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期刊名称:GREAT PLAINS Quarterly


期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

In 1981, noted historian Frederick C. Luebke edited the first issue of Great Plains Quarterly. In his editorial introduction, he wrote

The Center for Great Plains Studies has several purposes in publishing the Great Plains Quarterly. Its general purpose is to use this means to promote appreciation of the history and culture of the people of the Great Plains and to explore their contemporary social, economic, and political problems. The Center seeks further to stimulate research in the Great Plains region by providing a publishing outlet for scholars interested in the past, present, and future of the region." [GPQ 1981 (1:1:3)]

Great Plains Quarterly is published four times a year and includes peer-reviewed articles on a wide variety of regional topics. Great Plains Quarterly seeks a readership of scholars and interested laypersons, and publishes articles on history, literature, culture, and social issues relevant to the Great Plains, which include Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The journal is edited by a faculty member from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and includes a distinguished international board of advisory editors. Recent issues include articles on Blackfeet Reservation and Glacier National Park, transient services in Kansas during 1933-35, maps of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation, sea and prairiescapes in contemporary art, racial violence in Kansas, and critical essays on Mari Sandoz and Willa Cather.


Instructions to Authors

The Great Plains Quarterly welcomes the submission of manuscripts and essays that are both solidly researched and engagingly written. In all cases contributions must be free of specialized jargon so they can be read, understood, and appreciated by persons in other academic fields and by interested laypersons. Blind review procedures are followed for all contributions to the Quarterly. The decision to publish an article rests with the editor in consultation with associate editors.

Total length of manuscripts, including notes and illustrations, should not exceed thirty pages, but shorter contributions will be preferred. All copy, including notes and captions, should be double spaced. References in the notes should conform to the mode specified in The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed., 2003) or the QuarterlyStyle Sheet; Images Style Sheet.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by two duplicate copies, 1.44 MB disk or a CD-R computer disk. The disk should be formatted for IBM PC and the article in WordPerfect, MS Word, or text file format. Electronic submissions via email are encouraged. Submissions should be sent to:

    Editor, Great Plains Quarterly
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    1155 Q Street
    P.O. Box 880245
    Lincoln, NE 68588-0245

Electronic submissions sent as an attachment may be submitted to gpq@unl.edu

To ensure that the editing and production of your manuscript will proceed smoothly and expeditiously, we ask you to prepare the final copy according to the following specifications:

1. Use 8 ?/FONT>" x 11" white bond paper.
2. Diacritical marks or other symbols not available on your keyboard should be drawn in by hand.
3. Title and author should be put on a separate title page. Title alone should appear at the top of the first manuscript page.
4. Double space throughout the manuscript, including extracts (quoted matter), notes, and any other supplementary material.
5. Introduce extra spacing only where it will appear on the printed page: around headings, before and after extracts, or to indicate a break in the discussion.
6. Quotations that will make five or more lines in typescript are usually treated as extracts. They are distinguished by extra space above and below, and by indenting an extra five spaces on the left.
7. Notes should be typed separately from the text and placed at the end of the manuscript. Note number in text should be in superscript, but in Notes section, note number should be regular text style. Use regular paragraph indentation for the first line of each note. Notes are to be numbered consecutively. If a note is added or deleted, renumber all the notes following.
8. Tables should be prepared separately from the text and placed at the end of the manuscript. They are to be numbered consecutively throughout the entire manuscript. Indicate by number in the margin of the text the appropriate placement of each table.
9. Photographs should not be mounted; each should be numbered and identified on the back with a soft grease pencil. Figures (graphs and other line drawings) and maps should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Indicate by number in the margin of the text or in the text the appropriate placement of each. The permissions to reprint, the acquisition of photographs, and the preparation of camera-ready maps and other graphic material for publication are the responsibility of the author. Please include complete permission information. Hardcopy, camera-ready art (maps, charts, line drawings) should be outprinted to a laser printer on laser quality paper to a one column (2 5/8") or two column (5 5/8") width and no more than 7?/FONT>" in length. We prefer original photos when possible. If you create scanned images, please use 350 dpi and send as a TIF or EPS file.
10. All minor corrections should be made where they occur in the text.
11. Manuscript pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner.

Editorial Board

Editor ?Chuck Braithwaite, Senior Lecturer, Center for Great Plains Studies

Associate Editors ?
   Frances W. Kaye, Professor of English
   James Stubbendieck, Professor of Range Ecology, Agronomy
    and Horticulture
   David J. Wishart, Chair of Anthropology & Geography, Professor of

Book Review Editors ?George E.Wolf, Emeritus, Department of English, UNL

Editorial Assistant ?A href="mailto:gpq@unl.edu">Gwen Bedient

Production Designer ?Linda J. Ratcliffe

Production Manager ?Gretchen Walker

Copy Editor ?Lona Dearmont

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