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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

TA Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Technology for Conservation and Awareness.

The Journal of Cultural Heritage is devoted to:
- Safeguard, Conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage
- Analyses and preservation of biodiversity
- Sociological and economical analyses
- Computer sciences in Cultural heritage
The journal focuses on a specific new methodology in cultural heritage conservation or exploitation. It also presents the latest news concerning public administration bodies and the many activities proposed by international authorities.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors

The journal publishes original papers which should comprise previously unpublished data, interpretation or

syntheses concerning all aspects of science and technology for cultural heritage. All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. Articles which are refused for publication will be returned to the authors.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts should be written in English and organised in the following manner:

  1. Title
  2. Name(s), affiliations(s) of author(s), the address and e-mail for each author and an asterisk to indicate the corresponding author
  3. Abstract (not more than 500 words)
  4. Research aims (this section should describe the object and the aim of the research in such a way that it may be understood and appreciated by experts from other research disciplines related to Cultural Heritage)
  5. Experimental section (this should contain the usual subsections: introduction, material, methodologies, experimental data and results)
  6. Conclusions (as with the ?Research aims ?this section should be written with the aim of being read and fully appreciated by experts from other areas of research)
  7. References
  8. Tables with titles
  9. Caption for figures
  10. Figures

Manuscript must not have been published before, nor simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. To send us your manuscripts, you must connect to the web site: http://jch.memexweb.it; click on the left side menu (the link ?authors ? if you start from the home page) the link ?new submission ? complete the forms in two steps (the first for the corresponding author and the other, after you clicked the ?submit ?button, for the manuscript) and submit your work, edited with the following formats: .doc, (text) .exl (tables), .jpg, (figures); zipped all together in the same.zip file. We will only accept manuscripts submitted by our online website. For further information, or if you have a problem, you can contact us by e-mail: journalch@tin.it

Manuscript preparation

The manuscript should be typed double space, on the recto side only, with 3.5 cm wide margins. All the pages must be numbered. Sections headings are numbered according to the international numbering system (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.; etc.). ‘Tables with titles and ‘figures with captions should be placed on ‘separate sheetsat the end of the manuscript (see below for further details). They should not be placed in the text, but must be referenced in the text at the appropriate place. ‘Punctuation?peculiar to the English language should be used (semi-colons, colons, question marks and exclamation marks are never preceded by a space in English). Abbreviations are punctuated. There is no space between opening and closing brackets and the following and preceding words. Small capitals should not be used, and normal capitals are accented.

Title page

The title page should contain: the ‘title of the paper?(this must be brief but explicit), the ‘forename in full) and ‘surname?of each author, the ‘authors affiliations (complete address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail) with their ‘positions and the name of the corresponding author.

Abstract page

An ‘abstract?of about 500 words is required. Five to ten ‘keywords should be provided (in small letters and bold type, separated by slashes).


All the ‘parameters?cited in the text should be defined, with units. ‘Greek symbols? ‘subscripts?and ‘superscripts?should be separately identified. Only ‘ISO symbols?may be used, always written in italics. ‘SI units?should be used throughout; they are always separated from the numerical value by a space and written in roman: thus ‘g?or ‘m?is always in roman. The symbol for litre is L, minute is min and so on. We use °C or K for temperatures. As the Ångstrôm (1?10-10 m) does not belong to the SI system, it should be replaced by the nanometer (1 nm = 10-9 m) or by the picometer (1 pm = 10-12 m) : 1 ?= 0.1 nm = 100 pm. Multiple units must be written with negative superscripts (for example: gh-1 °C-1).

Equations and numbers

Equations should be carefully typed. Those that are referred to in the text [equation (1), for instance] should be numbered with Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses on the right margin. There should not be punctuation at the end of the equations. Care should be taken to distinguish between zero (0) and the letter O, or between the number one (1) and the letter l (l)), the Roman letter v and the Greek letter nu (_). ‘Vectors?and ‘matrices?should be written in bold. The decimal logarithm should be written, log, and the natural logarithm, ln. The abbreviation of exp (exponential) is the Roman ‘e? In expressions such as dx/dt, the letter d (derivative function) is always written in roman, whereas the physical parameter (x or t) is always written in italics. Numbers are written as numerals when they are followed by units, these being represented by their SI symbols (i.e. 10 %, but, a few percent). In numerals, each group of three numbers should be separated by a space (except for dates and postal codes). In English, a decimal point is used instead of a comma.


All illustrations (graphs, diagrams and photographs) should be numbered in the text, in italics, using Arabic numerals in order of appearance. Example: (Fig. 1). If possible, these should be submitted electronically, in.jpg format, with sufficient resolution (300 dpi for ‘illustrations? 600 dpi for ‘line drawings? these should also be ‘included?at the end of the text Word file. Figures only available on paper should be submitted on separate sheets (authors?names and number of figures should be finely pencilled in blue on reverse of originals). Previously published figures cannot be accepted. No illustration will be redrawn; consequently, they must be good enough to allow direct reproduction. Original drawings on white paper are required. The same symbols and units must be used in figures, tables and text. All composite figures should be mounted together and the parts labelled (a), (b), (c), etc. Page-size mounting photographs counts as a single figure. All maps, field sketches and photographs should include a metric bare scale. Illustrations will be published in the form of one column 80 mm wide (exceptionally 170 mm wide for complicated figures). So, ‘lettering?of the original illustrations (one figure per A4 page) should be large enough to be clearly legible when the illustrations are reduced to one-column format.

All figures will be normally printed in black and white.

Colour illustrations may be published upon approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Each figure should be briefly and clearly described. These ‘Figure captions?should be presented together on a separate sheet, at the end of the paper. Remarks like ?For explanation see text ?should be avoided.


Each table should be typed, with special care, on a separate page included at the end of the text file. Captions must be integrated into the heading of the table which will comprise horizontal lines. Tables must not be redundant with figures. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (Table 1 for instance), and must be cited in the text.

Case studies

The vocation of Journal of Cultural Heritage is to publish theoretical or methodological papers, in which novelty is presented. If a paper deals with a case study, only manuscripts of not more than 6/7 pages (references included) and not more than 4 figures will be accepted.

The case studies will be reviewed in the usual fashion.


References should be limited to the minimum number necessary for the citation of pertinent material. References to internal reports, etc. are to be avoided: the statement ‘personal communication?with publication date in the text is generally preferable. References should be numbered with Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets in the order they are cited in the text. All entries in the reference list must correspond to references in the text and vice versa, from [1] to [n]. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the standardized rules (cf ‘ISI? ‘Current Contents? for instance). Titles for which no abbreviation is given should be written out in full. The style and punctuation of the references should follow the format illustrated in the following examples (please note that the titles of journals are in roman).

Article from a journal (all authors must be mentioned)
[1] J. Eighmy, J. Hathaway, Contemporary archaeomagnetics results and the accuracy of archaeomagnetic dates, Geoarchaeology 2 (1987) 49?1.

Unpublished thesis.
[2] J.M. Van Der Molen, Growth control of algae and cyanobacteria on historical monuments by UV mobile units, Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, USA, 1980.

Book or published thesis
[3] J.S. Mills, R. White, The organic chemistry of museum objects, Batterworths, London, 1987.

Article published in conference proceedings.
[4] N.H. Tennet, K.M. Antonio, Bronze disease: synthesis and characterization of Botallackite, Paratacamite and Atacamite by infrared spectroscopy, in: D. Smith, R. Reagan (Eds.), Proceedings of ICOM, 6th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa, September 21?5, Elsevier, New York, 1995, pp. 3?6.


The corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within ‘two days?after receipt (only minor corrections or typographical errors will be accepted at this stage). Otherwise, the paper will be published with in-house corrections only.


Twenty-five reprints per contribution will be supplied, free of charge, to the corresponding author. ‘Additional reprints?can be obtained at prices supplied by the publisher. An order form, sent with the proofs, must be completed and returned with the corrected proofs.

Journal of cultural heritage
A Multidisciplinary Journal of Sciences and Technology for Conservation and Awareness electronic submission site: http://jch.memexweb.it
e-mail: journalch@tin.it
Editor in chief:
prof. P.A. Vigato
Scientific editorial office:
dr. E.M. Stella, dr. G.C. Fedeli

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


A. Guarino
Special Project "Cultural Heritage", Roma, Italy

Editorial Board:

F. Al-Khrayesh
Antiquity Department, Jordan
J. Asmus
University of San Diego, USA
M. Bacci
CNR, Italy
U. Baldini
Universit?Internazionale dell'Arte, Italy
Z. Bauman
University of Leeds, UK
J. Boon
Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, The Netherlands
H.E. Boustany
Archéologie et Patrimoine Solidere, Lebanon
P. Brimblecombe
University of Norwich, UK
F. Buranelli
Vatican Museums, Vatican City
V. Cappellini
Universit?di Firenze, Italy
M. Cassar
Museums and Gallery Commission, UK
M.A. Castillo Oreja
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
G. Chiari
The Getty Conservation Institute, USA
Y. Chryssoulakis
National Technical University, Greece
R.J.H. Clark
University College London, UK
G. Croci
Universit?degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
I. De Bustamante Gutierrez
Universidad de Alcal? Spain
H. de Lumley
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
G.F. De Stefano
II University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
R.J. Delgado
Laboratorio National de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
B. Eberhard
Universität von Tübingen, Germany
C. Federici
Central Institute of Paper Pathology, Italy
R. Fuchs
Fachhochschule Köln, Germany
M.A. Fugazzola Delpino
Museo Nazionale Prestorico Etnografico "L.Pigorini", Italy
P. Galluzzi
Universit?di Firenze, Italy
T. Gregory
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
N. Herz
University of Georgia, USA
S. Iacovidis
Academy of Athens, Greece
H. Juling
Amtliche Materialprüfungsanstalt, Germany
W. Kautek
Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Germany
W. Kippes
Schoenbrun Schloss, Austria
M. Kühlenthal
Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Germany
B. Lavedrine
Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation de Documentation Graphique, France
F. Leblanc
The Getty Conservation Institute, USA
R. Lefevre
Universit?Paris XII Val de Marne, France
M.P. Luxán Gómez del Campillo
CSIC, Instituto Ciencias de Construcción, Spain
P. Manetti
University of Florence, Italy
T.N. Mascie
University of Cambrige, UK
J.P. Mohen
Direction des Museés de France, France
A. Moropoulou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
A. Oddy
British Museum, UK
A. Piazza
Universit?di Torino, Italy
B. Pretzel
Conservation Department V & A Museum, UK
C. Price
University College of London, UK
J. Rivera Blanco
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
L. Robbiola
I. Rodriguez Maribona Galvez
Centro Tecnologico Labein, Spain
H. Römich
Faunhofer Institut für Silicatforschung, Germany
J. Rosvall
University of Goteborg, Sweden
H. Seidler
Universität von Wien, Austria
R. Simili
University of Bologna, Italy
N. Stanley-Price
ICCROM Director
S. Stoddart
University of Cambridge, UK
A. Tantillo
Instituto Central del Restamo, Italy
M.A. Toscano
University of Pisa, Italy
M.A. Troitiño Vinuesa
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
D. Turbon
University of Barcelona, Spain
A. Vallega
Universit?di Genova, Italy
A. Vendl
Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Austria
P.A. Vigato
CNR, Italy
M. Weaver
Columbia University, USA
G. Wheeler
Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

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