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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Architectural Education has been published since 1947 for the purpose of enhancing architectural scholarship in design, history, urbanism, cultural studies, technology, theory, and practice. The journal is by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. It appears quarterly: September, November, February and May, with the September issue being the first issue of a new volume.

Instructions to Authors
Author Guidelines

The discipline and the profession of architecture continue to change rapidly, at once reaching out to other discrete areas of knowledge while searching for a unifying base. In response to this, at the October 2006 JAE meeting, the Editorial Board agreed to change the two general categories under which most manuscripts are submitted. The designation "Scholarship of Design" replaces what JAE previously termed "Scholarly Articles." "Design as Scholarship" replaces what was previously termed "Design Articles." The reasons for this change are several. Foremost, it reflects the Editorial Board's desire to acknowledge that scholarship and inquiry are not limited to the long-standing rigors of research our discipline inherited from Art and Architectural History. Moreover, by marking one group of articles as "scholarly," and the other not, sends precisely the wrong message at precisely the wrong time in our discipline's trajectory.

Manuscripts submitted to JAE must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts must be the author's original work and must not have been published elsewhere, in whole or in part. Authors are limited to submitting a single manuscript (or design) for each theme issue. Authors may simultaneously submit separate manuscripts as a General Article, a theme issue, and an Op Arch submission.

For further information please visit www.jaeonline.org or contact the Managing Editor, Cary Wiedman.

Editorial Board

Editorial Information


Executive Editor

George Dodds, University of Tennessee



Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Inc.


Managing Editor

Carey Wiedman, University of Tennessee


Design Editor

Jori Erdman, Clemson University


Reviews Editor

Sharon Haar, University of Illinois at Chicago


Editorial Board 2007-2010


William Braham, University of Pennsylvani

Henri T. de Hahn, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Lisa Findley, California College of the Arts

Donald Lunze, Pennsylvania State University

Michael McClure, University of Louisiana

Winifred Elysse Newman, Harvard Graduate School of Design

Saundra Weddle, Drury University


Editorial Board 2006-2009


Julio Bermudez, University of Utah

Marco Cenzatti, Harvard Graduate School of Design

Howard Davis, University of Oregon

J. Yolande Daniels, Columbia University

Gabrielle Esperdy, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Abidin Kusno, University of British Columbia

Lori Ryker, Montana State University and Artemis Institute


Editorial Board 2005-2008


Craig Barton, University of Virginia

Vincent Canizaro, University of Texas at San Antonio

Adam Drisin, Florida International University

Omar Khan, State University of New York at Buffalo

Vikram Prakash, University of Washington

Judith Sheine, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Kim Tanzer, University of Florida


ACSA Publications and Communications Committee, 2006-2007


George Baird, University of Toronto

Marleen K. Davis, University of Tennessee

George Dodds, University of Tennessee

Michael J. Monti, ACSA

Kenneth Schwartz, University of Virginia


Additional Peer Reviewers


Ted Cavanagh, Clemson University

Mark Alan Hewitt, Mark Alan Hewitt Architects / Rutgers University

Michael Jemtrud, Carleton University

Jean La Marche, State University of New York at Buffalo

Thomas Leslie, Iowa State University

Brian Lonsway, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Robert Mellin, McGill University

Gregory Palermo, Iowa State University

Gray Read, Florida International University

Michelangelo Sabatino, University of Houston

Kendra Schank Smith, University of Hartford

Kazys Varnelis, University of Limerick / Columbia University

George Wagner, University of British Columbia

David Wang, Washington State University

Bruce Webb, University of Houston

Mark West, University of Manitob

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