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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of Historical Pragmatics provides an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical, empirical and methodological work at intersection of pragmatics and historical linguistics. The editorial focus is on socio-historical and pragmatic aspects of historical texts in their sociocultural context of communication (e.g. conversational principles, politeness strategies, or speech acts) and on diachronic pragmatics as seen in linguistic processes such as grammaticalization or discoursization.

Contributions draw on data from literary or non-literary sources and from any language. In addition to contributions with a strictly pragmatic or discourse analytical perspective, it also includes contributions with a more sociolinguistic or semantic approach. However, the focus of the articles is always on the communicative use of language.

The Journal of Historical Pragmatics contains original articles, research reports and book reviews. Occasionally focus-on issues are published on specific topics within the editorial scope of the journal.

The Journal of Historical Pragmatics invites relevant contributions. Authors are advised to consult the Guidelines. Abstracts of contributions may be sent to both editors, preferably via email.

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, ISI, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, European Reference Index for the Humanities, and in the following Thomson Scientific services: Social Sciences Citation Index; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Social Scisearch; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences; Current Contents/Arts & Humanities

Instructions to Authors
Guidelines for Contributors

  1. AUTHORS are invited to initially submit an abstract of their contribution preferably via email to both editors. [On request, prospective authors will be sent a document template (MS Word, current version) by one of the editors.]
  2. MANUSCRIPT submissions should be accompanied by a biographical note (50-75 words), an abstract (100-150 words) and the author(s) full name and address.
  3. Manuscripts may be submitted as email attachments if they do not contain unusual fonts. Otherwise two hard copies should be sent to both editorial addresses. Upon acceptance the author will be requested to submit the final version as email attachment or on disk, saved in a standard word processing format and in ASCII, and two hard copies of the text.
  4. Papers should be reasonably divided into SECTIONS and, if necessary, sub-sections.
  5. Contributions should be in English. Spelling should be either British or American English consistently throughout. If not written by a native speaker of English it is advisable to have the paper checked by a native speaker.
  6. Line drawings (FIGURES) and photographs (PLATES) should be submitted in camera-ready form or as TIFF or EPS files accompanied by a hard copy. They should be numbered consecutively, with appropriate captions. Reference to any Figures or Plates should be made in the main text and their desired position should be indicated on the printout.
  7. TABLES should be numbered consecutively and provided with appropriate captions. They should be referred to in the main text and their desired position should be indicated on the printout.
  8. QUOTATIONS should be given in double quotation marks. Quotations longer than 4 lines should be indented with a blank line above and below the quoted text.
  9. EXAMPLES should be numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses and set apart from the main body of the text with a blank line above and below. Examples from languages other than Modern English should appear in italics with a translation in single quotes immediately below each such example. If required, a word-by-word gloss (without quotes) may be provided between the example phrase and the translation.
  10. FOOTNOTES should be kept to a minimum. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the text in square brackets or superscript. They should be listed in a section 'Notes' following the main text. The notes should not contain reference material if this can be absorbed in the text and list of references.
  11. REFERENCES in the text should be as precise as possible, giving page references where necessary; for example: (Brinton 1996: 37). All references in the text should appear in the list of References.
  12. The REFERENCES should follow the Notes. References should be listed (1) alphabetically and (2) chronologically. Names of journals should be given in full with page references. Please pay special attention to the use of capitals, italics and punctuation marks given in the following examples:

    Brinton, Laurel J. 1996. Pragmatic Markers in English. Grammaticalization and Discourse Functions. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    Jucker, Andreas H. (ed.). 1995. Historical Pragmatics. Pragmatic Developments in the History of English (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 35). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Article in book/journal
    Taavitsainen, Irma. 1997. Genre conventions: Personal affect in fiction and non-fiction in Early Modern English. In: Matti Rissanen, Merja Kyt? and Kirsi Heikkonen (eds). English in Transition. Corpus-Based Studies in Linguistic Variation and Genre Styles. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 185-266.
    Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. 1989. On the rise of epistemic meanings in English: An example of subjectification in semantic change. Language 65(1), 31-55.

  13. Authors are kindly requested to check their manuscripts very carefully before submission in order to avoid delays and extra costs at the proof stage. Page proofs will be sent to the (first) author and must be corrected and returned within ten days of receipt. Any author's alterations other than typographical corrections in the page proofs may be charged to the author at the publisher's discretion.
  14. Authors of main articles will receive 30 offprints of their contribution and a complimentary copy of the issue. (In the case of multiple authors, the offprints will be sent to the first named author.)
  15. Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editors:
Andreas H. Jucker
    Irma Taavitsainen
      University of Zurich
        University of Helsinki
          Department of English
            Department of English
              Plattenstrasse 47
                Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu 3)
                  CH 8032 ZURICH
                    SF-00014 Helsinki
                          ahjucker@es.unizh.ch irma.taavitsainen@helsinki.fi

                          Editorial Board


                          Andreas H. Jucker, University of Zurich
                          Irma Taavitsainen, University of Helsinki

                          Editorial Board
                          Cynthia L. Allen, Australian National University, Canberra
                          Leslie K. Arnovick, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
                          Gudrun Bachleitner-Held, University of Salzburg
                          Marcel Bax, University of Groningen
                          Marcella Bertuccelli Papi, University of Pisa
                          Laurel J. Brinton, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
                          Jonathan Culpeper, Lancaster University
                          Andreas Fischer, University of Zurich
                          Susan M. Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
                          Gerd Fritz, Justus Liebig University, Giessen
                          Britt-Louise Gunnarsson, University of Uppsala
                          Terttu Nevalainen, University of Helsinki
                          Noriko O. Onodera, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo
                          Roger D. Sell, Åbo Akademi University
                          Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Stanford University

                          Editorial Address

                          Andreas H. Jucker
                          University of Zurich
                          Department of English
                          Plattenstrasse 47
                          CH 8032 ZURICH

                          Irma Taavitsainen
                          University of Helsinki
                          Department of English
                          Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu 3)
                          SF-00014 Helsinki, Finland

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