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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of American Studies seeks to critique and interrogate the notion of "America", pursuing this through international perspectives on the history, literature, politics and culture of the United States. The Journalpublishes original peer-reviewed research and analysis by established and emerging scholars throughout the world, considering US history, politics, literature, institutions, economics, film, popular culture, geography, sociology and related subjects in domestic, continental, hemispheric, and global contexts. Its expanded book review section offers in-depth analysis of recent American Studies scholarship to promote further discussion and debate. The journal is intended not only for students and scholars, but also for general readers with an interest in the United States.

Instructions to Authors

Journal of American Studies
Editorial policy 
Journal of American Studies publishes works by scholars from all over the world on
American literature, history, institutions, politics, economics, film, popular culture,
geography and related subjects. 
A 'Notes and Comments' section provides a forum for shorter pieces and responses from
readers to points made in articles or reviews. Also included are review essays, book
reviews, and biennially, a list of theses on American topics in progress and completed at
British universities. 
1. Submissions 
All contributions and editorial correspondence should be  sent to: Professor Susan
Castillo, Editor, Journal of American Studies, Department of American Studies, King's
College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK. The Editor can also be contacted via
email at
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, and
has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors of articles published in the
journal assign copyright to Cambridge University Press (with certain rights reserved)
and will receive a copyright assignment form for signature on acceptance of your paper. 
Contributors are responsible  for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in
which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for
ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. 
2. Manuscript preparation 
Articles should generally not exceed 6,000 words. Longer articles, or articles in two or
more parts, may be accepted by arrangement with the Editors. 
The article should be sent electronically to the Editor and a hard copy of the manuscript
should be submitted as well, clearly typed or printed in double-spacing with a large left
hand margin and a large typeface, double-spacing is important. The manuscript should
be printed on one side of the page only. Contributors should also send a short CV with
the electronic manuscript. Contributors should also submit a 200-300 word Abstract.

In the event of the manuscript being accepted for publication two final hardcopies
should be resubmitted with the final electronic file on disk or CD. The author should
provide a note of his or her affiliation at the foot of the first page of the manuscript. 
The author's email address should be clearly readable on the first page of the typescript,
in case the disk cannot be opened. Text files should be word documents if PC and rtf
documents if Macintosh. File names should be of the type AMSauthorsurname.doc or
.rtf for ease of identification. 
Diagrams, maps, and illustrations can be submitted as hardcopy but also as electronic
files if available. Artwork of any kind should be made into and eps file or a tif file and
the file name should be AMSauthorsurname1.eps or .tif (where the number is the figure
Contributors should keep one copy of the typescript for correcting proofs. 
3. Text preparation 
Spelling and punctuation may conform either to British or American usage, providing it
is consistent throughout. In either case quotation should follow the style of the original. 
Use -ize (as in organize), connection, enquiry, judgement, focussed, role; elite, regime
(without accents), but communique. 
Quotations: Long quotations (i.e., of 50 words or more) will be set apart in smaller type,
without quotation marks. They should also be indicated on the typescript. Shorter
quotations will be set in the text, with double quotations within quotations, use single
inside double. 
Punctuation: All commas and periods ending quotations should appear inside the
quotation marks; other punctuation goes outside unless it is actually part of the matter
Thus: We have been told "The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." 
But: Did the sun never shine on "a cause of greater worth"? 
Ellipsis within a sentence should be indicated by three ... spaced periods. Ellipsis at the
end of a sentence should be indicated by three spaced periods following the sentence
period, i.e. four periods in all. 
Indentation: The first line of articles and of sections within articles and of reviews
should not be indented. All other paragraphs begin with indentation. 
Dates: 13 January 1976 (but 13 Jan. in footnotes); March 1978; 1920s; 1965-68; 1904-
08 (except in headings: 1771-1773); seventeenth century; always abbreviate months in

Figures: Spell one to ninety-nine in text, except e.g. 75 voted for, 39 against, and 15
abstained. Spell only one to nine in footnotes. 15 percent (but use % in footnotes). 
Abbreviations: Mr., Dr., Jr., Sr. (as in Richard Henry Dana, Sr.); but USA, USSR, UN,
NATO, ACLS, DAB, PMLA (without periods). Ibid., et al., etc., loc. cit. (roman with
Tables: Use space rather than vertical rules, unless the latter are absolutely essential
sources and notes should appear immediately below each table. 
Footnotes should be used sparingly: in general, to give sources of direct quotations,
references to main authorities on disputable questions, and evidence relied on for a new
or unusual conclusion. They should be numbered consecutively, and placed, double
spaced, at the end of an article. 
Capitalization: southern, northern, southerner, northerner, governor, President of the
United States, South, North, Mid-west.
Citations should wherever possible be to authoritative editions rather than to paperback
reprints of no textual authority. 
Books should be cited thus complete with publisher’s name: 
W.R. Brock,  American Crisis: Congress  and Reconstruction 1865-1867 (London:
Macmillan, 1963), 274-83 
H.C. Allen and C.P. Hill, eds., British Essays in American History (London: Edward
Arnold, 1957) 
Frances Anne Kemble, Journal of a Residence on a Georgia Plantation in 1838-1939,
ed. John A. Scott (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961), 260ff. 
John Livingstone Lowes, The Road to Xanadu: A Study in the Ways of the Imagination
2nd edn. (1930; rept. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959), 61. 
Helen T. Catterall, ed., Judicial Cases Concerning American Slavery and the Negro, 5
vols. (Washington, DC: US Govt. Printing Office, 1926-37), 1, 216-21, 247; 4, 16.19. 
John M. Hill, An Introduction to American Fiction, 2nd edn. rev. (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1976), xi-xiii. 
Subsequent citations should be indicated thus: 
Immediately following: Ibid., 47. 
Within the next ten footnotes: Hill, 271-78 
When the work has not been cited, in any form, for more than ten footnotes: Hill,
American Fiction, 394 
Avoid op. cit. 

Journals should be cited thus: 
Bernard Poli, "The Hero in France and America," Journal of American Studies, 2
(1968), 225-38 
Avoid roman numerals. Indicate volume numbers by italicising, thus: 64 
Vol. No. Ch. Pt. all cap. 
Page numbers: 152-55, 113-257, 1365-69 
Abbreviations to be italic, e.g.  Reviews in North America Literature, hereafter
abbreviated to RNAL. 
Weekly magazines 
"Who controls the Democratic Party?" Time, 19 Sept. 1975, 19-24 
Norman Mailer, "Reflections on James Baldwin's 'Apocalypse'", New York Times, 9
Oct. 1968, 23. 
4. Proofs 
Typographical or factual errors only may be changed at proof stage. The publisher
reserves the right to charge authors for correction of non-typographical errors. 
5. Offprints 
Contributors of articles and review essays receive 25 free offprints. Extra copies may be
purchased from the publisher if ordered at proof stage. 
Last updated 9
P  January 2007

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


  • Professor Susan Castillo
  • Department of American Studies
    King's College London
    WC2R 2LS
  • Susan.Castillo@kcl.ac.uk

Associate Editor (Book Reviews)

  • Professor Scott Lucas
  • Department of American and Canadian Studies
    University of Birmingham
    Birmingham B15 2TT
  • W.S.Lucas@bham.ac.uk

Editorial Assistant

  • Mr John Matlin
  • Brunel University, UK
  • Christina Matteotti
  • King’s College London, UK

Editorial Board

  • Professor Janet Beer
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • Professor Ian Bell
  • Keele University, UK
  • Professor Dr. Sabine Broeck
  • Universität Bremen, Germany
  • Professor Emily Miller Budick
  • The Hebew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Professor John Dumbrell
  • University of Durham, UK
  • Professor Adam Fairclough
  • Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Professor Shelley Fisher Fishkin
  • Stanford University, USA

Editorial Board (Chair of BAAS Publications Sub-Committee)

  • Professor Martin Halliwell
  • University of Leicester, UK

Editorial Board

  • Professor Walter W. Hölbling
  • Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, Austria
  • Professor Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
  • University of Edinburgh, UK

Editorial Board (BAAS Executive Committee)

  • Professor Heidi Macpherson
  • De Montfort University, UK

Editorial Board

  • Dr Christopher Davis McKenna
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • Dr Marina Moskowitz
  • University of Glasgow, UK
  • Professor Simon Newman
  • University of Glasgow, UK
  • Professor Judie Newman
  • University of Nottingham, UK
  • Professor David Seed
  • University of Liverpool, UK
  • Ms Carol Smith
  • University College Winchester, UK
  • Professor Werner Sollors
  • Harvard University, USA

Editorial Board (BAAS Executive Committee)

  • Dr Graham Thompson
  • University of Nottingham, UK

Editorial Board

  • Professor Peter Williams
  • Miami University, Ohio, USA

BAAS Secretary

  • Dr Catherine Morley
  • Oxford Brookes University, UK

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