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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Fabula is a medium of discussion for issues of all kinds which are of interest to international folk narrative research. The journal contains eight divisions: Articles, Minor Contributions, Research Reports and Conference Reports, News, Projects and Queries, Reviews, Bibliographical Notes, and Books Received. Principal themes of the article section are the study of popular narrative traditions in their various forms (fairy tales, legends, jokes and anecdotes, exempla, fables, ballads, etc.), the interrelationship between oral and literary traditions as well as the contemporary genres. Interest focuses on Europe and overseas countries which are influenced by European civilization, but still, there is quite a number of contributions from other culture areas.

Instructions to Authors
Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung      Journal of Folktale Studies      Revue d'Etudes sur le Conte Populaire
Style guide for contributors to FABULA
FABULA publishes scholarly contributions to folk narrative research in German, English and French. On an
average, articles should not exceed 16 printed pages. They should be accompanied by a 50?0 word abstract in
German, English, and French.
For publication, please submit a paper copy of your contribution plus an electronic text file in Rich Text
Format (rtf), WINDOWS Microsoft (from 6.0 onwards) and WordPerfect (from 5.2 onwards) to the editor's
address given below. Text files should be unformatted, i.e. they should not contain any kinds of layout, divisions
of words or any other formattings.
Double inverted commas should be used for quotations or original texts. Single inverted commas should be
used for translations of original quotations, for quotations or direct speech within quotations, or to set off certain
words or terms. Omissions within quotations are indicated by three dots in square brackets.
Throughout the text, titles of books, articles, periodicals, or individual works as well as headings of tale
types and motifs are italicized:
The Grimms  Household Tales
Charles Perrault's Cendrillon
Axel Olrik's essay Epic Laws of Folk Narrative
Poe's poem The Raven
AaTh 303: The Twins or Blood-Brothers
Mot. D 1664: Summer and winter garden
Use spacing to indicate emphasis.
In the n i n e t e e n t h century, however, ...
Notes and bibliographic references:
Fabula accepts two different reference systems, either citations within the text or footnotes. Authors should
choose one system or the other and follow it consistently.
1. Citations within the body of the text:
Example for a bibliographic reference: This theory seems to tally with the observations of fieldworkers (Dégh 1962, 172).
Example for a quotation: "Myth, like the rest of language, is made up of constituent units" (Lévi-Strauss 1955, 86).
This reference system requires an alphabetical list of works cited which is to be placed at the end of the article.
Please cite as follows:
Dégh, Linda: Folktales and Society. Story-Telling in a Hungarian Peasant Community. Bloomington/London 1969.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude: The Structural Study of Myth. In: Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.): Myth. A Symposium. Bloomington/London 1955, 81,106.
2. References in footnotes:
Book citation forms:
Aarne, Antti/Thompson, Stith: The Types of the Folktale. A Classification and Bibliography. Second Revision (FF Communications 184).
Helsinki (1961) 31973.
Hervieux, Léopold: Les Fabulistes latins. Depuis le siècle d'Auguste jusqu'à la fin du moyen âge 1. Paris (1884) 21893?4; vol. 3.
Paris 1894-9, here vol. 1, 475-95.
Dundes, Alan (ed.): The Study of Folklore. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1965.
Citation of articles in an edited work:
Bausinger, Hermann: Märchen. In: Enzyklopädie des Märchens 9. eds. Rolf Wilhelm Brednich et al. Berlin/New York 1999, 250-74, here
Journal articles:
Mills, Margaret A.: Cultural Properties, Cultural Documents, and Cultural Effects: An Ethics Discussion for ISFNR. In: Fabula 40 (1999) 1-16, here 3.
Always give inclusive pages for articles, reviews, etc. that appear in journals or in edited volumes:
Luomala, Katharine: Survey of Research on Polynesian Prose and Poetry. In: Folklore Resarch around the World: A North American Point
of View. ed. Richard M. Dorson. Bloomington 1961, 135-53, here 135-39.
A title that has been cited in an earlier footnote should be referred to as follows:
cf. Tenèze (above, note 5) 793.
Titles from non-Germanic and non-Romance languages should be translated. Transliterations from non-Latin
script systems into English should follow the transliteration systems of the British Library or the Library of
Narodnye russkie skazki A. N. Afanas'eva (A. N. Afanas'ev's Russian Folktales) 1. ed. V. Ia. Propp. Moscow 1957, no. 367.
Do not use italics in footnotes and bibliographic references. Please do not apply abbreviations for titles of
books, journals etc. The following abbrevations can be used:
cf. = compare
col. = column
ead. = eadem (the same, fem.)
ed. = editor, edited by
eds. = editors
eid. = eidem (the same, fem. pl.)
et al. = et alii
f. = the following
ff. = the following (pl.)
fig. = figure
ibid. = ibidem (in the same place)
id. = idem (the same)
iid. = iidem (the same, m. pl.)
n.d. = no date
no. = number
n.p. = no place
p. = page
vol. = volume
Editors: Editorial office:
Professor Dr. Rolf Wilhelm Brednich Christine Shojaei Kawan
Friedländer Weg 2 Friedländer Weg 2
37085 Göttingen 37085 Göttingen
Germany Germany
rbredni@gwdg.de ckawan@gwdg.de
Professor Dr. Ulrich Marzolph
Friedländer Weg 2
37085 Göttingen
Editorial Board

Please send your manuscripts to:

Professor Dr. Rolf Wilhelm Brednich
Friedländer Weg 2
D-37085 Göttingen
Redaktion des Aufsatzteils:
Christine Shojaei Kawan

Please send review copies and reviews to:

Professor Dr. Ulrich Marzolph
Friedländer Weg 2
D-37085 Göttingen
e-mail: umarzol@gwdg.de

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