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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Jewish Studies, published in Oxford, is an international academic journal founded in 1948 for the promotion of research into all aspects of Jewish studies.

Owned by the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies since 1976, the Journal has become one of the leading forums in the world for new findings and discussions of Jewish history, literature and religion from Biblical times to the present day. A large reviews section and a list of Books Received keeps readers in touch with recent publications. The Journal appears twice a year in Spring and Autumn.

The Journal of Jewish Studies is now available both in print and additionally in electronic version. The Journal of Jewish Studies Online can be subscribed to by Institutional and Individual subscribers to the print version. For details go to Journal Online or Subscribe.

A fully searchable and sortable Table of Contents of all published material is freely available online on this site.

Instructions to Authors

Notes To Contributors

'An important voice' - The Times Higher Education Supplement

JJS welcomes submission of articles which make a fresh and original contribution to all branches and all periods of Jewish Studies, extending from the biblical to the modern era. While the Journal is best known as a leader in scholarship of the earlier periods, we would welcome more submissions concerned with medieval and modern Jewish history and culture. Article-length publication of important new texts, manuscripts or inscriptions is encouraged. Review articles or longer critical discussions of important books are accepted.

Articles should be the original work of the author. They should not normally exceed 10,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Footnotes should not be of excessive length. The argument should be clearly presented, with adequate signposting of its stages by means of subtitles, and some indication of its wider significance.

Contributors must provide an abstract not exceeding 150 words together with their submission.

No article submitted for publication can be considered unless it is received in the form of an email attachment, both as a Word file and as a PDF file, at the JJS editorial email address jjsedi@herald.ox.ac.uk. All submissions must include the article, abstract, and the full author's details including name, title, email address for further correspondence, and postal address to which proofs may eventually be sent.

Editorial correspondence to:    Book reviews to:
The Editors
Journal of Jewish Studies
OCHJS, Yarnton Manor, Yarnton
Oxford OX5 1PY, UK
Tel. +44 1865 377946
Fax +44 1865 735034
E-mail jjsedi@herald.ox.ac.uk
   Dr Jonathan G. Campbell
Dept of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
3 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1LE, UK
Tel. +44 117 928871
E-mail jjsrev@herald.ox.ac.uk

No fee is offered, but all contributors of articles receive a copy of the issue containing their contribution, and twenty-five offprints of the article itself. Reviewers of books receive a copy of the issue containing their review.

Copyright in all material published belongs to the Journal, and no article may be reprinted without the Editors' written permission.

Style of Reference

References should be consistent. The following pattern is recommended:

  • Bible: Gen. 1:1
  • Mishnah: mBer 1:1
  • Tosefta: tBer. 1:1
  • Palestinian Talmud: yBer. 1c
  • Babylonian Talmud: bBer. 1b

The abbreviations of Classical works and authors should follow the Oxford Classical Dictionary (3rd edition).

Use only Arabic numerals for ancient works.

Books: E. S. Gruen, Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition (University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 1966), p. 197.

Articles: Martin Goodman, 'A Note on Josephus, the Pharisees and Ancestral Traditions', JJS 50 (1999), pp. 17-20.

In later citations: Gruen, Heritage (as in n. 13), p. 155, n. 57; Goodman, 'A Note' (as in n. 2), p. 18.

Copyright ?Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. All rights reserved
ISSN 0022-2097
Created and maintained by Developing World Software

Editorial Board

Professor Geza Vermes Dr Sacha Stern Dr Charlotte Hempel
Professor Geza Vermes, FBA,
University of Oxford
Dr Sacha Stern,
University College London
Book reviews editor:
Dr Charlotte Hempel,
University of Birmingham

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