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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Since its inauguration in 1964, the American Philosophical Quarterly (APQ) has established itself as one of the principal English vehicles for the publication of scholarly work in philosophy. The whole of each issue  printed in a large-page, double-column format  is given to substantial articles; from time to time there are also state of the art surveys of recent work on particular topics. The editorial policy is to publish work of high quality, regardless of the school of thought from which it derives. APQ is published by North American Philosophical Publications and distributed by the University of Illinois Press.

Instructions to Authors

American Philosophical Quarterly

Correspondence: The Academic Editor enters into correspondence only with authors, referees and members of the Editorial Board. Please use a subject line that begins "APQ:...".

All administrative correspondence (such as requests for permission to reprint articles, complimentary copies of books for the Books Received section, etc.) should be directed to the Executive Editor.

Policy: The American Philosophical Quarterly welcomes articles in English by philosophers of any country on any aspect of philosophy apart from history. However, only self-sufficient philosophy apart from history, and not news items, book reviews, critical notices, or "discussion pieces" (short or long). The length limits is 7,000 words.

Approximately 30 papers are published per year and manuscripts are blind refereed. Unsigned comments are given to authors if the editor thinks the comments would be useful to the authors. A small fraction of papers submitted are accepted and most of those accepted require significant revision. Eight to ten weeks is the average evaluation time. The journal has a special feature under the rubric "Recent Work in ..." for which contributions are usually solicited but which may be sent to the journal without invitation.

The journal appears quarterly and has approximately 1600 subscribers.

Manuscripts: Authors should bear in mind the following guidelines concerning form and content. The journal may refuse to accept, and may even reject, submissions that do not conform to these guidelines.

Guidelines on Form

  • Contributions may be as short as 2,000 words but should not exceed 7,000 words, including footnotes.
  • Contributions must be written in clear and accessible English (whenever logical notation is not being used).
  • The journal has a house style of impersonal writing, which avoids altogether use of first-person pronouns in propria persona. This guideline is enforced with draconian rigor.
  • Submissions should be double spaced, with wide margins.
  • Footnotes should be used sparingly and should be placed at the end of the paper, numbered consecutively. They should also be double spaced, with side margins.

Guidelines on Content

  • Contributions must be original and substantive discussions that advance our understanding of a philosophical problem or position. The journal does not publish
    • discussion pieces, i.e. papers of whatever length whose main object is the critical discussion of some particular author's position or arguments;
    • uncritical literature surveys that merely compare and contrast various views;
    • pieces of a derivative nature;
    • term papers;
    • seminar presentations;
    • over-hastily excised chapters of theses or dissertations;
    • papers in the history of philosophy.
  • The most important criteria for acceptance for publication in the journal are
    • originality, intrinsic interest, and importance of the main theses;
    • rigor, inventiveness and exactitude of argumentation and analysis;
    • depth of philosophical insight;
    • mastery of the relevant philosophical literature;
    • lucidity of style.

Editorial Matters and Submissions: Submissions should be made electronically whenever possible. Submissions of hard copy should be made only when electronic submission is impossible, and in that event they should always be made in duplicate.

Electronic submissions should be made as email attachments, with "APQ:" as a subject-header prefix.

The preferred formats are Word or .pdf; but we can also handle .dvi files and .ps files.

Important tip: In order to ensure anonymity of submissions for blind reviewing, authors using Word are advised to go to "File...Properties..." and to delete all author-identifying information, under all tabs, before saving an anonymous version of their file for submission.

The journal will consider only papers whose authors certify that, while under consideration with us, their papers will not be submitted elsewhere for consideration. A submission counts as under consideration with us from the time its receipt is acknowledged to such time as either the author writes to us to withdraw it or we write to the author to decline it.

Articles submitted for publication should be addressed to:

Paul Moser, Editor
American Philosophical Quarterly
Department of Philosophy
Loyola University of Chicago
6525 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60626-5311

email: pmoser@luc.edu

Editorial Board

American Philosophical Quarterly

Paul Moser
Department of Philosophy
Loyola University of Chicago
6525 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60626-5311

Nicholas Rescher
Executive Editor
Department of Philosophy
1012 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412) 624-5950 a.m.,
(412) 521-6768 p.m.
fax (412) 383-7506


Business Matters: Correspondence on business matters should be addressed to:

Ms. Dorothy Henle
North American Philosophical Publications
1033 Milton Avenue
Swissvale, PA 15218

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