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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The International Journal of Music Education (IJME) is published three times a year. Each issue has a special focus.

Research (April) comprises scholarly reports that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of music with a special interest toward an international constituency and of interest and relevance to the international community.

Showcase (August) includes special focus issues on topics or themes that ISME believes are important to air internationally, keynote presentations from ISME World Conferences and other important articles of a broad nature, or articles, debates and commentaries which involve work being undertaken in ISME Commissions.

Practice (December) publishes articles relevant to advancing the practice of music teaching and learning at all age levels with issues of direct concern to the classroom or studio, in school and out, private and group instruction.

Electronic Access:

International Journal of Music Education is available electronically on SAGE Journals Online at http://ijme.sagepub.com

SAGE Full-Text Collections

This journal is included in the Education: SAGE Full-Text Collection. Visit www.sagefulltext.com for more information.

Aims and Scope:

The purpose of the Journal is to publish (in the English language) articles, reviews and scholarly comment which have been judged worthy of publication by appropriate specialists and accepted by the Editor on studies relating to music education by which is understood:

The International Journal of Music Education is the official journal of the International Society for Music Education. It is designed to publish articles across a wide range of literature on music education including materials relevant to teaching and learning at all levels, in all forms, in all contexts, and from pre-primary to higher and lifelong music education. IJME aims to recognise and address what is useful, innovative and relevant to an international community of practitioners, researchers and practitioner-researchers whose voices, whether heard as soloists or in choruses, constitute a dialogue about new possibilities for advancing theory and practice.

2. The Journal will be international in the sense that it will seek, wherever possible, to publish material from authors with an international reputation and articles that are of interest to an international audience.

3. In pursuit of the above the journal shall:

(i) draw on and include high quality work from the international community of scholars including those in the major countries of Europe, Australasia, the United States, other parts of the Americas, countries in the Third World and elsewhere with due representation for considerations of the readership. The Journal shall include work representing the major areas of interest in contemporary research on music education.

(ii) avoid bias in favour of the interests of particular schools or directions of research or particular political or narrow disciplinary objectives to the exclusion of others;

(iii) ensure that articles are written in a terminology and style which makes them intelligible, not merely within the context of a particular discipline or abstract mode, but across the domain of relevant disciplines.

Instructions to Authors


All quantitative articles must conform to the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition, 2001). Nonquantitative articles may conform to APA style, The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition, 1993), or A Manual of Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, K. L. Turabian, 6th edition, revised by John Grossman & Alice Bennett, 1996). Authors may not mix styles in a single manuscript.

All manuscripts will then be sent out by an editor for anonymous editorial review by members of the IJME Editorial Committees (and/or invited reviewers in special circumstances, such as submissions in languages not represented on the Committee). To preserve anonymity in the process, the manuscript and abstract should contain no clues to the author's identity or institutional affiliation (they should appear only on the title page which will not be sent out). Contributors can usually expect a decision concerning the acceptability of a manuscript for publication within three months after receipt. Accepted articles will appear in the order in which they were accepted as publication space allows in the IJME.

Articles should be sent electronically to the relevant editor as follows:

Research articles: to Christopher M. Johnson at


Practice articles: to both Pamela Burnard at pab61@cam.ac.uk, and Jane Cheung at .

All articles should be sent as an attachment in Rich Text Format (RFT) or Word document format (DOC). If electronic submission is not possible, four identical copies of the complete paper may be mailed to the relevant editor as shown below. The type size of the font should be no smaller than 12 point and be double-spaced (double spacing should include 28 points total for the line of text and the following line). Tables and figures should be no smaller than eight points. Figures and tables need not be camera-ready for review, but camera-ready figures and tables must be provided by the author for publication.

Research issue submissions to:

Christopher M. Johnson, Editor, International Journal of Music Education: Research, Music Education and Music Therapy, The University of Kansas, 448 Murphy Hall, 1530 Naismith Drive, Lawrence, JS, 66045-3102, USA.

Email: IJME@ku.edu

Practice issue submissions to:

Pamela Burnard, Co-Editor, International Journal of Music Education: Practice, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Homerton Site, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2PH, UK,


Jane Cheung, Co-Editor, International Journal of Music Education: Practice, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Hong Kong

Email: wycheung@ied.edu.hk

1. Length of papers. The entire manuscript, including the abstract and any figures, tables, drawings and references generally should not exceed 20 pages, but longer articles will be considered. Please also supply an abstract of about 150 words, and 5-8 keywords (arranged in alphabetical order) for searching online.

2. The Editor will acknowledge manuscripts upon receipt. All manuscripts will be sent out by the editor for anonymous editorial review by members of the IJME Editorial Committee (and/or to invited reviewers in special circumstances, such as submissions in languages not represented on the Committee). To preserve anonymity in the review process, the manuscript and abstract should contain no clues to the author's identity or institutional affiliation (they should appear only on the title paper which will not be sent out). Contributors can usually expect a decision concerning the acceptability of a manuscript for publication within three months after receipt. Accepted articles will appear in the order in which they were accepted as publication space allows.

3. The title page must include: title of article; author's name; current position and institution; current email for correspondence. Including an address, telephone and fax number(s) would also be helpful. There should also be the following statement on the title page (signed by the author): 'This article is submitted exclusively to the International Journal of Music Education and, if accepted for publication, it is agreed that it will become the copyright of the International Society for Music Education.'

4. Quotations. Lengthy quotations (over 40 words) should be displayed and indented in the text.

5. Style. UK or US spellings may be used with -ize spellings as given in the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. organize, recognize). Please use single quotation marks and double quotations marks for quotes within quotes. Dates should be in the form '9 May 2000'. Delete full stops/periods from 'USA' and other such abbreviations.

6. If the paper is accepted for publication, a copy of the final version will be required on disk, preferably in a PC-compatible format. The author is responsible for ensuring that the final hard copy and the diskette versions are identical.

7. Tables. You should present tables in your manuscript typed double-spaced on separate sheets and containing only horizontal rules. Each table needs a short descriptive title above it. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. All tables must be cited in the text.

8. Illustrations. All line diagrams and photographs are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively and presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing), each on a separate A4 sheet. They should be reproducible to a final printed text area of 244 mm x 170 mm. Illustrations on disk should be supplied as TIF or JPEG files scanned in at high resolution (at least 300 dpi) to a size of 244 mm x 170 mm. Images should be provided separately, i.e. not embedded in a Word document. Photographs should preferably be submitted as clear, glossy, unmounted black and white prints with a good range of contrast. Slides are also acceptable, black and white if possible. All figures should have short descriptive captions typed on a separate sheet. Authors are responsible for obtaining printed and electronic permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. Permission letters must be supplied to Sage Publications.

9. References in the text should be presented in American Psychological Association (APA) style, i.e. the author's name and year of publication in brackets, together with the page numbers, e.g. 'As Floyd (2002, pp. 40-41) has observed', or, in a more general reference: Floyd (2002) appears to be saying

10. Reference list. The references should be listed alphabetically in full at the end of the paper, typed double-spaced for ease of editing.

Multi-authored articles: in the text, when the work has two authors, always cite both names every time. When there are more than two authors and less than six, cite all authors the first time and after that, just the surname of the first author and et al. The names of all authors should be given in the reference list.

11. Language and terminology. Jargon or unnecessary technical language should be avoided. Language that might be deemed sexist or racist should not be used.

12. The corresponding author will receive page proofs for checking. Electronic offprints will be sent to the corresponding author, and all authors will receive a free copy of the journal.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board:

Co-Editors (Research):
    Christopher Johnson University of Kansas, USA
    Beatriz Ilari Federal University of Parana, Brazil
Co-Editors (Practice):
    Timothy Brophy University of Florida, USA
    Jane Cheung Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

2005 Guest Editor
Carolynn A. Lindeman San Fransisco State University, USA
International Editorial Board Research
Mayumi Adachi Hokkaido University, Japan
Jose Luis Arostegui University of Granada, Spain
Julie Ballantyne University of Southern Queensland, Australia,
David J. Elliott New York University, USA
David Forrest Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Ana Lucia Frega Universidad CAECE, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lily Chen Hafteck Kean University, USA
David J. Hargreaves The Open University, UK
Ruth Hewston University of Warwick, UK
L Iaskovskaya Journal Default
Eleni Lapidaki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Raymond A.R. Macdonald Department of Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Kathryn Marsh University of Sydney, Australia
Harry E. Price University of Oregon, USA
Joan Russell McGill University, Canada
David W. Sogin University of Kentucky, USA
Natassa Stavrou Cyprus College, Cyprus
Robin Stevens Deakin University, Australia
Johanna Tafuri Conservatorio di Musica 'G.B.Martini', Bologna, Italy
Graham Welch Institute of Education, University of London, UK
Heidi Westerlund Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland
Editorial Assistant
Leigh Lauren Giglio
International Editorial Board Practice
Polyvios Androutsos University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Bryan Burton West Chester University, USA
Patrick Freer Georgia State University, USA
Andrea Giraldez University of Valladolid, Spain
Mary Kennedy University of Victoria, Canada, 2006-12
Minette Mans University of Namibia
Cidricia Maugars Independent Music Education Researcher, Paris, France
Oscar Odena Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Inok Paek Independent Researcher & Performer, Korea/UK
Alex Ruthmann Indiana State University, USA
Valerie Ross Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Jonathan Stephens University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Nita Temmerman Deakin University, Australia
Kari Veblen University of Western Ontario, Canada
Cecilia Wang University of Kentucky, USA

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