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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Established in 1942 by the American Society for Aesthetics, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism publishes current research articles, symposia, special issues, and timely reviews of books in aesthetics and the arts. The “arts?are taken to include not only the traditional forms such as music, literature, landscape architecture, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and other visual arts, but also more recent additions including photography, film, earthworks, performance and conceptual art, the crafts and decorative arts, contemporary technical innovations, and other cultural practices, including work and activities in the field of popular culture. 


The Journal takes a theoretical and interdisciplinary approach to the arts and aesthetic matters. Its authors include artists, writers, and academics in the fields of philosophy, English literature, comparative literature, art, music, theater and drama, art history, psychology, law, and related disciplines. The Journal also sponsors the bi-annual John Fisher Memorial Prize in Aesthetics in honor of John Fisher, editor of the Journal from 1973-1988. The Prize is offered to foster the development of new voices and talent in the field of aesthetics.


The Editorial Offices of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism are housed in the Department of Philosophy at Temple University. The Book Review Offices of the Journal are housed in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Missouri-St.Louis.


Instructions to Authors


submission guidelines

guidelines for submitting papers and discussion pieces

Manuscripts, accompanied by a brief abstract, should be submitted on paper, in duplicate, to the editor. Be sure to include a current postal address, institutional affiliation, and email address (if available). Manuscripts should be written according to the specifications of The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. (University of Chicago Press, 2003). They should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please use endnotes rather than footnotes. Number all pages, including endnotes. Leave four wide margins and double space all matter, including quotations and notes. In general, submissions should be under 7500 words.

Discussion pieces should focus on a paper published in a recent issue of the Journal and be as succinct as possible—generally under 2500 words. Endnotes should be kept to a minimum. Please consult recent issues of the JAAC for a sense of typical length, content, and tone. Other guidelines are the same as for papers.

If you have any questions about submitting papers or discussion pieces, please email the editor, Susan L. Feagin, at feagin@temple.edu or write to Susan L. Feagin, Editor, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Department of Philosophy, 717 Anderson Hall, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122.

guidelines for submitting symposium proposals

Symposia typically consist of three relatively brief papers that address a topic of current interest. Combined, the papers should total no more that 11000 words (about 44 typescript pages). A separate proposal narrative should explain what issues are involved and why it is desirable to devote a symposium to them. Any papers for the symposium that already exist should be included with the proposal. All contributors should have given their commitment to contribute. Authors?names and a brief biography of each should be included with the proposal.

Proposals for Symposia are discussed and evaluated by the Editorial Board at the annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, which is usually held at the end of October. (See the ASA website, www.aesthetics-online.org, for the exact dates of the next annual meeting.) Proposals must be received by the editor of the JAAC sufficiently in advance (preferably, about three weeks) to be distributed to the Editorial Board members prior to the meeting.

If you have any questions about submitting symposium proposals, please email the editor, Susan L. Feagin, at feagin@temple.edu or write to Susan L. Feagin, Editor, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Department of Philosophy, 717 Anderson Hall, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122.

guidelines for submitting special issue proposals

Special issues typically contain a mixture of invited and submitted papers centered on a topic of special current interest. The proposal narrative should include a title for the special issue and provide a detailed explanation of what issues are involved and why a special issue should be devoted to them. It is generally desirable to have the agreement of at least a few well-known persons in the fields represented by the ASA and the readership of the JAAC to contribute to the proposed special issue. This agreement is especially important if the proposed topic is highly unusual or likely to be controversial in some way. It is expected that anyone proposing to edit a special issue will have been active in the ASA to some extent. The proposal should contain a brief biography of the proposed editor(s) that highlights achievements in the field and editorial experience.

Proposals for special issues are discussed and evaluated by the Editorial Board at the annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, which is usually held at the end of October. (See the ASA website, www.aesthetics-online.org, for the exact dates of the next annual meeting.) Proposals must be received by the editor sufficiently in advance (preferably, about three weeks) to be distributed to the Editorial Board members prior to the meeting.

If you have any questions about submitting special issue proposals, please email the editor, Susan L. Feagin, at feagin@temple.edu or write to Susan L. Feagin, Editor, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Department of Philosophy, 717 Anderson Hall, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122.

Editorial Board




Editor: Susan L. Feagin, Temple University

Book Review Editor: Stephanie Ross, University of Missouri at St. Louis



Noël Carroll, Temple University


Stephen Davies, University of Auckland


Whitney Davis, University of California at Berkeley


Terry Diffey, University of Sussex


Paul Guyer, University of Pennsylvania


Garry Hagberg, Bard College


Kathleen Higgins, University of Texas at Austin


Gary Iseminger, Carleton College


Carolyn Korsmeyer, State University of New York at Buffalo


Peter Lamarque, University of York


Jerrold Levinson, University of Maryland


Dominic McIver Lopes, University of British Columbia


Stephen Melville, The Ohio State University


Jenefer Robinson, University of Cincinnati


Richard Shusterman, Florida Atlantic University


Anita Silvers, San Francisco State University


Kendall Walton, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor


Mary Wiseman, Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate School


Administrative Assistant : Heather Coletti (JAAC)


Editorial Assistants : Rachel Falkenstern (JAAC), Devin Peipert (Book Reviews)





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