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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


"The Journal of Commonwealth Literature has long established itself as an invaluable resource and guide for scholars in the overlapping fields of commonwealth Literature, Postcolonial Literature and New Literatures in English. The journal is an institution, a household word and, most of all, a living, working companion." Edward Baugh

After nearly forty years of publication, The Journal of Commonwealth Literature is internationally recognized as the leading critical and bibliographic forum in the field. It provides an essential reference tool for scholars, researchers and information scientists involved in all aspects of Commonwealth and postcolonial literatures.

Three of the four issues each year bring together the latest critical comment on all aspects of Commonwealth and postcolonial literature and related areas, such as postcolonial theory, translation studies and colonial discourse. The fourth issue provides a comprehensive bibliography of publications in the field.

Electronic Access:

The Journal of Commonwealth Literature is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at http://jcl.sagepub.com

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

All editorial correspondence and manuscripts of articles offered for publication should be sent to:

John Thieme

The Journal of Commonwealth Literature

English and American Studies

University of East Anglia



Email: JohnThieme@aol.com

The editors welcome submissions (in English) on writing in languages other than English. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature does not publish creative writing or book reviews, though the articles issues do include a Books Received section, which provide short notices of books sent to the Journal.

Potential authors may approach the Editors informally for advice on the suitability of a topic in advance of submission.

Electronic submission is preferred, either as a Word file on disk or as an e-mail attachment, with the proviso that hard copy has to be substituted if they are not immediately readable. If hard copy manuscripts must be submitted, two copies should be provided. Documents should be double spaced, with generous margins.

A paper is accepted on the understanding that it is an original piece of work which has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.

On acceptance of a manuscript for publication it is understood that the author(s) are thereby transferring the copyright (including the right to publish in any and all media) to the publisher.

The following is a guide to some of the main aspects of The Journal of Commonwealth Literature's house-style. For guidance on our conventions on other points, please refer to any post-1992 articles issue of the Journal.


Should include the title of the article, the author's name, institutional affiliation (if appropriate) and location, set out as follows:

A Sport of Nature: Gordimer's Work in Progress

Richard Smyer

The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA


In the body of the text all paragraphs, except the first, should be indented five spaces, and all quotations of more than three lines should be indented ten spaces and single-spaced. Indented quotations should not be given in quotation marks. Short quotations, which appear within the body of the text, should be given within double quote marks; single quote marks should only be used for quotations within quotations. Where a quotation is contained within a sentence, the full stop should normally come after the quote marks which indicate the end of the quotation; where the quotation is itself a sentence or longer, the final full stop should come before the end of the quote marks.

Book titles should be italicized. Titles of articles, short stories, poems (and other parts of books) should be given in double quotation marks.

JCL follows British rather than American spelling conventions, but for words ending -ise/-ize, the Journal usually employs the '-ize' form, e.g. 'colonize', 'civilize'.


The Journal of Commonwealth Literature uses end-notes presented as a continuous numbered sequence (relating to superscript numbers in the text), not footnotes (i.e. notes at the foot of pages) or a 'Works Cited' format. Articles which are acceptable in other respects but do not conform to this procedure will normally have to be resubmitted.

Citation details should be given as follows:

Books: author's name, title (in italics), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page reference(s) preceded by 'p.' or (if plural) 'pp.', e.g.: Wilson Harris, Palace of the Peacock, London: Faber, 1960, pp. 94-5. [Please note the use of commas and the colon between place of publication and publisher.]

Articles: author's name, article title (in double inverted commas), journal title (in italics), vol. and issue no., year (in brackets), page reference (not preceded by 'p.' or 'pp.', e.g. Anthony Boxill, "V.S. Naipaul's Starting Point", Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 10,1 (1975), 1-9.

Editors' names should be indicated by 'ed.' -- or eds.' (if more than one).

For web addresses:

ICANN, About ICANN (24 July 2002). Retrieved 21 August 2002 at http:/www.icann.org/general/abouticann.htm

Repeated citations

Where a text is being cited frequently throughout an article, only one initial endnote reference should be included, together with an indication that this edition will be referred to subsequently, e.g. ¡°Wilson Harris, Palace of the Peacock, London: Faber, 1960, pp. 94-5. Subsequent references are to this edition and will be cited in the text.¡±

'ibid.' (not capitalized) should be used to indicate a citation which is identical to the previous note; 'ibid.' and the appropriate page number to indicate another reference to the text cited in the previous note, but to a different page number, e.g. ibid., pp. 94-5.

Second and subsequent references to texts which do not follow on from immediately preceding footnotes should normally be indicated by titles only (abbreviated if appropriate), e.g. Palace of the Peacock, pp. 94-5, or Palace, pp. 94-5, rather than op. cit., pp. 94-5.

'Cf.' may be used to indicate 'compare', but 'See' should be used when this is the intended meaning.


Authors will receive a journal copy plus an electronic link to reproduce 25 offprints of their article.

English Language Editing Services: Please click here for information on professional English language editing services recommended by SAGE publications.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board:

Editorial Assistant
Maria-Sabina Alexandru University of East Anglia, UK
Editorial Board
Elleke Boehmer Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, England
Laurence Breiner Boston University, USA
Claire Chambers Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
Robert Clark University of East Anglia, UK
Ralph Crane University of Tasmania, Australia
Johan Geertsema National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Elaine Yee-Lin Ho University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Coral Ann Howells University of Reading, UK
Malashri Lal University of Delhi, India
Gail Ching-Liang Low University of Dundee, UK
Robert McGill University of Toronto, Canada
John McLeod University of Leeds, UK
Bart Moore-Gilbert Goldsmiths College, UK
Brendon Nicholls University of Leeds, UK
James Ogude University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Ranka Primorac New York University in London
Sudeep Sen Delhi, India and London, UK
Paul Sharrad University of Wollongong, Australia
Dennis Walder The Open University, UK
Rajiva Wijesinha Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka
Mark Williams University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Bruce Woodcock University of Hull, UK

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