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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Purpose: To publish philosophical articles of current interest and encourage the interchange of ideas, especially the exploration of the borderline between philosophy and other disciplines.


The Journal of Philosophy was founded in 1904 as The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods by Frederick J. E. Woodbridge and J. McKeen Cattell. In 1906, Wendell T. Bush became associated with the Journal as co-editor. In 1923, the Journal was incorporated in the State of New York under its present name. Since its founding it has been published from Columbia University. It is typeset by Dartmouth Journal Services, Waterbury, VT, and printed by The Sheridan Press, Hanover, PA.

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Philosophy is published monthly, in issues that (ordinarily) contain only about 56 pages of copy; as a result, ideally, articles should run no longer than 7,500 words, or 18 Journal pages. We are certainly willing to consider papers that are even substantially longer than this target length and, at our discretion, may choose to publish them. Please be aware, however, that we may request cuts before acceptance and we may decline to read manuscripts due to their exceeding our target length by a prohibitive amount. A more precise way of determining length is by characters (including spaces): 2,850 characters per Journal page, or 51,300 characters per Journal article of 18 pages.

The editors request that manuscripts submitted be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  1. All material, including the quotations and footnotes, must be typed, double-spaced, and one-sided, with ample margins left and right, top and bottom.
  2. No bibliographies will be published; bibliographical material should be put in footnotes.
  3. Footnotes should be complete, according to Journal style (see any issue). Journal citations should include: name of journal in full, volume number, issue number, month or season, year, and pages. Book references should include: U.S. city of publication, publisher, and date.
  4. Quotations should be checked by the author; capitalization, italics, spelling, and the like should match the original.
  5. If there are diagrams, they should be provided camera-ready by the author. If there are special symbols, they should be widely spaced and clearly marked. Standard logic symbols are available, and letters of the Greek and script alphabet.
  6. No underlining; please limit use of italics to technical terms (when they are introduced) and to variables.
  7. Please minimize use of contractions.

The editors are of course willing to read and evaluate a manuscript that does not meet these guidelines, provided the author agrees to meet them before submitting a final manuscript. The editors may ask for revision and may require reformatting of accepted manuscripts.

Although we continue to prefer to receive three hard copies of submissions for the time being, manuscripts may also be sent as email attachments. Please do check any emails sent for viruses. Hard copy manuscripts will not be returned unless postage is provided.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not be currently under consideration at another journal. Manuscripts do not have to be prepared for blind review. A majority of papers submitted to us are reviewed by the members of our editorial board; usually two but sometimes as many as five or six internal readings can take place depending on the manuscript. Manuscripts are sent outside our board for refereeing under a variety of conditions and circumstances, but always if a manuscript is deemed to be outside the competency of our board members or if there is a conflict of interest. Manuscripts while in circulation inside the editorial board are not blinded; any manuscript sent to a non-board member for refereeing is blinded, however. Please note that, due to the high volume of manuscripts being submitted, we do not promise to send editorial comments unless we hold a paper longer than six months

The Journal of Philosophy does not publish papers that are primarily historical or expository; the editors urge that such manuscripts be submitted elsewhere. While we do not in general publish manuscripts that mainly comment on articles published elsewhere, we do have a specific "Comments and Criticism" section in which short responses to Journal articles may be published.

Manuscripts may be sent to:

John Smylie, Managing Editor, Journal of Philosophy, 709 Philosophy Hall, Mail Code 4972, 1150 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027.

E-mail: jys3@columbia.edu

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Bernard Berofsky, Akeel Bilgrami, John Collins, Arthur C. Danto, Kent Greenawalt, Patricia Kitcher, Philip Kitcher, Isaac Levi, Wolfgang Mann, Mary Mothersill, Frederick Neuhouser, Christopher Peacocke, Carol Rovane, Achille C. Varzi

Consulting Editors

David Albert, James T. Higginbotham, Robert May, Charles D. Parsons, Wilfried Sieg

Managing Editor

John Smylie

Board of Trustees


Arthur C. Danto

Vice President

Akeel Bilgrami


Michael J. Mooney


Liaquat Ahamed

Other Trustees

Lee Bollinger
Leigh S. Cauman
Barbara Gimbel
Kent Greenawalt
Lynn Nesbit
Daniel Shapiro

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