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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Indogermanische Forschungen publishes contributions (essays and reviews) mainly in the areas of historical-comparative linguistics, historical linguistics, typology and characteristics of the languages of the Indogermanic language family. Essays on general linguistics and non-Indogermanic languages are also featured, provided that they coincide with the main focus of the journal with respect to methods and language history.


Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

When preparing your manuscript for submission to IF, please comply with the following format guidelines:

1. The margins of the manuscript should be at least 3.5 cm on both sides. The line spacing of the manuscript should be 1.5 (manuscripts prepared with a typewriter should be double spaced).

2. Font formats (if not available in the word processing program used) should be indicated as follows: double underline = bold, wavy underline = italics, dotted underline = spaced lettering.

3. When using the font formats mentioned in 2.) above, it is especially important to note the following:

Italic font is only used for examples (e.g. lat. fenestra "window", with the exception of examples in Greek, which should appear in standard font. Examples taken from languages with non-Latin alphabets (e.g. Cyrillic, Hebrew, etc.) must be transliterated and should thus appear in italics.

In the reference section, however, the use of italic font should be avoided. Article, book, anthology and journal titles should never appear in italics. The highlighting of authors' names through the use of small capital letters is also not permitted.

The use of spaced lettering should generally be avoided. Bold type may be used in the main body only when called for by the conventions of the individual discipline (e.g. in Oscan examples).

4. The editors of IF uphold a tradition of the journal which requires that all abbreviations be followed by a full stop. This applies to the abbreviation of language names (e.g. mhd., ai., OE., Olr., etc.) as well as to the abbreviations of journal titles (e.g. PBB. IF., etc.). We request that you follow these abbreviation conventions, even when the modern conventions of abbreviating increasingly omit the full stop, especially in the English-speaking regions.

5. Reference entries:
It is strongly recommended that you include a separate reference section at the end of the manuscript which, at the very least, should include the literature mentioned in the manuscript. Citations within the main body are usually used in the following brief form: “As Boley (1993:200f.) has already pointed out…” Bibliographical information may only be cited through the use of a footnote in special cases (e.g. seldom-cited works [max. approx. 5] that each only appear once).

When formatting the reference section, please note that article, book, anthology and journal titles should not be set in italics, and that the name(s) of author(s) should not be highlighted with small capital letters. All abbreviations (including the abbreviations of journal titles, e.g., IF., PBB., KZ., IBS., etc.) must be followed by a full stop.

There are no strict guidelines with regard to the order of bibliographical information within the individual reference entries. As a result, only a few possible formats are shown here as examples:

Boley, Jacqueline, 1993, The Hittite Particle -z/-za. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 79). Innsbruck.

The following format is also possible:

Boley, Jacqueline. The Hittite Particle -z/-za. Innsbruck 1993. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, Bd. 79).

Articles may be cited, for example, according to the following format:
Fischer, O., 1991, The Rise of the Passive Infinitive in English. In: Kastovsky, D., 1991, Historical English Syntax. Proceedings of the Kellner-Festival, Held in 1988 at Schlo?Liechtenstein. (Topics in English Linguistics, 2). Berlin, New York, 141-188.

6. Figures and illustrations:
Figures and illustrations must be provided in high quality copy so that they may used directly for print (i.e. in camera-ready copy). Please ensure that any fonts used in figures and illustrations comply with the style format of IF (the use of typewriter fonts should be avoided). When formatting the size of the figures/illustrations, the page format of the journal should be taken into account. When submitting a figure/illustration in a larger format, the individual elements within the figure/illustration should be designed clearly to ensure legibility after any necessary size reductions.

7. Please be sure to include your complete and current postal address at the end of your article. This address will serve as your contact information for the editorial board. Galley proofs and any other written correspondence will be sent to this address.

8. When submitting your manuscript, in addition to a hard copy, please include an electronic copy (where applicable) of your manuscript on floppy disk and be sure to indicate the following on the floppy disk label: the title of your contribution, the name(s) of the author(s), as well as the name of the software program and operating system used in preparing your manuscript. Where possible, the floppy disk should also include a version of your manuscript in RTF-format.


Editorial Board

Editorial Information

All articles and shorter contributions (longer papers only upon prior request) submitted for publication in Indogermanische Forschungen as well as review copies should be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang P. Schmid
Schladeberg 20
37133 Friedland

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