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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of Ecclesiastical HistoryThe Journal of Ecclesiastical History publishes material on all aspects of the history of the Christian Church. It deals with the Church both as an institution and in its relations with other religions and society at large. Each volume includes about twenty articles and roughly three hundred notices of recently published books relevant to the interests of the journal’s readers.
Instructions to Authors
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Contributors are asked to submit two copies of articles and reviews in typescript on A4 or US standard size paper, leaving generous margins. Length should be not more than 8,000 words, inclusive of notes (representing a maximum of 33-5 pages of published text and 40-5 pages of average typescript). The whole text, including footnotes, should be double-spaced in the same font. Footnotes should be numbered in one sequence throughout (though see below, p. 2, III, IV, for conventions on an initial unnumbered footnote) and typed at the end of the text, beginning on a separate sheet, not at the foot of the page to which they refer. Cross references should be avoided wherever possible. In reviews, footnotes should only be included under exceptional circumstances. An abstract of article content of no more than 100 words should also be submitted on a separate sheet: this will be printed at the head of the article.
Contributions and books for review should be addressed to The Editors, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Robinson College, Cambridge CB3 9AN.
Please note that the Editors do not accept electronic submissions. All contributions should be sent to the Editorial Office at the address above.
Disk Submission: Disks are not needed at submission stage, however, when an article has been accepted for publication and the final revisions have been completed to the satisfaction of the editors, the author should send the final version on computer disk (IBM compatible PC, not Macintosh), together with a hardcopy of the typescript, and a note of the wordprocessing software used (Word, WordPerfect etc). Text and footnotes should be provided in separate files. After copy-editing, the printer will be working from your disk. It is therefore essential that it should be accurate, that all corrections have been transferred to it and that it should be prepared according to series style.
1. Quotations: Single inverted commas in all instances, except that quotations within a quotation should be within double inverted commas. Where the quotation begins with a capital letter and ends with a complete sentence the final inverted comma should follow the point; otherwise it precedes it. This includes quotations following a colon. The source of the quotation should always be provided, usually in a footnote. Quotations will be displayed if they exceed sixty words: they should be typed, indented, in a separate paragraph. Quoted matter is normally punctuated according to modern conventions. Quoted material within a footnote should be followed by the source, thus '....': Knowles, Religious orders, ii. 39.
2. Spellings and Conventions: English, not US, so e.g. -ise for -ize, honour, centre etc.
NB: nevertheless none the less in so far set-back setpiece Basle Strasbourg Ailred appendices indices regime co-operate judgement elite connection medieval role focuses no-one on to
italic to be used for a priori c. [for circa] sola scriptura apologia pro vita sua an. ancien regime raison d'être [sic] status quo s.v. Bull Unigenitus alias v. Vita Life.
NB: cf. (for 'compare'); i.e.; ibid.; idem; passim - all in roman type; above, below (not supra, infra); and others (not et al.); f./ff. for 'and following page(s)'; op. cit., loc. cit. and art. cit. should not be used. Please avoid e.g. and spell out instead. Note idem, Pagan Rome, 63-9; and that there is no comma in ibid. 43. Please use English forms of non-English place-names if a recognised standard form exists, and avoid obsolete or archaic forms - Leghorn, Ratisbon, Mayence etc.
3. Dr, Mr, Fr, Revd, St or SS (for saint or saints): no points. Leave spaces between initials of author's name; these initials do attract points.
4. MS and MSS for manuscript(s); fo./fos (NB no point in plural) for folio(s); sig./sigs for signature(s); no./nos for numbers; pt(s) for part(s); app./apps for appendix(ces); ep. v /epp. cvii-cix; letter 6/letters 345-8.
5. Scriptural references thus: Matt.; 2 Cor.; Heb. ii. 7, 8 (abbreviations according to the practice recommended by the Society of Biblical Literature)
6. Dates: 30 October 1978; 1960s (no apostrophe); 1806-7; 1917-18; 1942-3; AD 700; 36 BC. Months abbreviated in footnotes as Jan./Feb./Mar./Apr. etc.
7. Numbers: Elision as 57-63; 66-7; 204-5, 117-18; 1,350-9; fo. 36v-r; fos 36v-9r; ch xvi-xvii. 30 percent in text; 30% in footnotes. All numbers below 100 spelt out except where in an extended sequence.
8. Capitalisation: Please keep capitalisation to a minimum, within the following guidelines: a) the bishop of Salisbury visited Bishop Fisher; b) the Church teaches humility; the church was built in the eighteenth century: the church leaders arrived. Capitals for Protestant, Catholic (etc.), Puritan, Nonconformist and for words derived from proper names as Christian, Benedictine.
9. Any tabular material, graphs or maps should be printed out separately, not placed within the text. Its location should be indicated in the margin of text in the form 'table 1 near here'.
I. A short title system should be employed - full reference at first citation and short title thereafter (not author-date, author only or op. cit. system).
II. In all cases - books, journal articles, theses and contributions to a collective work - both titles and subtitles are lower-case except for the initial letter and proper names. Journal and series titles should be capitalised. Reference to foreign language titles should follow their standard conventions on capitalisation: German citations should follow German practice in capitalising nouns; French title capitalise until the first significant word, then lower case.
III. Titles of periodicals and series must be given in full when first cited, together with the abbreviated form used subsequently, thus: Harvard Theological Review (hereinafter cited as HTR). Where more than three abbreviations are used in the footnotes, they should be listed separately as an initial (unnumbered) footnote to the article. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History is abbreviated as 'this JOURNAL'.
IV. Any acknowledgements or expressions of thanks should be included in the initial unnumbered footnote.
V. PL and PG (italic type) for Migne, Patrologia Latina and Patrologia Graeca; thus: PL cxv. 109C. Note the form of punctuation after abbreviations is CSEL xiv. 205; Chron., ii. 50; Works, ii. 40. For books published in Britain or in English before 1640, the call number in the Revised Short Title Catalogue should be added, after place and date of publication, in the format of abbreviation plus numeral only, e.g. RSTC 4523. For books published in Britain or in English between 1640 and 1701, the call number in Wing should be added, as abbreviation plus letter and numeral, e.g. Wing A.4523.
VI. All books other than journals should be cited by year and place of publication; it is not necessary to supply the name of the publisher. Where there is a standard English form for the place of publication use it, as Florence, Rome etc., otherwise use the current native spelling. Note that it is not necessary to
specify how many volumes a book is in, and, particularly with secondary works, it is only necessary to provide the name of the series in which it occurs if there might otherwise be problems in identifying it.
VII. 'p.' or 'pp.' should not be used except where confusion might follow (as in example f. below), or when referring to preliminary pages of a work: pp. x-xii.
VIII. Footnotes should be numbered in Arabic, not Roman, numerals and follow the initial unnumbered footnote.
IX. It is extremely important that full details of editions and other publication matters are provided in initial citations. Any inadequate information results in publication delays. The following models should be used when constructing descriptions of various genres of title and source:
a) David Knowles, The religious orders in England, Cambridge 1961, iii. 125.
b) Patrick Collinson, The birthpangs of Protestant England: religion and cultural change in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, London 1988.
c) Christopher Haigh, Reformation and resistance in Tudor Lancashire, Cambridge 1975, chs i-ii.
d) Nabil I. Matar, 'The idea of the Restoration of the Jews in English Protestant thought, 1660-1701', Harvard Theological Review lxxviii (1985), 115-48.
e) C. B. Rowntree, 'Studies in Carthusian history in later medieval England', unpubl. PhD diss. York 1981, 162-8.
f)* J. M. Wallace-Hadrill, 'A background to St Boniface's mission', in Peter Clemoes and Kathleen Hughes (eds), England before the Conquest: studies in primary sources presented to Dorothy Whitelock, Cambridge 1971, 35-48 at p. 39.
g)* Colm Lennon, 'The rise of recusancy among the Dublin patricians, 1580-1613', in W. J. Sheils and Diana Wood (eds), The Churches, Ireland and the Irish (Studies in Church History xxv, 1989), 120 n. 45.
h)* Letters from the English abbots to the chapter at Citeaux 1442-1521, ed. C. H. Talbot (Camden 4th ser. iv, 1967), nos 50, 56.
i)* The rolls and register of Bishop Oliver Sutton, ed. R. M. T. Hill (Lincoln Record Society, 1962-86), ii. 125n.
*Note that an editor's name follows a primary source, but precedes a collection of essays etc.
j) P. Tisset, L'Abbaye de Gellône au diocèse de Lodève, des origines au XIIIe siècle, Paris 1933, 33-46.
k) E. Sackur, Sibyllinische Texte und Forschungen, Halle 1898, 286-91
l) P. Santini, Quesiti e richerche di storiografia fiorentina, Florence 1903, 72.
m) References to texts as Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica ii.3.4. (book/ch.[section]/para); Athanasius, De synodis 31 (ch.[section]). Line references should be given clearly as line(s). Always provide full, not abbreviated, titles of classical texts/patristic works with details of edition used at first reference, however obvious you think it should be.
n) Lambeth Palace Library, MS 425, fos 3r-7v; Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Rawlinson C 26, fos 1r-71v; BL, MS Lansdowne 63, fo. 3r-v; Emmanuel College, Cambridge, MS 261, fo. 34; Sheffield University, MS Hartlib 1/7; Cambridge University Library, MS Kk.iv.6, fo. 2.o) Correspondence: Beilby Porteus to William Wilberforce, 6 Dec. 1780, Porteus papers, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 567, fo. 20.
NB. Where early printed books or manuscripts have conventional abbreviations in the title or elsewhere, such as a stroke to signal the omission of 'n' or 'm', these should be expanded. In such cases distinguish clearly between (e.g.) sig. Aiir, p. 4 and fo. 4, when locating quotations.
Knowles, Religious orders, iii. 6; Lennon, 'Rise of recusancy', 124; Wallace-Hadrill, 'A background', 37; Santini, Quesiti, 93; Letters of the English abbots,* no. 67; Bodl. Lib., MS Rawlinson C 26, fo. 71; BL, MS Lansdowne 63, fos 3-5; Emman. Coll., MS 261, fo. 34; Eusebius, HE ii.3.4; CUL, MS Kk.iv.6, fo.2.
*Note that the editors'/s name is not included in the short title of a primary source.
Revised 24/10/05)
Instructions to Authors
for authors.pdf

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Dr James Carleton Paget
  • Journal of Ecclesiastical History
    Robinson College
    CB3 9AN, UK
  • jeh@robinson.cam.ac.uk
  • Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch
  • University of Oxford
    Theology Faculty Centre
    41 St Giles
    OX1 3LW
  • jeh@robinson.cam.ac.uk

Book Review Editor

  • The Book Review Editor
  • Journal of Ecclesiastical History
    Robinson College
    CB3 9AN, UK

Advisory Editorial Board

  • Dr Martin Brett
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Professor Euan Cameron
  • Union Theological Seminary, USA
  • Professor Patrick Collinson
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Professor Eamon Duffy
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Professor Judith Herrin
  • King's College London, UK
  • Professor Simon Keynes
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Professor Hugh McLeod
  • University of Birmingham, UK
  • Professor Jonathan Riley-Smith
  • University of Cambridge, UK
  • Dr W. J. Sheils
  • University of York, UK
  • Professor Pauline Stafford
  • University of Liverpool, UK
  • Professor W. R. Ward
  • University of York, UK
  • Dr P.N.R Zutshi
  • University of Cambridge, UK

International Advisory Board

  • Professor Elizabeth Clark
  • Duke University, USA
  • Professor Giles Constable
  • Institute for Advanced Study, USA
  • Professor Sergei Filatov
  • Institute of Eastern Studies, Moscow, Russia
  • Professor Jean-Philippe Genet
  • Universit?Paris I, France
  • Dr David Hilliard
  • Flinders University, Australia
  • Professor Dominique Iogna-Prat
  • Centre d’Etudes Médiévales, France
  • Professor Susan Karant-Nunn
  • University of Arizona, USA
  • Professor Peter Lake
  • Princeton University, USA
  • Professor Hartmut Lehmann
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Germany
  • Professor Harry O Maier
  • Vancouver School of Theology, Canada
  • Dr Andr?Vauchez
  • Institut de France, Paris , France

Office Manager

  • Ms Anne Waites

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