the journal. For each Short Note, one paper copy and an electronic copy perferably in the form of an email attachment should be sent to the Editor; no abstract is necessary. These are not peer reviewed, a fact which will be stated. Unless you instruct us not to do so, Short Notes will also be placed on JPCL's website.
Book Reviews and Books for Review. We will normally invite reviews, but unsolicited reviews may be accepted. Unusually long, in-depth reviews are classified as review articles. The editors reserve the right to ask for revisions of reviews, or in rare cases, to decline to print a review altogether. Reviews should be written in English, and should normally be under 1500 words. One paper copy of the review and a disk should be sent to the Associate Editor, Armin Schwegler. Alternatively, prior to sending a hardcopy, reviewers may contact the Associate Editor to see whether the review can be sent via email attachment (this only works if there are no complicated symbols (phonetic symbols) or graphs. The receipt of your review will be promptly acknowledged.

The editors reserve the right to introduce minor cuts and to amend the phrasing and punctuation in all items accepted for publication. Authors are requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting them.
Phonetic transcriptions should employ the symbols and conventions of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The transcription should be no narrower than is necessary for the purpose. Certain symbols and diacritics cannot be easily transmitted electronically. We will carefully compare your paper printout with the electronic copy to make sure nothing is lost. Please note that we prefer the use of IPAKiel or SIL fonts.
Figures, trees, and other line illustrations, including photographs, or "plates" (though not simple rules and examples), must be reproducible originals on separate sheets, drawn in india ink (or using computer graphics and a laser printer) in large size and carefully lettered (either by strip letters, or by using a typewriter with a new plastic carbon ribbon, or computer graphics). The legends and other internal components of these items must follow APA style. The place where they are to be inserted should be indicated in the main text. Legends, labels, shadings, and details should be clearly distinguished and large enough to remain legible after a reduction to half size. With the permission of the author and publisher, items in color will be placed on the JPCL website, with a black-and-white version appearing in print.

Corrections. Authors are asked to check their manuscripts very carefully before submitting them to prevent delays at the proof stage. Authors should make every effort to prepare their manuscripts very cleanly. Please keep the Editor informed of your current mailing address and e-mail address so that proofs can be sent to you. In the case of multiple authorship, proofs will be sent to the first author only, or to a nominee. Proofs will be sent by e-mail as a PDF file, unless the Author has indicated when submitting the article that this is not possible. Authors will be expected to check them and return corrections on a print-out to the Editor, by airmail where appropriate, within five days of receipt. Since corrections in the proof stage are very costly, changes by authors involving alteration of the original text may be charged. Reference updates are encouraged, however.

Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated.
Permissions. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permissions to reprint materials that have been previously published. Permissions are mandatory for prose texts that exceed more than 400 words, all poetry, figures, and tables.
Copyright. Upon acceptance of a contribution, author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher.

Editor: Review editor:
Donald Winford Armins Schwegler
The Ohio State University      University of California, Irvine
Dept of Linguistics Dept of Spanish & Portuguese
Columbus, OH 43210 Irvine, CA 92697-5275
jpcl@ling.ohio-state.edu aschwegl@uci.edu
Fax (614) 292-8833  

Editorial Board


Donald Winford, Columbus, Ohio

Associate Editor
Armin Schwegler, University of California, Irvine

Honorary Editor
Glenn Gilbert, Southern Illinois University, Emeritus

Editorial Assistant
Ila Nagar, The Ohio State University

Editorial Board
Philip Baker, Universities of Westminster and London
Peter Bakker, Aarhus University
Adrienne Bruyn, Radboud University Nijmegen
Robert Chaudenson, Directeur de l'Institut de la Francophonie
¨¨ve Escure, University of Minnesota

George L. Huttar, Summer Institute of Linguistics
Silvia Kouwenberg, University of the West Indies - Mona
Barbara Lalla, University of the West Indies, Trinidad
Claire Lefebvre, Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al
John M. Lipski, University of New Mexico - Albuquerque
John McWhorter, Manhattan Institute - New York
Salikoko S. Mufwene, University of Chicago
Ingo Plag, University of Siegen
John R. Rickford, Stanford University
Edgar W. Schneider, University of Regensburg
Jeff Siegel, University of New England & University of Hawai'i - Honolulu
John Victor Singler, New York University
Sarah G. Thomason, University of Michigan

Editorial Advisory Board
Enoch O. Aboh, University of Amsterdam
Michael Aceto, East Carolina University
Marlyse Baptista, University of Georgia
Alan N. Baxter, Universidade de Macau
Anne-Marie Brousseau, University of Toronto
J. Clancy Clements, University of New Mexico
Viviane D¨¦prez, Rutgers University
Hubert Devonish, University of the West Indies - Mona
Anthony P. Grant, Bradford
Tometro Hopkins, Florida International University
Magnus Huber, Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen
Alain Kihm, Universit¨¦ de Paris
Miriam Meyerhoff, University of Edinburgh
Bettina Migge, UC Dublin
Peter L. Patrick, University of Essex
Yolanda Rivera-Castillo, University of Puerto Rico - Rios Piedras
Sarah J. Roberts, Stanford University
Arthur K. Spears, City University of New York Graduate Center

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