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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

German Life and Letters offers a wide range of articles dealing with literary and non-literary concerns in the German-speaking world.

Subscribe to German Life and Letters for

  • Articles dealing with current issues throughout the German-speaking world
  • Coverage of all aspects of German studies since the Middle Ages, including: literature, language, arts and culture, social history and politics.
Occasional Special Issues on topics such as

  • Women's Studies
  • Cinema
  • Translation
  • Festschriften in honour of experts in the field
  • German-Jewish Studies
  • Germans and Austrians in Exile

Please click here for access to the American Association of Teachers of German web site.

Instructions to Authors

Articles should be submitted to German Life and Letters as hard copy in the first instance. They should be sent either to:

Dr Anna Carrdus
'German Life and Letters'
University of Bristol
Department of German
21 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TE

or, in the case of North American contributions, to:

Professor Gail Finney
Professor of Comparative Literature and German
Director, Comparative Literature
University of California
Davis, CA 95616

All submissions are refereed by the Editorial Board. Authors will be notified as soon as possible (normally within three months) of the Editors' decision.

Contributors must follow the German Life and Letters style sheet when preparing their articles (see below).

The authors of accepted articles will normally be expected to supply a copy on disc. Preferred formats are Word or WordPerfect for Windows (for the PC).

Contributors will receive one PDF offprint free of charge.


Authors will be required to sign an Exclusive Licence Form for all papers accepted for publication. Signature of the ELF is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the Exclusive Licence Form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the form for further details). To assist authors an appropriate form will be supplied by the editorial office. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here.


The Editors ask all contributors to follow these guidelines, and reserve the right to ask for accepted articles to be revised in accordance with them.

Contributions should be submitted in the first instance as hard copy only. The authors of accepted articles will normally be expected to provide a copy on disk. Preferred formats are Word or WordPerfect for Windows (for the PC), but other formats are acceptable (e.g. WordPerfect for DOS, WordStar, Ami Pro). Disks should be clearly labelled with the author's name and the format used.

Where German is used, the new spelling must be observed. Quotations should conform to the orthography of the original.

An abstract of under 200 words should be attached to the front of each contribution. This should be in the same language as the contribution, and should give an informative and self-contained summary of its contents and conclusions. Initially it is for the Editors' information; when a contribution is accepted for publication, the abstract will be printed in the journal at the head of the article and will feature in the abstracting services and web site prepared by the publisher.

Double spacing should be used, with ample margins. Paragraphs should be indented with a single left tab. There should be no extra spacing between them.

The title and major headings within the article should be in upper case roman and centred. Minor or numbered headings should be in lower case roman and justified to the left. The contributor's name should be in small roman capitals and centred beneath the title.

Spelling and punctuation must conform to British practice and the ending '-ise' should be used rather than '-ize'.

Italics: In the body of the article italics should normally be used only for the titles of works, for foreign words (e.g. par excellence), and for emphasis. In linguistic contexts words and phrases used as examples should be italicised. Quotations must not be italicised.

Quotations: All quotations should be in the original language where possible. They should be placed between single quotation marks (double quotation marks in the case of quotations within quotations). Those of more than three lines of normal typescript should be indented without quotation marks. Verse quotations should be typed as such. If a short quotation is used at the end of a sentence, the final full stop should be placed after the closing quotation mark.

German words quoted should normally (except in philological and/or linguistic articles) be in roman between single quotation marks, not in italics.

Notes must be kept to a minimum, and should be numbered consecutively throughout the article. Their presentation in manuscript differs from the presentation in the journal: they must be presented as endnotes; in the body of the article, numbers should be superscript, but in the notes both numbers and text must be aligned and the same size as the text in the body of the article (for detailed examples, see below).

References in the notes should use italics for the titles of books and journals. The titles of articles should be in roman between single quotation marks. Page references should take the following form: 'pp. 13-17', 'pp. 23-7', 'pp. 123-7', 'pp.123-35', etc. (when citing from books) and '13-17', '23-7', '123-7', '123-35', etc. (when citing from journals). References to books should include the place and date of publication, but not the name of the publisher. They should be punctuated as follows:

1. Hugo Kuhn, Text und Theorie, Stuttgart 1969, p. 45.

2. Barbara Sandig, Syntaktische Typologie der Schlagzeile, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Sprachökonomie im Zeitungsdeutsch (Linguistische Reihe, 6), Munich 1971, pp. 63-65.

The generally accepted abbreviations for journals must be used (e.g. GLL, ZfdA, DVjs, PBB). In case of doubt, titles should be given in full. The volume numbers for journals should be arabic, and should be followed by the year in brackets. Punctuation should be as follows:

3. H. B. Nisbet, 'Lessing and the Search for Truth', PEGS, 43 (1973), 72-95.

References in the body of the article may be used to minimise the number of notes, but must be brief. They should be enclosed in brackets and announced at the end of the note giving the first detailed reference (e.g. 'Further references appear in the text.')

Editorial Board


Professor Gail Finney, University of California, USA

Dr. Margaret Littler, University of Manchester, UK
Phone: + 44 0 161 275 3181
Fax: + 44 0 161 275 3031
Email: M.Littler@man.ac.uk

Professor J. M. Ritchie, Institute of Germanic Studies, London, UK
Email: bang.ritchie@virgin.net

Professor John Sandford, University of Reading, UK
Phone: + 44 0 1189 318332
Fax: + 44 0 1189 318333
Email: J.E.Sandford@reading.ac.uk

Professor R. C. Speirs, University of Birmingham, UK
Phone: + 44 0 121 414 6175
Fax: + 44 0 121 414 4213
Email: RCSpeirs@hhs.bham.ac.uk

Professor Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Exeter College, Oxford University, UK
Phone: + 44 0 1865 279601
Fax: + 44 0 1865 279630
Email: Helen.Watanabe@exeter.ox.ac.uk

Editorial Assistant

Dr. Anna Carrdus, Institute of Germanic Studies, London, UK
Email: anna.carrdus@bristol.ac.uk

Editorial Advisers

Professor G. P. G. Butler, School of Modern Languages, University of Bath, UK
Phone: + 44 0 1225 313861
Fax: + 44 0 1225 313861

Professor J.J. White, Department of German, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Phone: +44 020 7848 2126

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