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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
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Historical Archaeology (ISSN 0440-9213) is the scholarly journal of The Society for Historical Archaeology. The quarterly journal is a benefit of SHA membership. Historical Archaeology is published and distributed on or about 15 March, 15 June, 15 October, and 15 December.

Historical Archaeology was first published in 1967, the year SHA was founded. The journal publishes articles and reports on historic period archaeological research, method, and theory from throughout the world. Although most contributors and reviewers are members of the society, membership is not required to submit manuscripts for publication in Historical Archaeology. Scholarship and pertinence are the determining factors in selecting contributions for publication in SHA's journal.

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to the editor. Citation and reference style should follow that specified in the Historical Archaeology style guide, available on this website.

This volume offers lively current debates and case studies in historical archaeology selected from around the world, including North America, Latin America, Africa, the Pacific, and Europe.

  • Authored by 19 experts in the field.
  • Explores how historical archaeologists think about their work, piecing together information from both material culture and documents in an attempt to understand the lives of the people and societies they study.
  • Engages with current theory in an accessible manner.
  • Truly global in its approach but avoids subsuming local experiences of people into global patterns.
  • Summarizes not only the current state of historical archaeology, but also sets the course for the field in decades to come. 

Instructions to Authors



All manuscripts are first read by the Journal Editor to determine if they are ready for review.  In order to be accepted for review, manuscripts must follow the Style Guide, must address archaeological subjects of interest to the members of the SHA, and must be reasonably well written.  Articles that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted for review.  The Journal Editor will notify the author or lead author (for multi-authored papers) of each manuscript to advise them whether or not a manuscript has been accepted for review.


If an article is considered ready for review, the Journal Editor will identify an Associate Editor who will handle the review process, will contact that Associate to verify their willingness and ability to handle the review, and will ship the hard copy and electronic copies of the manuscript to the Associate.  Once an Associate Editor is selected, the Journal Editor will notify the author and advise them which Associate will be handling their manuscript review.


The Associate Editor will review the manuscript¡¯s content and must then identify three peer reviewers for the given subject who are willing to read and comment on the manuscript.  Depending on the subject matter, this may entail calling or emailing multiple individuals until three willing reviewers have been found.  Once the last reviewer has been identified and the last manuscript shipped, the Associate Editor will notify the author that the review is in progress.  The Associate Editor may serve as one of the peer reviewers.


Reviewers are asked to comment on the suitability of a manuscript for publication, the strengths and weaknesses of a manuscript¡¯s content, and the author¡¯s writing style and clarity.  Once all of the reviews are in, the Associate Editor will determine if a manuscript is suitable for publication.


Reviews result in one of four recommended outcomes: 1) a manuscript is considered acceptable for publication with minor revisions requested, 2) a manuscript is considered acceptable for publication, contingent on more substantial revision, 3) significant issues are noted or the reviewers disagree on the manuscript¡¯s potential for publication, resulting in a request for a second review draft to address these issues, or 4) the manuscript is rejected. 


The vast majority of articles published in Historical Archaeology fall under categories 2 and 3 above and are accepted only after a second, and sometimes third, revision and review.  Authors should recognize that while strenuous, this review processes produces stronger publications by requiring authors to include all relevant publications and data, alternative perspectives, clarify and support their analyses, and present more conclusive results.  Based on trends from the past two years, approximately 85% of submitted manuscripts are accepted for review and approximately 60% of reviewed manuscripts are accepted for publication.  The net result is that approximately 50% of manuscripts submitted to Historical Archaeology are published.


The time line for manuscript review varies.  In general, the Journal Editor will attempt to read and either accepts a manuscript for review or return it to the author within two weeks of a manuscript¡¯s receipt.  An Associate Editor will attempt to have all manuscripts out to review within four weeks of receiving a manuscript.  Reviewers are asked to complete their comments and provide their reviews within six weeks; however, the Associate Editor will frequently need to remind late reviewers of the need for their comments at the end of the review period, which will delay provision of review comments to the author.  Authors should thus expect to see comments between three and five months from submission of a manuscript.  Manuscripts submitted in the late spring or summer months, during the winter holidays, or during the SHA¡¯s annual meeting, can generally expect to add another one to two months to their review schedule, since historical archaeologists, including the Associate Editors, are often busiest at these times and may be in the field.  It is very important to recognize that all of Historical Archaeology¡¯s staff are volunteers whose jobs demand their time and attention as well as the journal.  It is not unheard of for an Associate Editor to be sent out on an urgent field assignment two days after agreeing to handle a manuscript¡¯s review, and for the review process to incur a delay as a result.  Please be patient and professional when dealing with the Associate Editors; all have made a significant contribution of their volunteer time and efforts to assist the SHA in producing Historical Archaeology.


Once a manuscript has been accepted, the author provides the Associate Editor with a journal ready electronic copy and printed copy.  The manuscript at this time should also include: 1) permission to use any photograph or drawing not produced by the author, 2) permission to use graphics printed in other publications, and 3) permission to use ¡°personal reference¡± citations.  The Author or Lead Author of each article will be provided a copyright form to sign, date, and return to the Journal Editor.  Volume and Issue listing on the copyright is determined by the Journal Editor based on the publications in hand and the schedule for journal composition.  Once articles have been copy edited and designed, the Author is provided a proof for review and comment.  The copy editor assembles all corrections for the article proofs and provides these to compositor for preparation of the final print-ready journal.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


Rebecca Allen
Past Forward, Inc.
5000 Sly Fox Lane (Courier)
PO Box 969 (USPS)
Garden Valley, CA 95633
Ph/Fax: 530-333-4547
Email: rebecca@pastforwardinc.com

Annalies Corbin, Co-Publications Editor
the PAST Foundation
1929 Kenny Road, Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43210
Ph: 614.519.7447
Email: annalies@pastfoundation.org

J.W. (Joe) Joseph, Journal Editor
New South Associates, Inc.
6150 East Ponce de Leon Avenue
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Ph:  770.498.4155
Fax:  770.498.3809
Email:  jwjoseph@newsouthassoc.com

Associate Editors

David V. Burley, Technical Briefs Editor
Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University
Email: burley@sfu.ca

Shannon Dawdy
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago

Charles R. Ewen, Book Reviews Editor
Department of Anthropology, East Carolina University
Email: ewenc@mail.ecu.edu

Glenn J. Farris
State Archaeologist, California Department of Parks and Recreation
Email: gfarr@parks.ca.gov

Audrey J. Horning
School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
Email: ajhorn@wm.edu

J. W. (Joe) Joseph
New South Associates, Inc.
Email: jwjoseph@newsouthassoc.com

Julia A. King
Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory
Email: king@dhcd.state.md.us

Teresita Majewski
Statistical Research, Inc.
Email: tmajewski@sricrm.com

Ronald L. Michael, Editor Emeritus
Email: rlmichael@starband.net

Larry McKee
TRC Garrow Associates
Email: Lmckee@trcsolutions.com

Paul R. Mullins
Department of Anthropology, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Email: paulmull@iupui.edu

Margaret Purser
Department of Anthropology, Sonoma State University
Email: margaret.purser@sonoma.edu

Daniel G. Roberts
John Milner Associates, Inc.
Email: droberts@johnmilnerassociates.com

Richard G. Schaefer
Historical Perspectives, Inc.
Email: ripschae@yahoo.com

Della A. Scott-Ireton, Co-Publication Liaison, ACUA
Florida Public Archaeology, University of West Florida
Email: dscottireton@uwf.edu

Roderick Sprague
Email: rsprague@moscow.com

Judy D. Tordoff
Email: jdt@midtown.net

William A. Turnbaugh
Email: wtu4496u@postoffice.uri.edu

LouAnn Wurst, Co-Publication Liaison, University of Nebraska Press
Department of Anthropology, SUNY College at Brockport
Email: lwurst@brockport.edu

Grace H. Ziesing
John Milner Associates, Inc.
Email: gziesing@johnmilnerassociates.com

Editorial Advisors

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