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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Since its foundation Journal of Chinese Philosophy has established itself at the forefront of contemporary scholarly understanding of Chinese philosophy, providing an outlet for the dissemination and interpretation of Chinese thought and values.

The Journal of Chinese Philosophy is devoted to the scholarly and creative study of Chinese philosophy and Chinese thought in all phases and stages of articulation and development. The journal has three main aims: first, to make available careful English-language translations of important materials in the history of Chinese philosophy; second, to publish interpretations and expositions in Chinese philosophy; third, a commitment to publishing comparative studies within Chinese philosophy or in relation to schools of thought in the Western tradition


Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Chinese Philosophy is a blind peer-reviewed philosophical journal devoted to the study of Chinese Philosophy and Chinese thought in all their phases and stages of development and articulation.

In our view there are three main efforts among recent studies of Chinese philosophy which merit specific mention. First, there is an attempt to make available important philosophical materials (in careful translation) from the history of Chinese philosophy, which constitute a contribution to the scholarly understanding of Chinese philosophy in its original form. Second, there is an attempt to make appropriate interpretations and expositions in Chinese philosophy, which constitute a contribution to the theoretical understanding of Chinese philosophy in its truth claims. Third, there is an attempt to make comparative studies within a Chinese philosophical framework or in relation to schools of thought in the Western tradition, which constitutes a contribution to the critical understanding of Chinese philosophy and its values. All three efforts will be recognized and incorporated in this journal as fundamental ingredients. To better articulate these efforts, we wish to emphasize in this journal employment of critical and rigorous methodology of analysis, organization, and synthesis, for we believe that Chinese philosophy, including those parts which have been labeled mystical, can be intelligently examined, discussed, and communicated. We will thus aim at clear and cogent presentation of ideas, arguments, and conclusions. We will honor creative work in Chinese philosophy - for we ask imagination as well as scholarship in our approach to various aspects and dimensions of Chinese philosophy.

As a summary statement of the intended comprehensive scope of this Journal, we shall mention four major historical periods and five major fields of discipline in Chinese philosophy. The four major historical periods are Classical Chinese Philosophy in Pre- Qin and Han Eras, Neo-Daoism and Chinese Buddhism, Chinese Neo-Confucianism, and Modern and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy since the nineteenth century. The five major fields of discipline are Chinese Logic and Scientific Thinking, Chinese Metaphysical Theories, Chinese Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, Chinese Art Theories and Aesthetics, and Chinese Social and Political Philosophies. We hope that a cross fertilization of these periods and fields will yield a still greater wealth of insight and ideas on nature, life, society, government, and human destiny.

Contributions are now invited in the above fields and from those who take a serious interest in Chinese philosophy and Chinese thought regardless of their orientation. Short and critical reviews are welcome. Special attention will be given to articles dealing with narrow topics with broad significance. In the future, plans will be made for organizing issues on specifically prescribed topics of contemporary interest.

Submissions are required to be compatible with the exact format style as shown in our most recent publications, and please particularly note that a regular article should be limited within 7,000 words and a book review is to be approximately 2,500 words. Please contact Dr. Linyu Gu, Managing Editor of the Journal, at linyu@hawaii.edu, to obtain the standard guidelines for the purpose of accurate formatting. Before meeting our primary requirements, a submission may not be available to process.

All submissions and editorial correspondence should be addressed to the editor:


Journal of Chinese Philosophy

Department of Philosophy, University of Hawaii

2530 Dole Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.

Tel.: (808) 956-6081

Fax: (808) 956-9228

E-mail: ccheng@hawaii.edu

For books to review and book reviews, please address to:

Professor ON-CHO NG

Associate Editor and Book Review Editor

Journal of Chinese Philosophy

History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University

108 Weaver Building, University Park, PA 16802, U.S.A.

Tel.: (814) 863-7703

Fax: (814) 863-7840

E-mail: oxn1@psu.edu

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Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.
Editorial Board

Chung-Ying Cheng, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

Antonio S. Cua, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Associate Editors
Lauren Pfister, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
On-Cho Ng, Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Review Editors
Lauren Pfister, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
On-Cho Ng, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Jesse Fleming, Tamkang University, Taipei
Shi Zhonglian, Fudan University, Shanghai

Managing Editor
Linyu Gu, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Honolulu

European Review Editor
Helmolt Vittinghoff, Cologne University, Cologne

Assistant Editor
John L. Trowbridge, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Honolulu

Editorial Board
Guenter Abel, Berlin Technical University, Berlin
Alasdair MacIntyre, University of Notre Dame
Robert Allinson, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Joseph Margolis, Temple University, Philadelphia
Roger Ames, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Donald Munro, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Karl-Otto Apel, Frankfurt University, Frankfurt
Robert C. Neville, Boston University, Boston
Richard J. Bernstein, New School for Social Research, New York
On-cho Ng, Pennsylvania State University
Nick Bunnin, Oxford University, Oxford
David Nivison, Stanford University, Stanford
Chen Lai, Peking University, Beijing
Heiner Roetz, Bochum University, Bochum
Arthur Danto, Columbia University, New York
Vincent Shen, National Chengchi University, Taipei
Eliot Deutsch, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Shun Kwong-loi, University of California at Berkeley
Wm Theodore de Bary, Columbia University, New York
John Smith, Yale University, New Haven
Herbert Fingarette, University of California at Santa Barbara
Tang Yijie, Peking University, Beijing
Mikhail Titarenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Joseph Grange, University of Maine, Portland
Tomohisa Ikeda, Tokyo University, Tokyo
HellmutWilhelm, University of Washington, Seattle
Wolfgang Kubin, Bonn University, Bonn
Guenter Wohlfart, Wuppertal University
D. C. Lau, Chinese University of Hong Kong
David Wong, Duke University, Durham
Shu-hsien Liu, Academia Sinica, Taipei
Yu Ying-shih, Princeton University, Princeton
Tornjoern Loden, University of Stockholm, Sweden

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