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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The flagship journal of the field, the Journal of Biblical Literature is published quarterly and includes scholarly articles, critical notes, and book reviews by members of the Society. Essential reading for over a century, it is now available online and in print.

Instructions to Authors
Society of Biblical Literature
Journal of Biblical Literature
1. General Information
1.1 All articles and critical notes submitted for publication are expected to conform to th
requirements set forth here. If a MS departs from these instructions in major ways, it may
be returned to the author for corrections before it is considered for publication. Two hard
copies of the MS should be submitted in what the author intends as its final form. JBL
does not accept manuscripts submitted electronically. A diskette or CD should not be
included with the initial submission of an article, but one will be required if the article is
accepted for publication. Manuscripts will not be returned, but the confidential nature of
the submission will be protected. Only one article or note may be submitted at a time.
Send submissions to:
Prof. James C. VanderKam, Editor
Journal of Biblical Literature
Dept. of Theology
130 Malloy Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
E-mail (correspondence only): jvanderk@nd.edu
1.2 A statement certifying that the article is not being submitted simultaneously to
another journal should accompany the MS. Articles that have appeared or are to appear
elsewhere, whether in English or in another language, should not be submitted.
1.3 Articles and notes should not employ the term ¡°man¡± (including also ¡°men,¡±
¡°mankind,¡± ¡°family of man,¡± ¡°brotherhood,¡± etc.) generically. Instead, inclusive terms
(e.g., ¡°human being,¡± ¡°human,¡± ¡°humanity,¡± ¡°humankind,¡± ¡°people,¡± etc.) should be use
to designate individuals and groups. Moreover, translations of texts (whether ancient or
modern) should not be more gender specific than the originals are judged to be.
1.4 Save for the specific instructions given below, the directives of The SBL Handbook o
Style (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1999) are to be followed, supplemented by The Chicago Manual of Style: Fifteenth Edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).
The American style of spelling is to be used, and the preferred authorities on spelling are
Merriam-Webster¡¯s Collegiate Dictionary (10th ed.; Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster,
1993) and Webster¡¯s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language,
Unabridged (Springfield, MA: G. and C. Merriam, 1967). When there is more than one
way of spelling a word, the first one listed in these authorities should be used.
1.5 Authors of articles selected for publication will receive first page proofs, which they
are expected to read carefully, check against the MS, correct, and return promptly.
2. Form of the Manuscript
2.1 The name and address of the author should not appear on the MS itself, but only on a
detachable cover sheet.
2.2 Whether an original (preferably) or a photocopy of the MS is submitted, it should be
clear and legible.
2.3 The maximum length of a submission is 10,000 words. This is the equivalent of about
38-40 pages that meet
 the specifications in 2.4. Pages should be typed or printed on one
side only, on white paper of good quality and of standard size. Legal-size paper is not to
be used.
2.4 Manuscripts should be double-spaced and in 12-point font, including endnotes.
Indented quotations may be single-spaced. Margins of at least 1 1/4 in. are to be left on all
edges of the paper.
2.5 Words to be printed in italics (e.g., titles of books and periodicals, foreign words) may
be either italicized or underlined in the MS. Words and letters to be printed in caps should
appear in caps in the MS. Letters to be printed in small caps (e.g., B.C.E., C.E., MS, MSS)
should either appear in that fashion in the MS or should be underlined twice.
2.6 Special material (e.g., lists, tables, charts, diagrams) should be produced on sheets
separate from the main text; however, the location of such material in the main text should
be indicated clearly (e.g., ¡°insert here chart 1¡±). Charts and tabular material of a complex
nature may be submitted camera-ready.
 2.7 In articles or critical notes discussing biblical verses, the author should provide the
reader with the text of the verse (at least in an English translation) at the beginning of the
2.8 Overcapitalization is to be avoided (e.g., biblical, temple). See The SBL Handbook of
Style, Appendix A. 2.9 End-of-line hyphens should be avoided, unless the hyphen is part of the spelling of
compound nouns (e.g., scholar-poet), compound adjectives (e.g., up-to-date study), or
compound expressions (e.g., Luke-Acts).
3. Quotations
3.1 Quotations of five or more lines in any language will be printed as a separate indente
paragraph, in smaller type than that used in the body of the article, and without opening
and closing quotation marks. Quotations should appear in that fashion in the MS.
3.2 Respect for accuracy in verbatim quotations demands that the spelling, capitalizatio
punctuation, and abbreviations of the original be reproduced exactly, even if they differ
from the style of this journal. Should a quotation contain an error, this may be indicated
by [sic] or [?], at the author¡¯s discretion.
4. Endnotes
4.1 Endnotes should be used rather than footnotes. They should be numbered
consecutively and double-spaced. No period is to be placed after the number at the
beginning of the endnote.
4.2 A raised arabic numeral (without punctuation or parentheses) should follow the
appropriate word in the text (and its punctuation, if any) to call attention to the note.
Insofar as possible, the numeral should occur at the end of the sentence.
4.3 Multiple notes within one sentence should be avoided. For example, when several
names occur in one sentence and a bibliographical reference is to be given for each, only
one footnote should be used (not a separate footnote for each name). This should be
placed at the end of the sentence and should include the pertinent reference for each nam
4.4 When a note comments on an issue and includes a bibliographical reference within a
sentence, the reference should be set entirely within parentheses, not commas, and if
possible at the end of the sentence. Example: But Charles C. Torrey thinks that the nam
¡°Cyrus¡± has been interpolated in Isa 45:1 (¡°The Messiah Son of Ephraim,¡± JBL 66
[1947]: 253).
4.5 Endnotes should include the full name of the author cited, unless the author only use
5. Bibliographical References
See The SBL Handbook of Style, ¡ì¡ì7.1, 7.2, 7.3. 6. Hebrew, Greek, etc.
6.1 Ordinarily, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Coptic¡ªwhether a block of material is
quoted or just a word or phrase¡ªshould not be transliterated, but given in the proper
characters. The unpointed consonantal text of Hebrew or Aramaic is to be used, unless
the argument calls for the vocalized form of the words.
6.2 Whether or not one transliterates, an English translation should normally accompany
at least the first occurrence of any Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, or Coptic word.
6.3 In cases where transliteration seems appropriate, the systems specified in The SBL
Handbook of Style, ¡ì¡ì5.1-9, should be used.
7. Citations of Ancient Texts and Abbreviations of Ancient Texts
See The SBL Handbook of Style, ¡ì¡ì8.1, 8.2, 8.3.
8. Abbreviations of Commonly Used Periodicals, Reference Works, and Serials
See The SBL Handbook of Style, ¡ì8.4. Titles not found in this list are to be written out in
(rev. date 2/14/07) 
(Constituent Member of the American Council of Learned Societies)

Editorial Board


General Editor: JAMES C. VANDERKAM, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Book Review Editor: CHRISTINE ROY YODER, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA 30031
Associate Book Review Editor : TODD C. PENNER, Austin College, Sherman, TX 75090

Term Expiring 2006:

THOMAS B. DOZEMAN, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH 45406
PAUL B. DUFF, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052
CAROLE R. FONTAINE, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, MA 02459
JUDITH LIEU, King¡¯s College London, London WC2R 2LS United Kingdom
MARTTI NISSINEN, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Finland
KATHLEEN M. O¡¯CONNOR, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA 30031
EUNG CHUN PARK, San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA 94960
TURID KARLSEN SEIM, University of Oslo, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
BENJAMIN D. SOMMER, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60645
VINCENT L. WIMBUSH, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA 91711

Term Expiring2007:

MOSHE BERNSTEIN, Yeshiva University, New York, NY 10033-3201
JOHN ENDRES, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94709
JO ANN HACKETT, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
MATTHIAS HENZE, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251
ROBERT KUGLER, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR 97219
TIMOTHY LIM, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH1 2LX Scotland
STEPHEN MOORE, Drew University, Madison, NJ 07940
STEPHEN PATTERSON, Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO 63119
EMERSON POWERY, Lee University, Cleveland, TN 37312
ADELE REINHARTZ, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5 Canada
RICHARD STEINER, Yeshiva University, New York, NY 10033-3201
SZE-KAR WAN, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, MA 02459

Term Expiring 2008:

ELLEN B. AITKEN, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T5 Canada
MICHAEL JOSEPH BROWN, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322
TERENCE L. DONALDSON, Wycliffe College, Toronto, ON M5S 1H7 Canada
STEVEN FRIESEN, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712
JENNIFER GLANCY, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York 13214
A. KATHERINE GRIEB, Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA 22304
ARCHIE C. C. LEE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin New Territories, Hong Kong SAR
DANIEL MARGUERAT, Universit¨¦ de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
RICHARD D. NELSON, Perkins School of Theology, So. Methodist Univ., Dallas, TX 75275
DAVID L. PETERSEN, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322
YVONNE SHERWOOD, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8QQ United Kingdom
LOREN T. STUCKENBRUCK, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3RS United Kingdom
PATRICIA K. TULL, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY 40205

Editorial Assistant : Christopher B. Hays, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322

President of the Society: Robert A. Kraft, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304;
Vice President: Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ 08542;
Chair, Research and Publications Committee: Benjamin G. Wright III, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015;
Executive Director: Kent H. Richards, Society of Biblical Literature, 825 Houston Mill Road, Suite 350, Atlanta, GA 30329.

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