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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Anuario Filosófico es la revista del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Navarra. Desde 1968 ha recogido en sus páginas el resultado de la investigación de numerosos autores españoles y extranjeros. Acepta artículos sistemáticos e históricos tanto de la tradición continental como de la analítica. Cada volumen anual comprende tres números con un total de 750-900 páginas por año. Incluye Estudios y Notas de las diversas áreas de la filosofía, as como reseñas de libros de actualidad. Cada número reúne una amplia información acerca de Novedades Bibliográficas -unos 800 libros anuales- ordenada por áreas temáticas. Anuario Filosófico se dirige a especialistas en la investigación filosófica, profesores y estudiantes de filosofía y humanidades. La revista tiene un amplio ámbito de difusión nacional e internacional, y se intercambia con revistas españolas y de otros países.
Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

1. Articles should be sent by email to ealarcon@unav.es in a format suitable for blind reviewing. The papers will be submitted to a double revision by peer reviewers external to the Editorial Committee. The decision will be communicated to the authors, along with any observations or suggestions considered appropriate by the reviewers, within six months of our receiving the article. In June of each year, the Editorial Committee will make its determination as to which articles will be included in the miscellaneous issue that is published each December.

2. Articles should ordinarily be written in Spanish. They should not be longer than 8,000 words including footnotes (50,000 characters including blank spaces). Submissions must include an abstract of up to 75 words, and may also include up to 4 keywords. At the end of the article authors should include their name, affiliation, city and email address.

3. Citations should be placed between double quotation marks ("like this"; they should also be brief. Square brackets can be used to clarify some term within a quotation, e.g. "the link between this [particular case] and the agent's end" Bibliographical material should be put in footnotes.

4. Footnotes should also be brief. Book references must take this form: R. Spaemann (in small caps), Ética: cuestiones fundamentales, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1987, p. 113 (or: pp. 113-115). Article references: R. Yepes, "Los sentidos del acto en Aristóteles", Anuario Filosófico, 25 (1992), pp. 493-512. If only one author's work is quoted in the article, further quotations can take the form: R. Spaemann, op. cit., p. 108. To quote different works by the same author, the title can be abbreviated this way: R. Spaemann, Ética, p. 95; R. Spaemann, "Lo natural", p. 15. To give a reference rather than a quotation, the footnote should begin by: Cfr. To avoid the repetition of the same citation in consecutive footnotes, use Ibidem.

5. The numbering of section headings should be in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, ...), with the heading in small caps; subheadings should be in italics, numbered (a), b), ...).

6. Contributors will receive a set of proofs, which will require immediate correction. Once the article has been published, authors will receive a copy of the issue and 20 offprints free of charge.

7. Published contributions must be original. It is understood that no part of a submitted contribution will have already been published elsewhere. After publication, authors are free to use their texts again without the publisher's permission, as long as they cite Anuario Filosófico as its source.

8. Book reviews may be between 600 and 1,000 words long. They should be submitted for consideration to garciaval@unav.es

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Editorial Board
Anuario Filosófico is the Journal of the department of Philosophy of the University of Navarra. It publishes three issues each year.

Advisory Board

Juan Arana (Seville), Werner Beierwaltes (Munich), Ralph McInerny (Notre Dame), Giovanni Reale (Milan), Robert Spaemann (Munich).

Staff Members
Jaime Nubiola: go to C.V. María Jesús Soto: go to C.V. Miguel García-Valdecasas
Editor Senior Assistant Editor Junior Assistant Editor
Jaime Nubiolaa
Enrique Alarcón
Miguel García-Valdecasas



Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri Soraya Salinas Soraya Salinas
Reviews Editor
Julia Urabayen
Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri
Soraya Salinas



Corina Dávalos Borja Valcarce  
Corina Dávalos
Borja Valcarce


Other Publications

Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico. This series of research books is run independently from the Journal. To browse its catalog or place an order, please visit their own sites.

Portada Clásicos de la Sociología
Serie Clásicos de la Sociología
Portada Estética y Teoría de las Artes
Serie Estética y Teoría de las Artes
Portada Pensamiento Español
Serie de Pensamiento Español
Portada Serie Universitaria
Serie Universitaria

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