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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The official journal of the Society for French Historical Studies

Individual subscribers and institutions with electronic access can view issues of French Historical Studies online. If you have not signed up, review the first-time access instructions.

Annual membership in the Society for French Historical Studies includes a subscription to French Historical Studies with electronic access through a combination of HighWire Press and JSTOR.

French Historical Studies, the leading journal on the history of France, publishes articles, commentaries, and research notes on all periods of French history from the Middle Ages to the present. The journal's diverse format includes forums, review essays, special issues, and articles in French, as well as bilingual abstracts of the articles in each issue. Also featured are bibliographies of recent articles, dissertations and books in French history, and announcements of fellowships, prizes, and conferences of interest to French historians.

Special issues include

"France and Islam" (30:3)
Patricia M. E. Lorcin and Paula Sanders, special issue editors

"Mobility in French History" (29:3)
Carla Hesse and Peter Sahlins, special issue editors

"Interdisciplinary Perspectives on French History and Literature" (28:3)
Robert A. Schneider and Whitney Walton, special issue editors

"Writing French Colonial Histories" (27:3)
Alice L. Conklin and Julia Clancy-Smith, special issue editors

"New Perspectives on Modern Paris" (27:1)
Charles Rearick and Rosemary Wakeman, special issue editors

"French History in the Visual Sphere" (26:2)
Daniel J. Sherman and Mary D. Sheriff, special issue editors

Indexed/abstracted in the following: Academic Research Library, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Premier, America: History and Life, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Discovery, Expanded Academic ASAP, Historical Abstracts, History Reference Center, Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective, 1907-1984, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Full Text, Humanities Index, Humanities Index Retrospective, 1907-1984, Humanities International Index, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), Magazines for Libraries, MasterFILE Elite, MasterFILE Premier, MasterFILE Select, News and Magazines, OmniFile Full Text V, OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition, Research Library, Student Resource Center College with Expanded Academic ASAP.

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Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts and all correspondence about articles should be addressed to the editor, Patricia M. E. Lorcin, and the associate editor, J. B. Shank. We encourage electronic submissions, which should be sent to managing assistant Jessica Namakkal (frhistst@umn.edu) as file attachments in RTF format. Anyone may submit an article in English or French, typed double-spaced, including double-spaced endnotes, block quotes, and tables. Manuscripts that are not submitted electronically should be sent in triplicate to the editors at French Historical Studies, Department of History, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 614 Social Sciences Bldg., 267 Nineteenth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455, accompanied by a self-addressed envelope, stamped or with an international reply coupon. To ensure anonymity, the author's name should appear only on a separate title page. Please follow The Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition; a style sheet will be sent on request. Manuscripts normally should not exceed 10,000 words of text (not including notes).

Indexed/abstracted in the following: Academic Research Library, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Premier, America: History and Life, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Discovery, Expanded Academic ASAP, Historical Abstracts, History Reference Center, Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective, 1907¨C1984, Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Full Text, Humanities Index, Humanities Index Retrospective, 1907¨C1984, Humanities International Index, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), Magazines for Libraries, MasterFILE Elite, MasterFILE Premier, MasterFILE Select, News and Magazines, OmniFile Full Text V, OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition, Research Library, Student Resource Center College with Expanded Academic ASAP.


Editorial Board

Editorial Office:
Department of History
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
614 Social Sciences Bldg.
267 Nineteenth Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612-624-7096 (fax)

Patricia M. E. Lorcin, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Associate Editor:
J. B. Shank, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Managing Assistant:
Jessica Namakkal

Editorial Board:
Howard G. Brown
Gayle Brunelle
Dena Goodman
David Garrioch
Stephen Harp
Jean-Pierre Herubel
Raymond Jonas
Dominique Kalifa
Leslie Moch
Sue Peabody
Daniel Lord Smail
Rebecca Spang
Sarah Sussman
Dale K. Van Kley
Kathleen Wellman
Owen C. White
Michael Wolfe
Steven Zdanty

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