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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Musicological Research publishes original articles on all aspects of the discipline of music: historical musicology, style and repertory studies, music theory, ethnomusicology, music education, organology, and interdisciplinary studies.

Because contemporary music scholarship addresses critical and analytical issues from a multiplicity of viewpoints, the Journal of Musicological Research seeks to present studies from all perspectives, using the full spectrum of methodologies. This variety makes the Journal a place where scholarly approaches can coexist, in all their harmony and occasional discord, and one that is not allied with any particular school or viewpoint.

In addition to original research articles, the Journal of Musicological Research also publishes book reviews.

Please submit books for review to the Book Review Editor, Marian Wilson-Kimber at School of Music, 1022 Voxman Music Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, mwilsonk@netdoor.com

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors


Printable PDF Version

Aims and Scope

It is the purpose of this journal to publish original articles representing a wide range of approaches to the study of music, including historical and archival studies, theory and analysis, ethnomusicology, interdisciplinary explorations, critical and interpretive essays, and reports and reflections on the current state of musical scholarship.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted on CD-rom to Deborah Kauffman, University of Northern Colorado, School of Music, Campus Box 28, Greeley, CO 80639, USA. A hardcopy printout that exactly matches the CD-rom must be supplied. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts prepared using MS Word. The CD-rom should be clearly labeled with the authors' names, file name, and software program. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher.

All parts of the manuscript should be typewritten on good quality paper, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. Number manuscript pages consecutively throughout the paper. The maximum preferred length is 30 typed pages, double-spaced. Authors should also supply a shortened version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 character spaces. Each article should be summarized in an abstract of no more than 100 words. Abstracts should not include abbreviations, diagrams, or reference to the text. Articles are published only in English.

All books for review should be submitted to Marian Wilson Kimber, School of Music, 1022 Voxman Music Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, m-wilson-kimber@uiowa.edu.


On the title page, include full names of authors, academic, or other professional affiliations, and the complete mailing address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent.


References and footnotes should be presented in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style (14th ed.), The University of Chicago Press.

Illustrations and Tables

Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomi-crographs, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines:

  • 300 dpi or higher
  • sized to fit on journal page
  • EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only
  • submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files

All illustrations should be numbered with consecutive arabic numerals, include a legend, and be mentioned in the text. Color illustrations will be considered for publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in their printing and publication. The charge for the first page with color is $900.00. A custom quote will be provided for color art totaling more than 4 journal pages. Good quality color prints should be provided in their final size. The publisher has the right to refuse publication of any figures deemed unacceptable.

Musical examples and tables should not be embedded in the text, but should be included as separate sheets or files. A short descriptive title should appear above each both musical examples and tables with a clear legend. Any table footnotes should be suitably identified below. All units must be included in tables.

Page Proofs

All proofs must be corrected and returned to the publisher within 48 hours of receipt. If the manuscript is not returned within the allotted time, the editor will proofread the article and it will be printed per his instruction. Only correction of typographical errors is permitted.

Complimentary Copies and Reprints

Each corresponding author will receive one copy of the issue in which the article appears. Reprints of individual articles are available for order at the time authors review page proofs. A discount on reprints is available to authors who order before print publication.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Deborah Kauffman
School of Music
University of Northern Colorado
Frasier Hall, Campus Box 28
Greeley, CO 80639 USA
Fax: (970) 351-1923
Email: deborah.kauffman@unco.edu

Book Review Editor

Marian Wilson Kimber
School of Music
1022 Voxman Music Building
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
Email: mwilsonk@netdoor.com

Editorial Assistant - Rex Daniel Carrier

Editorial Board

Jonathan Bellman - School of Music, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA
Philip V. Bohlman - University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Tara Browner - University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA 
John Covach - University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
Andrew Dell'Antonio - University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
Lydia GoehrColumbia University, New York, New York, USA
David Gramit - University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ellen HarrisMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Margaret Kartomi - Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
William KindermanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Ralph P. Locke - University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
Massimo Ossi - Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
James Parakilas - Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA
Richard Sherr - Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Will Straw - McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Yo TomitoQueen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Susan Youens - University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

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