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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover art of the November/December 2008 issue of Horizons magazine (Photo montage by Stephanie Morris of background image of the globe with the images of beans, rice, and children asking for food within the letters F O O D)

About Horizons

Horizons magazine provides information, inspiration and education from the perspectives of women who are committed to Christ, the church and faithful discipleship. Horizons brings current issues dealing with family life, the mission of the church and the challenges of culture and society to its readers. Interviews, feature articles, Bible study resources and departments offer help and insight for up-to-date, day-to-day concerns of the church and individual Christians.

A Bible study is produced every year for individual or small-group study. Written by leading theologians and pastors in the Reformed tradition, it provides contemporary research and background information along with probing questions for what the texts have to say to us today. Use Bible studies from previous years to pursue your own questions and interests.

See the current Horizons Bible study

The publications produced by Horizons follow a 130-year tradition of publishing by women in the Presbyterian Church. By subscribing to Horizons, you're helping to keep that publishing tradition alive; without the Presbyterian women who subscibe and engage with Horizons, this resource would disappear.

Instructions to Authors

Writers' Guidelines

Horizons is published by Presbyterian Women for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The purpose statement for Presbyterian Women is

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves:

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
  • to support the mission of the church worldwide,
  • to work for justice and peace,
  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom
  1. Horizons welcomes articles, stories and poems of varying themes and topics.
  2. Articles/stories should be between 600 and 1,800 words.
  3. Submissions should be printed on white paper and double-spaced.
  4. Submissions may be accompanied by a photograph, an illustration or a suggestion for design.
  5. Writers should include: name, address, email address, day and evening telephone numbers, and social security number.
  6. Horizons offers an honorarium of no less than $50 per page printed in the magazine¡ªamount will vary depending on time and research required for writing the article.

Writers can mail, email, or fax their article to Horizons.

Address: PW Assistant Editor,
100 Witherspoon St., Louisville, Kentucky, 40202-1396
Email: Yvonne Hileman
Fax: 502/569-8085
Phone: 888/728-7228, ext. 5897 or 502/569-5897

Please mark all correspondence "attention: Yvonne Hileman "

Editorial Board

Horizons Staff

Susan Jackson Dowd
Communications Coordinator

Susan, PW communications coordinator, has served as PC(USA) national staff in Louisville since 1988, the first six years with the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and the last 12 years with Presbyterian Women/Horizons. Susan leads the PW Communications staff, whose responsiblities include publishing and marketing Horizons magazine and Bible study, as well as all other PW resources. She has a bachelor¡¯s in journalism/radio television, a master¡¯s in Christian education and a doctorate in leadership education. Susan is a member of Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville.

Susan is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, whose only other home was in Murray, Kentucky for four years to attend college. Her work for Presbyterian Women combines her passions for journalism, books, publishing, and the church. She and her husband, Scott Dowd, share their home with three dogs: Isadora (Izzy), Edwina (Ed), Harriet (Hank). In Susan's spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, cooking, traveling, and going to school.

Sharon Dunne Gillies
Associate Editor/Web Content Editor

After living in Louisville for more than eight years, Sharon calls Louisville home. She received a bachelor¡¯s degree in English from Bellarmine College. Her work with Presbyterian Women includes managing translations, editing Web content for both the Horizons and PW sites, and editing for other PW publications.

She and her husband Brent live in Louisville with their dog Baxter. Sharon spends her spare time reading, enjoying time with family and friends, traveling, going to school, following popular culture and celebrating Michigan football.

Carissa Herold
Marketing Associate

Although new to her position with Presbyterian Women, Carissa has worked previously for both Westminster John Knox Press and Curriculum Publishing, PC(USA). Her work experience outside the PC(USA) includes editing and content management for an online publisher; marketing and communications for an insurance company; public relations for a governmental contractor; and paralegal assistance for a corporate legal department. She has experience in advertising and marketing, public relations, copywriting and editing, and sales.

Carissa volunteers much of her free time to the Louisville Zoo. She and her husband Glenn happily share their home with three dogs and a cat. Carissa enjoys reading, traveling, hiking and spending quality time with friends and family. 

Yvonne Hileman
Assistant Editor/Tracking Manager

Yvonne serves Presbyterian Women as the assistant editor and production assistant in charge of traffic management. She has been in publishing for nearly 15 years. During that time, she has experienced most aspects of the business including design and production, copywriting, editing and copyediting, project management and electronic prepress. Yvonne previously worked for The United Methodist Reporter in Dallas, Texas. A native of western Kentucky, Yvonne studied graphic design and journalism at the University of Kentucky. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education from Brescia College in Owensboro, Kentucky, and worked as a librarian assistant for six years before beginning her career in communications.

Laura Lee
Art Director/Resource Production Associate

Laura Lee's position entails managing production, working with artists and vendors, and scheduling the work of the Office of Communications. Previously, Laura was the principle designer of Horizons magazine and the Bible study. She has several years experience in design and formatting, working in advertising, printing and with Creative Publishing Services within Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. She has had her own desktop publishing business and currently makes and sells beaded jewelry at art fairs and retail stores. Laura has a degree from the University of Louisville in English and philosophy.

Laura is married to Mark McCabe, assistant to the Middle East office of the Worldwide Ministries Division of the Presbyterian Church (USA). They have a son, Lucas, and a daughter, Zoe. They live on five acres in Lanesville, Indiana. Laura enjoys music, gardening, reading, traveling, canoeing and camping, and dreams of touring the continent with her kids and husband in an Airstream camper.

Ashley Meyer
Associate Editor

Stephanie M. Morris
Designer/Web Manager

A native Louisvillian, Steph has worked in the Louisville Office of the PC(USA) since 1993. She has a degree from the University of Phoenix in information technology with a minor in multimedia and visual communication. As Designer/Web Manager she is responsibile for designing PW print and electronic resources and promotional maerials, including the Birthday Offering and the Thank Offering. She also provides consultation services to PW staff on document design options and designs, creates and maintains the Horizons Web site, as well as provides images and electronic files for the PW Web site. Her responsibilities also consist of the recommendation of MAC and PC software and the installation of MAC hardware and providing technical assistance to fellow staff.

Steph has two adult daughters Keyotta (Steven) and Brittany, a son, James Jr., and two grandbabies, Steve and Stephanie. Steph spends her free time enjoying her son, going to school, and volunteering at her local congregation. She enjoys any and everything creative, artistic, and web savvy.

"With God, All Things Are Possible"

Debbie Paris
Communications Specialist

Debbie has lived in Louisville all of her life. She graduated with honors and received an associates degree in Commercial Art Technology from Jefferson Community College in May of 2000. During and after college she worked as a graphic designer at a local advertising agency.

She and her fiance Jimmy enjoy flea markets and collecting antiques. She has two grown children named Michael and Jessica, both of whom are an everyday inspiration to her.

Debbie quite enjoys the arts. Her craft experience ranges anywhere from sewing, ceramics, beading, silversmithing, and lapidary work. In her spare time she loves to paint or coordinate fabrics for her next art quilt.

"Art is Life."

Jung Ju Winner
Communications Specialist

Jung Ju was born in South Korea, but has lived in Louisville for more than 25 years. She studied commercial art and photography, and has worked at the Presbyterian Center since 1998. She loves to read mystery novels and collect antiques.  Jung Ju is married to Edward, who works for the Kentucky State government. They have been married for 23 years.

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