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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Field Archaeology is a scholarly quarterly that publishes articles presenting the results of archaeological research worldwide, with no restriction regarding time period or cultural region. Articles range in topic from Palaeolithic campsites to a 19th-century sawmill, from food remains of prehistoric Mississippi to experiments in the technology of Classical Greece, from the use of satellite imagery in China to the sacred landscape of Oceania.

The articles present original research on the analysis and interpretation of topography, architecture, features, artifacts, and more. The focus is on the results of research in the laboratory, the survey region, or excavation.

The persuasions of archaeology represented include anthropological, biblical, classical, medieval, historical, and prehistoric. Other topics of major concern include ethics, the destruction of archaeological context, the illicit antiquities market, and the history of archaeology from the Renaissance to the present.

Instructions to Authors

Guidelines for Contributors---2005

For information regarding general guidelines for preparing illustrations for articles, please consult "The Nature of Clarity in Archaeological Line Drawings," by David Ford, Journal of Field Archaeology 20 (1993) 319--333.

A more recent survey, in digital form, of our requirements for illustrations is "Digital Graphics for the Journal of Field Archaeology," in html format or pdf format.

Editorial Policy

The Journal of Field Archaeology is published for for archaeologists, anthropologists, classicists, historians, scientists, heritage management specialists, and others concerned with the interpretation of the archaeological record around the world. In addition to analyses of archaeological data from excavations, surveys, and laboratory research, the JFA publishes technical and methodological studies of general significance and review articles that appeal to a wide professional readership. The JFA also publishes book reviews, brief articles in its "News and Short Contributions" section, and essays on looting and the antiquities market in its "Antiquities Market" section. Works of strictly regional or local significance, of chiefly art historical or entirely environmental nature, or of purely theoretical substance, as well as popular accounts meant primarily for a lay readership should not be submitted.


Manuscripts should be original reports dealing with material for which the author possesses publication rights. Since the readers of the JFA include archaeologists and others whose specialties are varied, the use of jargon is to be avoided. Articles should not be sent simultaneously to the JFA and to another publication. Contributors should be aware that the JFA retains the copyright for materials appearing within its pages. All manuscripts submitted to the JFA are reviewed by two or more scholars and the final decision on publication rests with the Editor. Manuscripts should be submitted in complete form and in JFA style; those submitted in a different style will be returned to the author for reformatting before being reviewed.

Some archaeologists in recent years have adopted the practice, common in the physical sciences, of listing as "authors" everyone who had some connection with the study. We discourage this practice and prefer that authorship be limited to those who, in fact, wrote the final manuscript, even when others have contributed to the research. In those instances where several hands have contributed parts of the text, authors should be especially conscious of the need to achieve a single, consistent narrative voice. Abrupt changes in style and tone from one section to another reduce the presentation to a pastiche and disrupt the reader's comprehension. Clarity and quality of presentation, including illustrations, are essential.

Manuscript Components

1. Four paper copies of the manuscript (including figures as printouts or originals) should be addressed to: Editor, Journal of Field Archaeology, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Any digital version of the manuscript provided at this stage (see below) will be used to expedite the review process.

2. Manuscripts should not exceed ca. 40 double-spaced pages of text, 10 illustrations, and three tables. The text must be in a typeface no smaller than 12 points, printed on one side of the paper, and double-spaced throughout, from the first line of the title through the last line of the figure captions. Margins on both sides, top, and bottom of each page should measure at least 1.5 inches. The order of elements in a manuscript should be as follows, with each element beginning on a new page:

A) Title page;
B) Abstract;
C) Narrative text ("Acknowledgments" can form the last paragraph[s]);
D) Author biography and mailing address;
E) Bibliography;
F) Footnotes (if present);
G) Tables with captions;
H) Figure captions;
I) Figures.

Number each page in the manuscript in the upper right corner, beginning with "1" for the title page.

3. The title page should have all lines flush left. The title should mention time period and region, be in upper and lower case letters, and not underlined. The name of the author(s) should appear under the title, with an institutional (not departmental) affiliation on the next line and the city, state, and country (if outside the United States) below on a separate line. Authors at the same institution should be grouped to avoid repeating the lines for institution and place.

A short abstract (one or two paragraphs) must identify the site or culture concerned, its time period and location, and summarize the thesis and conclusions of the article. The abstract must be capable of standing alone so may contain no text or figure references, no bibliographic citations, and no footnotes. If there must be a reference to another publication, the complete citation must appear in the abstract.

5. The author's biographical paragraph should include the following: name, final degree (year received, institution), current position, and principal research interests. End with a current mailing address and, optionally, email.

6. Narrative headings, subheadings, and sub-subheadings should be typed flush left. Use a pencil to mark, in the margins, "A" for headings, "B" for subheadings, and "C" for sub-subheadings. Bibliographic references and references to figures, tables, or footnotes should not appear in any level of heading.

7. Footnotes are discouraged. If they are necessary, they should be kept to a minimum and restricted to explications that cannot fit easily into the main body of the narrative. Footnotes may contain parenthetical citations to other published works, with the full bibliographic entries appearing in the bibliography. Footnotes should be numbered sequentially throughout the narrative text. Tables (see below) have their own footnote style.

8. Quotations that will occupy more than three typeset lines should be block-indented on the left, but still typed double-spaced.

9. Reports for the "News and Short Contributions" section should be no more than 10 pages of submitted text. The manuscript should meet the same requirements as those for a main article except for a limit of three illustrations and a single table.

Electronic Submissions

To expedite the evaluation process, contributors may provide a digital version of their manuscript in addition to the original paper version. In any event the author should still provide four paper copies of the manuscript prepared according to the specifications in these "Guidelines." The digital version of the manuscript should be identical to the printouts, contain the full text, and have a file for each figure. Send the files on CD or via email to jfa@bu.edu. Digital submissions will not be processed until the paper version is in hand.

The digital text should be in Microsoft Word. Figures for review purposes should be provided as tif files at a resolution sufficient to retain the information in the illustration; 300 dpi for photographs and 600 dpi for line art is usually suitable. The names for the figure files should begin with the authorÕs last name, e.g., Smith_01.tif, Smith_02.tif, Smith_03.tif, etc.

Stylistic Conventions

For queries about style and other aspects of manuscript preparation not covered below, contributors are encouraged to consult The Chicago Manual of Style,15th edn., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003, as well as published issues of the JFA.

The following paragraph reflects changes adopted in 2006 regarding radiocarbon dates.

1. Dates before Christ (also 'before the common era') should be written with 'B.C.' following the year (e.g., 336 B.C.). Historical dates after Christ (after the common era) should be written with 'A.D.' preceding the year (e.g., A.D. 1066), but write '4th century A.D.' Early prehistory estimates may be indicated by 'years ago' (e.g., '125,000 years ago'), 'kya' for 'thousands of years ago,' for 'B.P.' ('before present,' e.g., '6th millennium B.P.').

Radiocarbon years must be indicated by using 'B.P.' (meaning 'before A.D. 1950') in the following format: 1250 +/- 160 B.P. (Beta-123456), adding 'in uncalibrated radiocarbon years' after the first date in the text. Where possible radiocarbon dates should be calibrated to calendar years and indicated as 'CAL B.C.,' 'CAL A.D.,' or 'CAL B.P.'

2. Cardinal directions should be spelled out, but other directions should be abbreviated as NE, WNW, N--S, etc.

3. Use abbreviations for dimensions, distances, weights, and measures but not with general statements such as "a few meters above the floodplain." Examples of abbreviations are "2 m," "0.5 m," "3 cu m," "90 masl," "100 km," "4 sq km," "3 ha," "200 g." If multiple dimensions are given, write "1.5 ¡Á 1 m." Write "D." for "diameter" in parentheses (D. 24 cm). Do the same for "L.," "W.," and "Th."

4. Use numerals for dimensions; otherwise, in general, write out one through nine and use numerals for 10 and above. Written-out numbers and numerals usually should not be mixed in a sentence, particularly when referring to the same class of items; "the 5-postmold house was east of the 20-postmold house" is fine. Numerals must never begin a sentence.

5. Italicize the first appearance of a foreign word or words and at that time provide a translation or definition. Do not italicize "in situ," "e.g.," "vs.," "i.e.," or "et al."

References and Citations

1. The bibliography must contain an entry for each work cited in the text and only works cited in the text are to appear in the bibliography.

2. A reference within the text takes the form of a parenthetical citation. For example, "(Simmons and Rollefson 1984: 389--390)" or "Watson, LeBlanc, and Redman (1984)." All quotations must have specific page citations.

3. The use of "et al." is restricted to text citations of works for which there are more than three authors. All authors must be listed in the bibliographic entry.

4. An example of a text reference to a figure or table in another published work is "(Smith 1993: fig. 3, table 4)." When referring to figures and tables in the present manuscript, use capitalized "Figure" and "Table" in the text and captions; in parentheses use "(FIG. 6)" and "(TABLE 3)." For figures with separate parts, use lower case letters in the text, and upper case letters when the reference is enclosed in parentheses. For example, "Figure 10a," "(FIG. 10A)."

5. Do not use "ibid.," "op. cit.," "loc. cit.," and "idem."

6. Do not cite unpublished works, especially papers presented at meetings, "manuscript in possession of the author," "report on file at?" "work in preparation," or URLs. If unpublished information is essential, cite it as a personal communication. Citation of unpublished (i.e., unavailable through University Microfilms) theses and dissertations is strongly discouraged.

7. A personal communication should be written: "(Daniel Deck, personal communication 1986)." There should be no bibliographic entry for a personal communication.

8. If a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the text citation is "(Smith in press)." The bibliographic entry should put "in press" where the year would normally appear and name the publisher.

9. References in the text to reprints of older works should be cited in this manner: "(Cobo 1964 [1653]: 381)."

10. Full citations, including the names of all the authors, complete titles, and page numbers for articles or chapters, are to appear in a bibliography at the end of the text, alphabetized by the senior authorÕs last name. Include publishers and place of publication for books and monographs. Authors' names should be given as they appear on the work being cited; avoid reducing first names to initials. The bibliography should be typed in the manner of the following examples, but double-spaced.

Simmons, Alan H., and Gary O. Rollefson
1984 "Neolithic 'Ain Ghazal (Jordan): Interim Report on the First Two Seasons, 1982--1983," Journal of Field Archaeology 11: 387--395.

Watson, Patty Jo, Steven A. LeBlanc, and Charles L. Redman
1984 Archeological Explanation: The Scientific Method in Archeology. New York: Columbia University Press.

Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis
Earle, T. K.
1973 "Control Hierarchies in the Traditional Irrigation Economy of Halelea District, Kaua'i, Hawaii," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Published Dissertation or Thesis
Reitz, Elizabeth Jean
1979 Spanish and British Subsistence Strategies at St. Augustine, Florida, and Frederica, Georgia, between 1563--1783. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.

Monograph in a Series
Granger, Joseph E., Jr.
1978 Meadowood Phase Settlement Pattern in the Niagara Frontier Region of Western New York State. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan 65. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

Article in an Edited Book
Brain, Jeffrey P.
1978 "Late Prehistoric Settlement Patterning in the Yazoo Basin and Natchez Bluffs Region of the Lower Mississippi Valley," in Bruce D. Smith, ed., Mississippi Settlement Patterns. New York: Academic Press, 331--368.

Work Accepted for Publication
Deck, Daniel
in press "The Restless Grass," Llano Estacado Studies.

Publication in BAR (British Archaeological Reports)
Belli, Paolo
1987 "Costruzioni circolari di Creta," in Miriam S. Balmuth, ed., Studies in Sardinian Archaeology III: Nuraghic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World. BAR International Series 387. Oxford: B.A.R., 129--134.

or, for the present publisher of this imprint,

Elia, Ricardo J., and Al B. Wesolowsky, editors
1991 Archaeological Excavations at the Uxbridge Almshouse Burial Ground in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. BAR International Series 564. Oxford: Tempvs Reparatvm.

Ancient Works
The Early History of Rome. Aubrey de S¨¦lincourt, trans. Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin Books 1960.

Cobo, Bernabe
1964 Historia del Nuevo Mundo. (Originally published 1653.) Biblioteca del Autores Españoles, vols. 91, 92. Madrid: Ediciones Atlas.

Figures and Tables


(David Ford's "The Nature of Clarity in Archaeological Line Drawings," Journal of Field Archaeology 20 (1993) 319--333, is a useful resource for the matters discussed below.)

A more recent survey, in digital form, of our requirements for illustrations is "Digital Graphics for the Journal of Field Archaeology," in html format or pdf format.

1. The word "Figure" is used to refer to all line drawings, photographs, maps, charts, and graphs that accompany an article. Every illustration is to be given a figure number. Every figure must be referred to in the text, and initial references to them must be in numerical sequence ("1, 2, 3," not "1, 3, 2").

2. Figure 1 should be a map locating the site or study area within its wider geographical context. The JFA has an international readership that needs to be kept in mind when designing Figure 1. Field reports should include at least one photograph that depicts the terrain and environment of the site or study area.

3. A simple graphic scale, when necessary, should appear in the image area of the figures; do not give scales such as "3¡Á" or "1:50,000" in the captions. Should a figure showing artifacts lack a scale in the photograph, writing "The pot on the left is 21 cm tall" in the caption is fine.

4. The list of captions should be typed in upper and lower case letters, double-spaced, all lines flush left, and the word "Figure" should be the first word in each caption. For example,

Figure 1. Map of the Weicker site and environs. Inset shows the location of the site in NW Mexico. Map by Patricia Parker.

A photograph caption should include the direction of the view and any credit for the photographer. Credits for line drawings may be provided in the caption. No caption should be placed on the art itself. Photographs of vertical views should indicate in the caption, e.g., "north is at the top." The author should number each figure in a corner or on the back and, if appropriate, draw on the back an arrow indicating "up."

The caption for a figure with individually-lettered parts should be written like the following example:

Figure 11. Photomicrographs of use-wear observed on the edges of obsidian blades from Area H at Piana di Curinga. A) Dense, deep striations running parallel to the working edge of blade; B) Sickle gloss on blade; C) Blade showing an isolated large flat microscar; D) Blade showing steep rounding scars or an edge row.

Each component in such a figure should be referred to in the text but, as with figures, these may be combined, e.g., "(FIG. 6C--F)."

5. All drawings and photographs will be returned.

Figure Production

1. Photographs and line drawings must be of high quality or they will not be published.

2. For conventional photographs on film, prints made from the negatives should be provided, especially in the case of slides. Please do not submit slides or digitized versions of conventional photographs. Digital photographs should be taken at high resolution and saved in tif or raw format; avoid jpg, which is a file format designed for monitor display, not for print. Upon acceptance of the article for publication, digital photographs should be provided as a tif or as a Photoshop application file, at 400 dpi.

3. Hand-drawn (pen and ink) line art prepared to professional standards is welcome and the original art should be provided. Please do not provide scans of line art; the pre-press requirements of our printer are rather stringent.

Line drawings prepared digitally must use a vector application such as Illustrator or Freehand, and not a bitmap program such as Photoshop or Surfer. Upon acceptance of your article, submit both the application file (unflattened Illustrator or Freehand) and an unflattened eps file with all font information embedded. Our experience with pdf files prepared by contributors has been disappointing and we suggest avoiding that file format. Lettering on line art should be of a size to allow reasonable reduction; the JFA reproduces letters no smaller than 1.5 mm in reduction.

4. For more information on graphics production, see "Digital Graphics for the Journal of Field Archaeology" on this web site in html format or pdf format.

One might also consult David Ford's "The Nature of Clarity in Archaeological Line Drawings," Journal of Field Archaeology20: 319--333, a version of which is on this web site.


1. Tabular material is time-consuming to typeset, so authors should make certain that tables are essential for their argument. Every table must be referred to in the text, in numerical sequence. Chronological charts, unless they are very simple, seldom work well as tables and should be prepared as figures with a vector application.

2. Tables are to be numbered separately from the figures. Table captions should be typed double-spaced, flush left, in upper and lower case letters, and appear at the top of the table.

3. All table columns must have headings with the first letter capitalized.

4. Footnotes in tables should avoid the use of numerals or letters as superscript. Instead, use the following sequence: asterisk, dagger, double-dagger, section mark, two asterisks, two daggers, etc.

5. When designing tables, authors should organize the rows and columns in ways that help the reader understand the data. Columns for sites, for example, might be ordered from east to west, or rows for ceramic counts arranged from most significant to least.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should be doubled-spaced throughout (from the first line of the title to the last line of a bibliographic entry), and any references should follow the system given above. Specific "Guidelines for Book Reviews" are available on the JFA web site in html and in pdf format and from the Editorial Office.

Offprint Policy

The JFA provides, to the senior author of an article, 25 offprints with covers at no charge. Additional offprints with covers may be ordered through the Editorial Office at rates that are provided with the galley proofs of the article; the order with payment must be included with the returned galley proofs. Offprints of book reviews, available as press overruns, will be supplied gratis, without covers, to authors and publishers.


Authors who have access to subvention funds are expected to make a contribution toward the printing costs of their articles up to a rate of $50.00 per printed page. The availability of subvention funds plays no part in the decision to accept or reject a manuscript. Authors are requested to inform the JFA of such funds only after their articles have been accepted for publication.

All authors will be required to provide subvention in the following situations.

1. Charge per illustration in excess of 10: $25.00.

2. Charge per table in excess of three or for exceptionally long tables: $25.00--200.00, depending on the amount and complexity of tabular material.

3. Re-doing line art to make it suitable for reproduction: the author will be expected to provide reimbursement if unable to replace it personally.

4. Color illustrations. The JFA will undertake the production of color only when it is essential to the presentation and the author is able to defray the printing costs.

June 2005

Instructions to Authors
guidelines for contributors.pdf

Editorial Board

The Journal of Field Archaeology is an international, refereed journal with a distinguished editorial advisory board; their wide-ranging interests reflect the diversity of topics that appear in our pages.

The present advisory board was assembled in 2003 under the aegis of the present Editor, Curtis Runnels.

Gina L. Barnes, University of Durham

Peter Bogucki, Princeton University

Richard L. Burger, Yale University

Ricardo J. Elia, Boston University

Thomas R. Hester, University of Texas at Austin

Richard G. Klein, Stanford University

Mohammad Rafique Mughal, Boston University

Mehmet Özdogan, Istanbul University

Catherine Perl¨¦s, University of Paris X

David W. Phillipson, University of Cambridge

Robin Torrence, The Australian Museum

Bruce G. Trigger, McGill University

Tjeerd H. van Andel, University of Cambridge

Oscar White Muscarella, Metropolitan Museum of Art

T. J. Wilkinson, University of Edinburgh

Contact Information

Editorial Offices
Journal of Field Archaeology
Room 345
675 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215

Voice: (617) 353-2357
Fax: (617) 353-6800

E-mail for the Journal may be addressed to
and will be read by the Journal Fellows
Guidelines for Contributors

Subscriptions Office
Boston University Scholarly Publications
985 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 353-4106

Subscription Rates and Back Issues

Curtis Runnels
(617) 358-1647

Christa Beranek
Acting Managing Editor
(617) 353-2357

Eleanor Spensley
China P. Shelton
Marta Ostovich
Journal Fellows
(617) 358-1675

Publishers Note!
Book reviews are being handled in-house as of 2005.
Books to be considered for review, and to receive a listing in "Publications: New Archaeological Books and Journals" should be sent to

Journal of Field Archaeology
Room 345
675 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215

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