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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Estudios Filológicos publication of the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades of the Universidad Austral de Chile.

Issued once a year in September.

Papers and Spanish book reviews accepted for publication.

Advertisements of periodical journals accepted on exchange terms.

Indexd in

The articles published in Estudios Filológicos are indexed or summarized by:

  • Current Contents
  • Arts and Humanities
  • ASCA
  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index
  • Los resúmenes de los artículos de cada número son publicados en: Linguistics and
    Language Behavior Abstract,
  • LLBA
  • International Bibliography - MLA
  • Asimismo, la revista es incluida regularmente en:
    International Bibliography Periodical
    IBZ (Germany)
    International Bibliography of Book Reviews
    IBR (Germany) y
    Bibliographie Linguistique - BL


Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the Publishers.


The publication of this journals is financially supported by:

  • Universidad Austral de Chile of the Direcciónde Investigación
  • Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica - CONICYT


Instructions to Authors

Scope and policy
This publication accepts specialized studies of linguistics and literature, especially themes related to the Spanish language, and to Spanish and Hispanoamerican literatur

Form and preparation of manuscripts

The author shall title the paper as briefly as possible and, at the end of it, shall provide name and address of the institution to which he/she belongs. His/her postal address should also be included and email.

The collaborations, written in Spanish, must be sent to the Director of the publication. Those collaborations sent after March 30th shall be evaluated for the next year publication.

Text. The text should not exceed 25 pages (21.5 x 27) typed with double space, including notes, bibliography and eventual graphics, tables and annexe. Two copies shall be sent in paper and a third in diskette of 3.5" in any Windows Microsoft Word version. The latter should also include an abstract, both in English and in Spanish.

The graphics, tables and illustrations, will be incorporated into the text, and shall be sent in separate sheets and numbered consecutively. Neither the original manuscripts nor the diskette shall be returned, whether they are published or not.

Abstract. Each paper shall include, at the beginning, an abstract, both in English and in Spanish which must provide a precise idea of the content and which shall no exceed 10 lines.

The author shall receive a free copy of the publication including the issue with the paper and 25 offprints.

All publication rights are reserved. For the complete or partial reproduction, by any means, of the articles in Estudios Filológicos, it will be necessary to have the authorization of the editor and the author's one.

The editor has the right to accept or reject the received manuscripts (for which end he counts with a Revision Committee) or introduce the necessary modifications to comply with the style of the journal.

The eventual notes to the text shall appear as footnotes. Footnote numbers are "superior figures", typed slightly above the line, without parentheses.

The beginning of a new paragraph must be indicated by an indentation of five spaces at the left margin. A paragraph should be separated from the previous one and from the rest of the text.

Any letter, word, phrase or sentence cited as an example or for a discussion issue, must be underlined. Phonetic or phonological transcriptions must be enclosed within square brackets or slant lines respectively. The meaning of a word shall be placed within single quotation marks.

Textual quotations shall be indicated by single quotation marks if they do not exceed four lines. Longer quotations should be separated from the context by an extra space and by a 10 space indentation. The reference shall appear at the end of the quotation as if it were a textual reference (see further on); the above shall be equally valid for indirect quotations or paraphrasing.

The quotation marks and the calls to footnotes shall be annotated before the punctuation:

"... de su libertad expresiva".
... que la sociedad asigna a la variedad en cuestión.

If it is necessary to subdivide the article, use decimal numbers (beginning by 1, followed by 1.1. or 2, as required).

Textual References. For source citation the author-date system shall be used in parentheses (not excluding footnotes when they are content notes or bibliographical notes with commentaries) This system includes the author's surname and year of publication (using only one space between them) and only if the latter has not been indicated in the text, followed, when necessary, by the reference to the page(s) and preceded by a space and colon: "... más que una realidad dañina (Wolf 1938:122)".

Use the following samples as guide:

A source with two authors: (Zamora y Guitart 1982: 37)
A source with more than three authors: (Vásquez et al. 1967)
Two or more works by the same author: (Muñoz 1983c: 125)

A reference with three citations: (Gómez 1980: 162; Serrano 1993 y García 1950: 89)

Quoting and indirect source: (Cit. en Daiches 1970. 2: 538-40)
Quoting literary works: (Sartre 1970: 315; esc. 6)

Works Cited. The bibliographical sources at the end of the paper shall only refer to works actually considered in its elaboration. For this reason its listing shall be headed by the title "Works Cited" and separated from the first entry by double spacing. If an entry takes more than one line, a five space indentation on the left margin must be made.

The titles of autonomous publications (books, magazines) should be underlined, those dependent (part of a book, papers) should be in quotation marks.

Book Citations. An entry in a list of cited works has four main divisions -author, date, title and publication data- being each one of them separated by a period, as follows:

Alonso, Amado. 1955. Materia y forma en poesía. Madrid: Gredos.

If more information is required, it should be separated from the previous one by means of a period and shall be ordered in the following manner:

Name of the author: in inverse order and shall determine the alphabetical order of the works cited. The name should always be given as it appears in the page (if the name appears in its full form and inverted, it should not be abbreviated).

Year of publication: if several works by the same author and published the same year are cited, they shall be identified by means of the letters a, b, c..., respectively, placed after the year and without spacing or comma. If the date is no included on the title page, on the copyright page or on the colophon, use the last copyright date. When a work does not indicate date, provide approximate information (within square brackets) or use abbreviation s. f.

Title of a chapter or of paper in an anthology: should be cited after the author's name, normally in quotation marks unless that part of the book has been published as an autonomous book, in which case it should be underlined.

Title of the book: should be given in its entirety, including its subtitle, if any. In the latter case, both shall be separated by a period and underlined. An unusually long title may be abbreviated to its essentials, not reduced to the first words.

Editor's, translator's or compiler's name: if included on the title page, is usually provided in the entry after the work with only one space, without parentheses, and abbreviated: Ed(s)., Trad. or Comp. If the reference is theirs, those abbreviations, now in small letters, shall be placed after the author's name, also without parentheses and separated from it by a comma.

Published edition used: only its number should be indicated if it is posterior to the first edition and abbreviated: 3ed.

The number of volumes: if more than one, should be indicated at the end of the entry, followed by one space and their first and last publishing years.

Name of collection or series: when quoting a book which is part of a collection, its name shall be given. If it is a publication series, the number it has in the series shall be given.

Place (city) and publisher: colon and one space should enclosed the place and the publisher. If several places are mentioned (simultaneous publication), only the first must be given. If the title page includes two publishers, both should be quoted and separated by a semi colon. In case of reprintings both the original and the reprinting should be cited. When a work does not indicate place or publisher, provide approximate information (within square brackets) or use abbreviations s.l. or s.e.

Number of pages: when you quote part of a book (an essay, a chapter, an introduction), you shall indicate its initial and final numbers.

Use the following samples as guides:

One book for a sole author:

Todorov, Tzevetan. 1987. La conquista de América. La cuestión del otro. México: Siglo XXI.

One book for two or more authors:

Jassem, W., D. R. Hill e I. H. Witthen. 1984. "Isochrony in English speech: Its Statistical validity and linguistic relevance". Intonation, Accent and Rhythm in Discourse Phonology. Eds. D. Gibon y H. Richter. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 203-25.

A book with more than three authors:

Edens, Walter et al., eds. 1977. Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP.

An anthology or compilation:

Stratman, Carl J., comp. y ed. 1966. Bibliography of English Printed Tragedy, 1565-

1900. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP.

Two or more books by the same author:

Poulet, Georges. 1967. Les chemins actuels de la critique. Paris: Plon.
---, ed. 1980. La poésie éclatée: Baudelaire-Rimbaud. Paris: PUF.

A book for a corporative author:

Real Academia Española. 1973. Esbozo de una nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española. Madrid: RAE.

A work in an anthology:

Hamilton, Marie Padgett. 1965. "The Meaning of the Middle English Pearl". PMLA 70 (1955): 805-24. Reimp. en Middle English Survey: Critical Essays. Ed. Edward Vasta. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P. 117-45.

Unamuno, Miguel de. 1970. Abel Sánchez. Trad. Anthony Kerrigan. Eleven Modern Short Novels. Ed. Leo Hamalian y Edmond L. Volpe. 2a ed. New York: Putnam's. 253-350.

An Introduction, Preface or Prologue:

Doctorow, E. L. 1982. Introducción. Sister Carrie. Por Theodore Dreiser. New York: Bentam. v-xi.

A work in several volumes:

Gracián, Baltasar. 1939. El criticón. E. Romera-Navarro. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P. 3 vols. 1938-40.

A publication:

Alvarez Méndez, J. M., ed. 1987. Teoría lingüística y enseñanza de la lengua. Textos fundamentales de orientación interdisciplinar. Madrid: Akal.

Lenz, Rodolfo. s.f. Diccionario etimológico de voces chilenas derivadas de lenguas americanas. 1905-1910. Ed. Mario Ferreccio Podest? Santiago: U de Chile.

A reprinting:

Dreiser, Theodore. 1982. Sister Carrie. 1900. Introd. E. L. Doctorow. New York: Bentam.

Citation of articles in periodicals. The information should be ordered in a manner similar to that indicated for books. If the periodical is well known, the abbreviation accepted by the Modern Language Association, MLA, should be used; if it is not so well known, the place and institution of publication shall be indicated within square brackets. The number of the volume shall be separated from the name of the journal only by one space. The number of pages shall include the complete article and shall be preceded by a colon. If the periodical is published more than once a year, a period after the number of the volume shall be added and then, without space, the number of the edition:

Wright, R. 1988. "Latín tardío y romance temprano". RFE 68: 257-70.

Lyon, George Ella. 1981. "Contemporary Appalachian Poetry: Sources and Directions". Kentucky Review 2.2: 3-22.

Book Reviews. The reviewer´s name and the date follow the name of the review, preceded by the expression "Res. de" and followed by the word "por" heading the book's author and publishing data:

Fernández, César. 1998. Res. de El castellano de los escolares de la comarca del "Gran Bilbao". Aproximación sociolingüística, por Roberto Oleata Rubio. EFil 33: 178-180.

Notes. Only content notes and bibliographical notes of commentaries shall be used. The former shall be used to explain, clarify or justify some textual aspect, to provide the original of a translated passage or to document and original paper cited from an indirect source. The latter shall be used for critical comments of a source and for references including numerous citations.

Sending of manuscripts

Las colaboraciones y la correspondencia deben dirigirse a:

  • Oficina de Publicaciones
    Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
    Universidad Austral de Chile
    Apartado Postal 142
    Teléfono-Fax: (56-63) 221275

Editorial Board


  • Sr. Iván Carrasco Muñoz
    Universidad Austral de Chile
    Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
    Isla Teja s/n
    Teléfono: (56-63) 221022
    Fax:(56-63) 221425

Representante legal

  • Carlos Amtmann Moyano, Universidad Austral de Chile

Consejo de redacción

  • María Catrileo Ch.
  • Gladys Cepeda
  • Oscar Galindo
  • María Isabel Larrea
  • Mauricio Pilleux
  • María Teresa Poblete
  • Carlos Ramírez Sánchez
  • Gustavo Rodríguez B.
  • Eduardo Roldan

Publishing board
  • Hugo Carrasco M., Universidad de la Frontera
  • Constantino Contreras, insulares@hotmail.com
  • Juan A. Epple, University of Oregon, USA
  • Eduardo Miranda, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Marcela Orellana, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Mauricio Ostria, Universidad de Concepción
  • Marianne Peronard T., Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Gilberto Triviños, Universidad de Concepción
  • Hernán Urrutia, Universidad del País Vasco, España
  • Víctor Valembois, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Humberto Valdivieso, Universidad de Concepción
  • Mónica Véliz, Universidad de Concepción
  • German Westphal, The University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA

Publishing production

  • Secretario de Redacción
    Iván Carrasco M.

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