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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Over the last few years, research into consciousness has at last become accepted within the academic community. As John Searle puts it, raising the subject of consciousness in cognitive science discussions is no longer considered to be ``bad taste', causing graduate students to ``roll their eyes at the ceiling and assume expressions of mild disgust.'

But why are we interested in consciousness? Most people are interested not just because of the academic and interdisciplinary challenges, but because of their personal experience - we have consciousness, we experience it; perhaps we even think that we ``are' it. But, if we are to make progress in studying consciousness, we will have to think about it very clearly, and engage in serious constructive dialogues between a variety of viewpoints. And that is the purpose of this journal.

The field of consciousness studies is at a very early stage, characterized by crude theories, most of which are unlikely to stand the test of time. We prefer a broad, diverse and open conceptualization - including political consciousness, and ecological consciousness (for example in the sense of Bateson's ``ecology of mind'), but we do not wish to define for our authors exactly what any of these terms mean. We seek to provoke a spirited debate by actively seeking serious opposing views, for example from cognitive science, biology and philosophy.

Instructions to Authors
Style Sheet and Guide to Authors

A Multi-Disciplinary Journal

The Journal of Consciousness Studies is a refereed journal aimed at an educated multi-disciplinary readership. Authors should not assume prior knowledge in a subject speciality and should provide background information for their research. The use of technical terms should be avoided or made explicit. Where technical details are essential (for example in laboratory experiments), try and include them in footnotes or appendices, leaving the text accessible to the non-specialist reader. The same principle should also apply to mathematics, unless essential to an argument.

General Points

Contributions should be clearly typed in double spacing leaving a wide (c. 2 inch) margin at the left hand side of the page for editorial marking. Three copies should be submitted and contributors should retain a copy for proof-reading purposes. A short 150 word summary should accompany each submission. Articles should not normally exceed 9,000 words (including footnotes). In general authors should adhere to the usages and conventions in Fowler's Modern English Usage which should be consulted for all questions not covered in these notes. Please note that manuscripts can only be returned if postage is prepaid. Please include a short CV for the ``about authors' section.


  1. Quotations of more than six lines should be indented and double spaced. For shorter quotations use single inverted commas. All references should appear in the bibliography. Use square brackets for interpolations; use three dots to indicate the omission of material within a quotation. Original spelling and punctuation should be retained unless otherwise stated.
  2. Capitals should be used sparingly. Capitalize proper names and substantives where they refer to particular individuals. Thus, ``the King fled to Dover', but ``kings do not habitually depart in haste'; ``The Parliament refused to be threatened', but ``parliaments are malleable'.
  3. Dates and numbers should take the following form. For dates the form is, ``14 July 1789'. Write ``seventeenth century', not ``C17th'. Numbers under 100 should be spelled out, apart from page numbers, dates and month, or where they occur as part of a series. The second or subsequent number of a pair or series may be abbreviated as appropriate, thus 253-6, and 254-61.
  4. Italics, abbreviations. Use italics for non-naturalised words of foreign origin. Thus Weltanschauung but elite. Omit full stops from common abbreviations and acronyms: MP, USA.

Footnotes, References and Bibliographies

Footnote numbering should be consecutive superscript throughout the article.

References to books and articles should be by way of author (date) or (author, date). Multiple publications from the same year should be labelled (Skinner, 1966a, b, c ...). A single bibliography at the end should be compiled alphabetically observing the following conventions:

  1. References to books should take the following form:
    Jantsch, Erich (1980), The Self-Organizing Universe (Oxford and New York: Pergamon).
  2. References to articles should take the following form:
    Black, Antony (1993), `The juristic origins of social contract theory', History of Political Thought, XIV, pp. 157-76.

Addresses for Submissions

Articles for Publication

These should be submitted to the Managing Editor:
  • Revd. Anthony Freeman,
    Imprint Academic
    PO Box 200
    Exeter EX5 5YX
    Tel: +44 (0)1392 841600. Fax: +44 (0)1392 841478.

Books for Review; Advertising and Subscription Enquiries

These should be sent to the publishers:

Imprint Academic
PO Box 200
Exeter EX5 5YX
Tel: +44 (0)1392 841600. Fax: +44 (0)1392 841478

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Submission of Manuscripts by Email

JCS operates a highly-distributed review process, and strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts by email. Authors are encouraged to email their native wordprocessor files (retaining italics, accents, superscripts, footnotes etc.) There are two alternative ways to do this:
  1. Save the file as RTF (Rich Text Format) and send this as an ordinary (ascii) email;
  2. Send in Adobe Acrobat pdf format
  3. Most email programs have a MIME facility to encode and send binary files, such as ``insert file', or ``transmit from file'. We can handle most standard PC and Mac programs this way. Send all submissions to anthony@imprint.co.uk. Alternatively send in a floppy disk with your manuscript, stating clearly what machine and program was used

Editorial Board


Professor Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Department of Philosophy, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0126, USA

Managing Editor (address for submissions and books for review)

Revd. Anthony Freeman, Imprint Academic, PO Box 200, Exeter EX5 5YX, UK

Book Reviews Editor

Chris Nunn: cmhnunn@btinternet.com

Associate Editors

Jean Burns: jeanbur@earthlink.netIvo Mosley (Poetry): ivomosley@aol.com

Founding Editors

Joseph A. Goguen (1941¨C2006)
Robert K.C. Forman: Forman@TheForge.org
Jonathan Shear: jcs@infionline.net
Keith Sutherland (Publisher): keith@imprint.co.uk

Editorial Advisory Board

Bernard J. Baars, Neurosciences Institute
David Chalmers, Australian National University
Ewert Cousins, Fordham University
Daniel Dennett, Tufts University
Margaret Donaldson, Edinburgh University
Peter Fenwick, Maudsley Hospital
Brian Goodwin, Schumacher College
Stuart Hameroff, University of Arizona
Erich Harth, Syracuse University
Jeremy Hayward, Naropa Institute
Basil Hiley, Birkbeck College
Nicholas Humphrey, London School of Economics
Piet Hut, Institute for Advanced Studies
Robert Kentridge, University of Durham
Christof Koch, CalTech
George Lakoff, UC, Berkeley
Benjamin Libet, UC, San Francisco
Philip Merikle, University of Waterloo
Mary Midgley, University of Newcastle
Raimon Panikkar, UC, Santa Barbara
Roger Penrose, Oxford University
Geraint Rees, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Eleanor Rosch, UC, Berkeley
David Rosenthal, CUNY
John Searle, UC, Berkeley
Huston Smith, Syracuse University
Susan Leigh Star, UC, San Diego
Roger Walsh, UC, Irvine
Arthur Zajonc, Amherst College.

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