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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIESThe Journal of Hellenic Studies was first issued in 1880 and is internationally recognized as one of the foremost periodicals in the field of Classical scholarship. It contains articles on a wide variety of Hellenic topics, and reviews of recent books of importance to Greek studies. The supplement, Archaeological Reports provides fully illustrated accounts of archaeological work in Greece and other parts of the world that were sites of Greek culture. Occasional monographs also appear in the series Occasional Publications (replacing the former series Supplementary Papers).

Instructions to Authors


These notes supersede those published in JHS 118 (1998). Once accepted for publication, all contributions must adhere strictly to these conventions.

Submission of Articles

  1. Typescripts (both text and notes) must be double-spaced, on one side of the paper only, and with an ample margin. Notes follow the text, begin on a new page, and are numbered consecutively.

    At first submission, typescripts must not contain any indication of the author¡¯s identity; authors should, wherever possible, refer to their own work in the third person. More extensive and personalized reference to an author¡¯s previous work may be made in the final version.

    Greek must be typed, or Xeroxed from a clear text, using at least a 12-point font. Kadmos Greek or Athenian Greek is preferred.

    Typescripts of rejected submissions are not returned.

  2. Final versions of all accepted Articles must be submitted both in hard copy and on computer disk; a word-count, with text and footnotes treated separately, must be included in a covering letter. Our preference is for Microsoft Word in Mac format; further details will be sent to authors whose submissions have been accepted. The text of the typescript should match that of the disk exactly.

    Artwork (photographs, graphs, tables etc.) submitted with the final version must be in camera-ready form (i.e. requiring no processing other than change of size).

    It is the responsibility of the author, not of JHS, to seek permission for the reproduction of pictures of works of art, etc.


Quotations of Greek are not italicized. Brief Latin quotations in the body of the text are italicized; longer quotations may be set in as separate paragraphs and are not italicized. In Greek use iota adscript, not subscript; lunate sigma is not used (except where necessary in papyrological discussions). In Latin use u and V, not v and U, except where quoting ¡®non-ancient¡¯ Latin (e.g. commentators writing in Latin).

Authors are strongly encouraged to provide English translations for all Greek and Latin, particularly where this will increase the accessibility of the argument. Where an English translation, with occasional Greek or Latin words supplied in parenthesis, will do as well as the Greek or Latin original, then the translation alone will suffice. No strict rules in this matter are possible, and much will depend on the nature of the article and the argument, but authors must be conscious that JHS has a readership with a very wide variety of attainment level in the ancient languages.

Quotations from modem languages other than English are enclosed in single inverted commas and not italicized.

Material inserted in quotations is enclosed in square brackets.

Transliteration of Greek words

In transliterating names, authors may follow their preference provided that the system employed is, as far as possible, consistent: thus Boeotia and Dicaearchus or Boiotia and Dikaiarkhos. Complete consistency is probably neither practical nor desirable; in particular, very familiar names should remain in their familiar form: thus, Plato, not Platon, Aeschylus, not Aiskhylos, Oedipus, not Oidipous etc.

In transliterating words, the ¡®Greek¡¯ pattern should be followed as closely as possible; thus, strat¨ºgos, sôphrosun¨º, etc. Y , u are represented by U and u.

References to Ancient Works

Clarity and immediate recognition should be the overriding aims. Author abbreviations should, in general, follow LSJ (9th edn) and OLD, but variations in the interests of intelligibility as per OCD are encouraged. Use Aesch., Eur., Soph. rather than A., E., S., Virg. rather than V. etc.

References should be in the following form:

Ar. Birds 847-9
Arist. Metaph. 4.1016a 1-11
Hom. Od. 5.1-8
Lysias 21.5
Paus. 7.1.5
Pl. Rep. 5.474a 5-6
[Theocr.] 27.43
Call. fr. 251 Pf. (= Hecale 35 Hollis)
Stesich. PMGF 187 [i.e. not 187 Davies]
FGrHist 115 F153
IG III 21.5, IG IX.9 65, IG I 3 107
P.Oxy. 3535 fr. 1(a) col. ii 25
SEG 26.576.15
Do not use f. and ff. but give the exact references.

References to Modern Works

References take the following forms; please pay particular attention to details of capitalization and italicization:

A.S.F. Gow, Theocritus 2 (2nd edn, Cambridge 1952) 299 n. 1
G.E.R. Lloyd, Magic, Reason and Experience ( Cambridge 1979)
W. B¨¹hler, Die Europa des Moschos (Hermes Einzelschrift 13, Wiesbaden 1960)
A.A. Long, ¡®Morals and values in Homer¡¯, JHS 90 (1970) 121-39
RE 8.54-8; Suppl. 6.1241
LIMC 8.1 s.v. Zeus; LIMC 2.1 125
M.W. Haslam, ¡®Callimachus¡¯ Hymns¡¯, in M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit and G.C. Wakker (eds), Callimachus (Hellenistica Groningana 1, Groningen 1993) 111-25. (One editor is abbreviated ¡®ed.¡¯.)
LSJ s v . ¦Ê¦Á¦É II A .6.

Authors may choose one of the following two systems:
(i) All modern works cited are listed in the first note or separately at the end. In the text and notes these are cited by an author-date system, e.g. Handley (1965), West (1992g) 101-5 etc. Standard works of reference (e.g. RE, LIMC) need only be cited by initials.
(ii) Modern works are described in full at their first citation. Subsequent citations should refer back to the first as follows: Easterling (n.21) 51-6 (not Easterling op.cit. 51-6). Standard works of reference (e.g. RE, LIMC) need only be cited by initials.
Do not use ibid., loc.cit., and similar abbreviations.
Abbreviations of periodicals should in the main follow L¡¯ann¨¦e philologique, but may be expanded to avoid obscurity.

Miscellaneous Points of Style

  1. cf. is italicized unless immediately followed by an italicized word; thus cf. Dover (1970) 11¡¯, but ¡®cf. fr. 64¡¯. i.e. and e.g. are not italicized.
  2. Dates. 30 October 1953 ; 1830s; fifth century (hyphenated when used as an adjective); the sixties; c. 450; 409/8, 411/10, 421/20; 250-245 BC; AD 150-300; 1997-98.
  3. Numbers. Spell out numbers up to ten, unless the reference is to specific quantities (4 cm etc.). Elide pairs of numbers other than teens: thus 23-9, 130-9, 211-18.
  4. Use parentheses, not square brackets, within parentheses.
  5. Sophocles¡¯, Callimachus¡¯, Parsons¡¯, but Zeus¡¯s, Lloyd-Jones¡¯s (and so for all monosyllabic names).
  6. Acknowledgements etc. should be placed in a footnote to the article title and marked with an asterisk and not labelled as n.1.

Editorial Board

Professor Malcolm Schofield (President), Dr Angus Bowie (JHS Editor), Dr Poly Low (JHS Reviews Editor), Ms. Richella Doyle (AR Editor) Ms. Gina Coultard (Production Editor of JHS & AR), Professor Edith Hall, Professor Stephen Halliwell, Professor M.M. McCabe, Dr Riet van Bremen, Professor Robin Osborne.


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