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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal Home Page

THE JOURNAL OF AYN RAND STUDIES is a non-partisan, semi-annual,
interdisciplinary, double-blind peer reviewed academic periodical
dedicated to the discussion of the life, work, and legacy of the
novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand. We are indexed and abstracted---in
whole or selectively---in MLA International Bibliography, MLA
Directory of Periodicals, Political Science Abstracts, International
Political Science Abstracts, The Philosopher's Index, Sociological
Abstracts, and Social Services Abstracts.

We are currently looking for essays on the literary and pop cultural
influence of Ayn Rand. Essays that deal with Rand's impact on such
fiction writers as Erika Holzer, Kay Nolte Smith, Robert Heinlein,
Karen Michalson, and others would be a welcome addition to the
literature. We especially encourage submissions from those working in
diverse literary and philosophical traditions outside of Rand's
Objectivist system of thought.

For example, our newest volume---Spring 2002---features a lead essay
from one of the most important voices in contemporary Continental
thought: the Lacanian philosopher, Slavoj Zizek.

You can find abstracts of this issue---and all of our issues---along
with contributor biographies, style guidelines, and subscription
information at:

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies is a nonpartisan journal devoted to the study of Ayn Rand and her times. The journal is not aligned with any advocacy group, institute, or person. It welcomes papers from every discipline and from a variety of interpretive and critical perspectives. It aims to foster scholarly dialogue through a respectful exchange of ideas. The journal is published semi-annually, in the fall and the spring.

While we publish essays by Objectivists and those influenced by Rand, we are especially interested in publishing scholars who work in traditions outside of Objectivism---including those who are critical of Rand's thought.   We promote and encourage scholarly give-and-take among diverse elements of the academy.

We are now accepting proposals and unsolicited submissions on any aspect of Rand's corpus.  We are also looking forward to publishing reviews of any books relevant to Rand studies.  Please contact Chris Matthew Sciabarra <chris DOT sciabarra AT nyu DOT edu> if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a particular topic or if you have a specific book review in mind.  Be sure to conform to length and stylistic guidelinesFor a stylistic sample, click here to see an essay from The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies.

Submission Deadlines

Submissions are accepted at all times.  Due to a constructive double-blind review process, contributors are advised to be patient as they work toward acceptance and publication of their essays. 

Style Guidelines

Proposals and submissions: Submit both solicited and unsolicited research papers, articles, symposia, and comments on papers previously published in this journal directly to Chris Matthew Sciabarra at:  <chris DOT sciabarra AT nyu DOT edu>.   Send proposals for book reviews and queries about the appropriateness of an article to the same email addresses.  If electronic submission is not possible, send disk copy and four photocopies directly to Chris Matthew Sciabarra at N.Y.U. Department of Politics, 19 West 4th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, New York  10012-1119.  Only contributions not under consideration elsewhere will be accepted, and these will be subject to double-blind peer review.  Replies and rejoinders are not usually subject to such review, but they will be evaluated by the editorial board for appropriateness. All submitted papers must conform to the style guidelines below.

Preparation of article manuscripts: All papers must be submitted in Windows-based Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, or rtf formats.  Appropriate articles are fully refereed. Manuscripts and endnotes should be double-spaced and paginated throughout in Times New Roman 12 point type.  Place all tables, figures, and notes at the end of the manuscript.  Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 15,000 words.   A 50-100 word abstract or summary statement of the essay¡¯s central argument should be included at the beginning of the paper, along with a 50-100 word biographical sketch that includes email and street addresses, academic affiliation, telephone and telefax numbers, titles, publishers, and years of relevant publications.  Authors who want their manuscripts returned must enclose postage.

Stylistic Considerations: Page citations should be included in-text, in the following format: "20-22," "201-2," "413-14," "552-53" without "p." or "pp." abbreviations. The journal uses a dual system of notes as outlined by the Chicago Manual of Style.  Citations and references should follow the "author-date" system in-text as seen in the pages of the journal.  Explanatory notes should be in the form of endnotes, not footnotes.  A list of sources should be placed at the end of the manuscript, titled "References," and should follow the reference-list style of the Chicago Manual.  Please use italics for book titles and emphasis.  Please leave right margin ragged, rather than justified.

Editorial Board


Associate Editor:

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