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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Economic History

The Journal of Economic History is devoted to the multidisciplinary study of history and economics, and is of interest not only to economic historians but to social and demographic historians, as well as economists in general. The journal has broad coverage, in terms of both methodology and geographic scope. Topics covered include money and banking, trade, manufacturing, technology, transportation, industrial organisation, labour, agriculture, servitude, demography, education, economic growth, and the role of government and regulation. In addition, an extensive book review section keeps readers informed about the latest work in economic history and related fields.

Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Contributors: Articles on economic history and related aspects of history or economics will
be considered for publication by the Editors on the understanding that the articles have not previously been
published and are not under consideration elsewhere. Papers should indicate the wider significance of detailed
original research findings as well as the logic and limitations of specialized techniques of analysis. Comments
and shorter notes are also welcome. The JOURNAL does not accept unsolicited book reviews, nor can it honor
requests to review particular works. Contributions should be kept within 35 double-spaced pages, inclusive of
footnotes, references, figures, and tables approximately 15,000 words. A submission fee, payable to the
Economic History Association, of $50.00 or a year's membership (see membership information below) is
required from nonmembers of the Association.
How to Submit a Paper for Consideration: Log into http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jeh and follow the
instructions there. Choose Editor Phil Hoffman for submissions dealing with all regions except the Americas;
choose Editor Price Fishback for submissions dealing with the Americas. Upload files (completely blinded of
identifying information) as Word, WordPerfect, or Excel documents.
Editorial Office Addresses: Phil Hoffman, Editor; Journal of Economic History; jeh@hss.caltech.edu;
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Mail Code 228-77, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California 91125. Price Fishback, Editor; Journal of Economic History; jeh@eller.arizona.edu;
Department of Economics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. For style sheets and general inquiries:
Sabrina Boschetti, Production Editor; Journal of Economic History; sabrina@hss.caltech.edu; Division of the
Humanities and Social Sciences, Mail Code 228-77, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
91125. Telephone: (626) 395-4228.
Association Office Address and Membership Information: Individuals who are members of the Economic
History Association receive the JOURNAL as part of their annual dues. Membership rates (in U.S. dollars) are
$60.00 for those with income above $50,000 a year; $35.00 for those with income below $50,000; $20.00 for
students and for professors emeriti who have been members of the Association for ten years; $1,200.00 or 20
times the annual rate for life membership. Payment of additional $32.00 permits joint membership with the
Economic History Society (UK). Applications and inquiries concerning membership should be addressed to the
Economic History Association, Dept. of Economics, Santa Clara University, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara,
CA 95053-0385. Telephone: (408) 554-4348. E-mail: afield@scu.edu. EHA members should send changes of
address to the association office.
Instructions to Authors
instruction for authors.pdf

Editorial Board


  • Jeremy Atack
  • Department of Economics
    Vanderbilt University
    VU Station B #351819
    2301 Vanderbilt Place
    Nashville, TN 37235
  • jeremy.atack@vanderbilt.edu
  • Philip T. Hoffman
  • Div. of the Humanities and Social Sciences
    Mail Code: 228-77
    California Institute of Technology
    Pasadena, CA 91125
  • jeh@hss.caltech.edu

Book Review Editors

  • Dr William Collins
  • Department of Economics
    Vanderbilt University
    Box 351819-B
    Nashville, TN 37235

Book Review Editors

  • Mr Alan Miller
  • Div. of the Humanities and Social Sciences
    Mail Code: 228-77
    California Institute of Technology
    Pasadena, CA 91125

Assistant Editor

EHA Executive Director

  • Alexander Field
  • Santa Clara University, USA

Production Editor

Editorial Board

  • Bob Allen
  • Oxford University, UK
  • Howard Bodenhorn
  • Lafayette College, USA
  • Dr William J. Collins
  • Vanderbilt, USA
  • Dora Costa
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Stephan Epstein
  • London School of Economics, UK
  • Price Fishback
  • University of Arizona , USA
  • Stephen Haber
  • Stanford, USA
  • Michael Haines
  • Colgate University, USA
  • Carolyn Moehling
  • Rutgers University , USA
  • Larry Neal
  • University of Illinois, USA
  • Steven Quinn
  • Texas Christian University, USA
  • Paul Rhode
  • University of North Carolina, USA
  • Carol H. Shiue
  • University of Colorado, USA
  • Joachim Voth
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Marc Weidenmier
  • Claremont-McKenna , USA
  • Susan Wolcott
  • State University of New York at Binghamton, USA

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