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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

First published in 1912, History has been a leader in its field ever since. It is unique in its range and variety, packing its pages with stimulating articles and extensive book reviews. History balances its broad chronological coverage with a wide geographical spread of articles featuring contributions from social, political, cultural, economic and ecclesiastical historians.


History seeks to publish articles on broad, challenging themes, which not only display sound scholarship, but are also attractively written and present their conclusions to a wide range of teachers and students in further and higher education as well as those interested in keeping up to date with current developments.


An integral part of each issue is the review section giving critical analysis of the latest scholarship across an extensive chronological and geographical range.

Indexed /Abstracted in

America: History and Life; Asian Pacific Database; Geo Abstracts; Historical Abstracts; Middle East Abstracts and Index; South East Abstracts; SSRN

Instructions to Authors
Author Guidelines

Three copies of all articles should be submitted to the following address:

Dr Joseph Smith
The Editor of History
Department of History
Amory Building
University of Exeter

Unless authors specifically request their return, these will not be returned even if not accepted. The Editor will notify authors as soon as possible of the acceptability of their submissions but will not enter into correspondence about those considered unsuitable for publication. A copy of an article accepted for publication may be returned to the author for corrections to bring it into conformity with these notes if it does not so conform when submitted. Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form (ELF) for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the form for further details). To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here. You can also download the Regular Author Exclusive License Form for book reviewers Here.

Authors receive thirty offprints of their articles, which are sent to them by the printer.

Manuscripts should be made anonymous by authors not putting their names directly on the pages of their articles. Articles should be typed using double spacing on one side of A4 paper with wide margins. They should not exceed 8,000 words. Footnotes and quotations should also be double-spaced and numbered consecutively throughout the article. They should not appear at the foot of each page but should be typed separately from the text at the end of the article. As far as possible they should be restricted to references, and should not exceed one hundred at the most. All paragraphs, except the first in each section, should be indented.

Within the text, single quotations marks should be used. Double quotation marks should only be used for quotations within quotations. Quotations of over fifty words should be indented, without quotation marks. Dates should be expressed thus: 1 January 1989; the 1980s; the twentieth century; 1914-18; 1988-9. Numbers up to ninety-nine should be spelled out in full. Capitalization should be kept to a minimum, preferably only for personal and place names and for titles when attached to a personal name (thus the king but King William).

References should be full enough when first cited to be readily identifiable. Any further references should be indicated by a clear abbreviation, thereby avoiding art. cit. , loc. cit. and op. cit. , etc. Where a reference to a single work is followed in the next footnote by a reference to the same work, ibid. may be used, but it should not be used after citations of more than one work. References to books should indicate authors by published name, either given name or initial(s), and surname, title in italics (underlined in typescripts), place of publication (other than London) and date in round brackets, abbreviation in square brackets, and page number, e.g. :
Austin Woolrych, Soldiers and Statesmen: The General Council of the Army and its Debates, 1647-1648 (Oxford, 1987) [hereafter Woolrych, Soldiers and Statesmen ], p.282.

References to edited volumes should indicate the title in italics, the editor(s), number of volumes, place of publication (unless London) and date in round brackets, abbreviation in square brackets, volume and page, e.g. :
The Marlborough-Godolphin Correspondence , ed. Henry L. Snyder (3 vols. , Oxford 1975) [hereafter Marl. -God. Corr. ], ii.23.

References to articles and essays should indicate author, title of article in quotation marks, journal or title of edited essays in italics, editors of essays, place of publication (unless London) and date in round brackets, abbreviation in square brackets , volume (where appropriate) and page, e.g. :
Ralph Davis, English Foreign Trade, 1660-1700, Essays in Economic History , ed. E. M. Carus-Wilson (3 vols. , 1957-62) [hereafter Davis, Foreign Trade], ii. 257-72.
Conrad Russell, Parliamentary History in Perspective, 1604-29, History , lxi (1976) [hereafter Russell, Parl. Hist. ], 10.

If historical journals are cited more than once, e.g. by referring to different articles from the same periodical, their titles should be given in full in the first reference, and thereafter the following abbreviations:
American Historical Journal (Amer. Hist. Rev.)
Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (BIHR)
Economic History Review (Ec. HR)
English Historical Review (EHR)
Historical Journal (HJ)
History (ante)
Midland History (Midland Hist.)
Northern History (Northern Hist.)
Past and Present (P & P)
Social History (Soc. Hist.)
Scottish Historical Review (SHR)
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (TRHS)

For other titles, follow the above practice, i.e. use initial capitals unless these duplicate other journals or are not immediately clear, in which case provide more letters to avoid ambiguity or obscurity. Dates should be abbreviated in footnotes thus: 1 Jan. 1989. First references to manuscripts should always give the location and collection in full, indicating an abbreviation for further references, e.g.
British Library Additional Manuscript [hereafter BL Add. Ms], 3182, fo.6.

Editorial Board

Edited by:
Joseph Smith

Print ISSN: 0018-2648
Online ISSN: 1468-229X
Frequency: Quarterly
Current Volume: 94 / 2009

Editorial Information

Joseph Smith, University of Exeter, UK
Phone: + 44 01392 264297
Fax: + 44 01392 263305
Email: jha@exeter.ac.uk

Review Editors
Sarah Hamilton, University of Exeter, UK
Alex Walsham, University of Exeter, UK
Andrew Thorpe, University of Exeter, UK

Editorial Executive
Laurie Taylor
Richard Walker
Joseph Smith
Harry Dickinson

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