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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

About the Journal

Correspondence concerning articles and other contributions to Irish Historical Studies (except for reviews) should be addressed to Professor David Hayton, joint editor, School of History, Queen's University, Belfast BT7 1PA. Manuscripts, which should not normally exceed 8,000 words in length, should be submitted in duplicate (double-spaced typing) and should be prepared in accordance with 'Rules for contributors' in Irish Historical Studies, xxxiii, no. 131 (May, 2003), pp 351-68. A PDF version of the 'Rules for contributors' is also available to download:
Books for review and correspondence relating to reviews should be addressed to Dr Mary Ann Lyons, joint editor, Department of History, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
Irish Historical Studies is published twice a year. Most back numbers are still available. The current advertising rate is 160 Euro per page. All subscription and other business inquiries should be addressed to Dr W. E. Vaughan, treasurer, Irish Historical Studies Publications Ltd, Department of History, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland, to whom returned or undeliverable copies of the journal should also be sent.
Editorial and management board: the joint editors, the treasurer and the secretary of Irish Historical Studies Publications Ltd; nominated committee members of the Irish Historical Society and of the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. Chairman: Professor Keith Jeffery. Secretary: Professor Jacqueline Hill.
The journal is published by Irish Historical Studies Publications Limited. The directors of the company are the joint editors, the secretary, the treasurer and the chairman of the journal management board, along with the nominated committee members of the two societies (the IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY and the ULSTER SOCIETY FOR IRISH HISTORICAL STUDIES).

Instructions to Authors

Irish Historical Studies


Subscription includes the journal Irish Historical Studies and membership of the IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY and the ULSTER SOCIETY FOR IRISH HISTORICAL STUDIES. Those who wish to do so can join as an Associate Member of either society. Associate Membership does not include the journal. For details of the Associate Membership, see the pages for the two Societies.
NB: Subscriptions are payable by cheque or money order only. Subscription rates are subject to alteration.
Membership Subscriptions: €44 (Euro); -2 (Sterling); $50 (US dollars)
Other Subscriptions:
Agents (including 10% discount): €57.60 (Euro); -6 (Sterling); $57.60 (US Dollars)

Direct Institutions: €57.60 (Euro); -0 (Sterling); $57.60 (US Dollars)

Membership applications should be sent to:

Dr W. E. Vaughan
Irish Historical Studies Publications Limited
Department of History
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Contact: Irish Historical Society

Editorial Board

Irish Historical Studies

Current Contents

No. 137 (May 2006)
Patrick Kelly Sir Richard Bolton and the authorship of  "A declaration setting forth how, and by what means, the laws and statutes of England, from time to time came to be of force in Ireland" 1644
James G. Patterson Republicanism, agrarianism and banditry in the west of Ireland, 1798-803
D. A. J. MacPherson and Donald M. MacRaild Sisters of the brotherhood: female Orangeism on Tyneside in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Daith??Corráin 'Ireland in his heart north and south': the contribution of Ernest Blythe to the partition question
Aoife Bhreatnach The 'itinerant problem': the attitude of Dublin and Stormont governments to Irish Travellers, 1922-60
Evi Gkotzaridis Revisionist historians and the modern Irish state: the conflict between the Advisory Committee and the Bureau of Military History, 1947?966
David Noel Doyle Review article: 'Savage' Irishman William Johnson and the variety of America
  Reviews and short notices
Twelfth biennial report (sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh years) of the Irish Committee of Historical Sciences

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