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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Since its launch in 1976, History Workshop Journal has become one of the world's leading historical journals. Its cutting-edge scholarship, accessible writing, and lively engagement with contemporary concerns continues to win it widespread acclaim from both academic and general audiences.

Impact Factor

In the 2006 ISI Journal Citation Reports History Workshop Journal is ranked 11/16 journals in the history category with an impact factor of 0.180.

Abstracting and Indexing Services

History Workshop Journal is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

ABC CLIO: America: History and Life
ABC CLIO: Historical Abstracts
Alternative Press Index
CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
ISI (Institute for Scientific Information): Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts
and Humanities Citation Index, Research Alert, Social Scisearch, and Current
Contents/Arts & Humanities
Left Index
Sociological Abstracts
Studies on Women Abstracts

Instructions to Authors

We welcome new submissions. Please send:

  • ONE hard copy of all manuscripts should be sent to:
    Bertie Mandelblatt, History Workshop Journal, PO Box 60305, London, WC1E 7WX

  • In addition, please submit your piece as a Word or rich text format (rtf) email attachment to: b.r.mandelblatt@rhul.ac.uk

Reviews and suggestions for reviews should go to:
Barbara Taylor, Department of Cultural Studies, University of East London, University Way, London E16 2RD, UK.

Editorial Procedure Contributions are read by four or five editors, a process which takes up to six months. The final decision rests with the editors responsible for the next two issues, and will depend on the balance in those issues as well as on the merits of the work.

Final copy dates are in March for the autumn issue and September for the spring issue. Once a contribution has been accepted, the editors of forthcoming issues will work with the author.

Length and Format All submissions must be typed on A4 paper, double-spaced, with 3cm margins. Short articles are preferred. The maximum is 10,000 words, including footnotes. Contributions to the middle section of the Journal ('Critique', 'Archives and Sources', 'Work in Progress', etc.) are from 3,000 to 6,000 words. Accounts of particular archives or sources are welcomed, and reports on the practice and production of history in schools and adult education, museums, the media, the trade union movement, and the community. These can also take the form of brief notes (200-500 words) for the 'Noticeboard', which depends heavily on contributions from readers. Please supply the word count for your contribution if possible.
N.B. Authors should supply an abstract and biographical note if their piece is accepted to the Journal.

Style should be clear and accessible. Authors must avoid jargon, and use any foreign words sparingly and with translation. Prior knowledge should not be assumed: state the context of the work, identify individuals whom you mention, and explain specialist references. Turns of phrase using masculine forms as universals are not acceptable and will be edited out.

Illustrations Authors of accepted articles should, if possible, supply at least one illustration, which must be a good photograph or line drawing; photocopies are not acceptable. Permission for reproduction is essential and is the responsibility of the author.
N.B. Picture and translation costs will only be paid by the Journal in exceptional circumstances. Please inform the editors at an early stage which illustrations are likely to be supplied and whether there are any potential difficulties.

Proofs Authors will receive a proof copy of their work for typographical correction only; no other revisions can be accepted at the proof stage. Orders for offprints must be placed at this point.

Offprints Authors of main articles receive 25 offprints and free online access to their paper. Addtional offprints can be ordered from the publisher. Authors may purchase copies of the issue in which their article appears at a 50% discount. Authors of shorter pieces and reviews receive a copy of the journal in which their work appears and free online access to their paper.

Copyright and Permissions Submitted manuscripts will be expected to contain original work and should not have been published in abridged or other form elsewhere. It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign an exclusive licence to History Workshop Journal. Any requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled on behalf of History Workshop Journal by Oxford University Press and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that History Workshop Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Oxford University Press is notified in writing and in advance.

Author Self-Archiving/Public Access policy For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Self-Archiving policy page.

  • All submissions must be typed on A4 paper, double-spaced, with 3cm margins.
  • Spelling should conform to the current edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary. Please note that this requires the use of 'z' rather than 's' in such words as 'organize', where there is a choice. See also Collin's Authors and Printers Dictionary (OUP).
  • Paragraphs should be indented or otherwise clearly marked.
  • Quotations should be set in single inverted commas if brief, and if longer than three or four lines should be indented and double-spaced without quotation marks. Double quotation marks should be reserved for quotation within quotations. Within quotations (but not at the beginning or end) use [ ...] to indicate an omission. Words added by authors in quotations should go in square brackets.
  • Breaks in the text should be indicated by a central asterisk, and subheadings should be underlined.
  • Capital letters should be used with restraint, and for the specific rather than the general: 'The church', but 'the Church of England'; 'the king, but King Henry'; 'labour' but 'the Labour Party'. Use lower case for 'the left of the party', 'left-wing parties', 'the women's movement' etc. Similarly, 'the North', 'the Midwest', but 'central Europe', 'the west of Ireland'.
  • Numbers in the text should be spelt out up to ninety-nine, and from 100 upwards go in numerals. Spell out any number at the beginning of a sentence and round numbers ('one hundred') or approximate ones ('about three hundred and fifty').
  • Dates The order in dates should run '20 July 1940'. N.B: 'nineteenth-century England', but 'the nineteenth century'.
  • Italics may be indicated by underlining or with an italic typeface. Use for titles of books, newspapers, journals and pamphlets. Use Roman with inverted commas for titles of manuscripts, plays, films, works of art, TV or radio programme, and exhibitions. N.B: the Guardian, but The Times.
  • Full stops in abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use none in contractions which end with the final letter of the original word (Dr, Ms, St, edn, mss, hrs). None for WC2, cf, NB, km, cm, and none for acronyms, such as TGWU, ANC, USA. But use for Co., ed., and a.m., i.e., e.g. (NB: ed. (editor or edited) but eds (editors), vol. but vols, no. but nos, ms. but mss).
  • Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Two or more consecutive references to the same source should where possible be grouped in the same note; the reader should be able to follow the article without referring to the notes. They may be used to discuss minor problems of interpretation which if incorporated in the texts would disrupt its flow, but they should not be used to sustain a running commentary on the work of other historians. Endnotes (not footnotes) should be used and placed at the end of the article, headed NOTES AND REFERENCES and beginning on a new page.
  • References Authors are asked to give full names rather than initials where possible and to follow the following conventions:

Peter Fryer, Staying Power: the History of Black People in Britain, London, 1984.

Contributions in collections:
Leonore Davidoff, 'Class and Gender in Victorian England', in Judith L. Newton, Mary P. Ryan and Judith R. Walkowitz (eds), Sex and Class in Women's History, London, 1983.

Articles in journals:
Laura Mulvey, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema', Screen 16:3, Autumn 1975, pp.6-18.

Critical editions:
Quintin Hoare and Geoffry Nowell Smith (eds),
Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci, London, 1971.

Bronson Alcott, The Journals of Bronson Alcott, ed. Odell Shepard, Boston, 1983.

Tape recordings and transcripts:
Mrs Mary Potts (b. London, 1903; name altered), London History Workshop Sound and Video Archive, Collection 9, Interview 59:2, transcript, pp.10-12.
Names should be given in full only if permission has been given; if name or other details are changed to preserve anonymity this should be noted.

  • Sources that recur frequently may be given in abbreviated form and the abbreviations listed under the heading 'Guide to References and Abbreviations' at the end of the text and before the endnotes. Alternatively, the abbreviation may be used for the second and further references, where these are not too far from the first, full reference. Short abbreviations should always be used rather than Latin abbreviations like ibid., op.cit., or loc. cit.

See http://www.oxfordads.com/

Author Self-Archiving Policy

  • Authors may upload their accepted manuscript PDF ("a post-print*") to institutional and/or centrally organized repositories (including PubMed Central), but must stipulate that public availability be delayed until 24 months after first online publication in the journal.

Postprint use of Oxford Journals content

  • When uploading an accepted manuscript to a repository, authors should include a credit line (see last bullet point below) and a link to the final published version of the article. This will guarantee that the definitive version is readily available to those accessing your article from public repositories, and means that your article is more likely to be cited correctly.
  • A PDF of the final published version of the article as it appears in the journal following copyediting and proof correction may not be deposited by authors in institutional repositories.
  • Authors should include the following credit line when depositing their accepted manuscripts.

This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in [insert journal title] following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [insert complete citation information here] is available online at: xxxxxxx [insert URL that the author will receive upon publication here].

* Definition of a post-print:
A post-print is the final draft author manuscript, as accepted for publication, including modifications based on referees' suggestions but before it has undergone copyediting and proof correction.

Preprint use of Oxford Journals content

For the majority of Oxford Journals, prior to acceptance for publication, authors retain the right to make a pre-print [A preprint is defined here as un-refereed author version of the article] version of the article available on your own personal website and/or that of your employer and/or in free public servers of preprints and/or articles in your subject area, provided that where possible

You acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] ? [year] [owner as specified on the article] Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of xxxxxx]. All rights reserved.

Once the article has been published, we do not require that preprint versions are removed from where they are available. However, we do ask that these are not updated or replaced with the finally published version. Once an article is published, a link could be provided to the final authoritative version on the Oxford Journals Web site. Where possible, the preprint notice should be amended to:

This is an electronic version of an article published in [include the complete citation information for the final version of the Article as published in the print edition of the Journal.]

Once an article is accepted for publication, an author may not make a pre-print available as above or replace an existing pre-print with the final published version. NB There are some Oxford Journals such as the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, which do not permit any kind of preprint use. For clarification of the preprint policy for any journal please contact the Rights and New Business Development Department.

In case of query please contact Journals Permissions

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Bertie Mandelblatt

Administrative Editor
History Workshop Journal
PO Box 60305


Sally Alexander


Bernard Canavan


Jane Caplan


Matt Cook


Anna Davin


Felix Driver


David Feldman


David Feldman


Laura Gowing


Catherine Hall


Marybeth Hamilton


Alun Howkins


Nigel Leask


Jinty Nelson


Daniel Pick


Alex Potts


Lyndal Roper


Bill Schwarz


Rebecaa Spang


Gareth Stedman Jones


Anne Summers


Barbara Taylor


Andy Whitehead


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