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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Established 1943

Essays and Studies, which publishes academic papers of merit by undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences at Simmons College, was founded in November 1943 by F. Wylie Sypher, professor of English, and Waldo Emerson Palmer, professor of history. The Office of the Dean, CAS, is currently its sponsor.

Editors kept the journal relevant and in production annually (even semi-annually) from the year of its founding to 1996. Essays and Studies was reintroduced briefly in 1999 with the publication of volume 54 and in 2006 with volume 55. This print issue introduced a new look, which was designed by Studio Five, a professional studio managed by students in the Communications Department.

2009 inaugurates the journal's first online publication. Studio Five students designed the templates for submissions.

Simmons College Archives holds a complete collection of the multi-volume Essays and Studies. Browsing through pages, a visitor to the collection discovers that the journal has been multidisciplinary since volume 1 and has regularly published three to six essays and papers each issue. Works in the disciplines of English and history are standards in many issues; contributors from economics, chemistry, art, music, French, Spanish, sociology, psychology, business administration, and many other disciplines are well represented. Certainly, work by students in upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses has been a staple, yet occasionally the journal has published ambitious work by students in introductory courses as well.

The editorial board remains committed to seeking and publishing strong academic work from across the disciplines, from graduate students and undergraduates, at all levels of College courses.

Instructions to Authors

Paper specifications:

  • 10pp. max. length (not including references, notes, and appendices), double-spaced, 1" margins, 12pt. Times New Roman
  • Include an abstract (300 words maximum).
  • Use publication style (MLA, APA, Chicago Manual, etc.) appropriate for discipline.

Submission instructions:

Submit via attached document (MS Word) to chris.cormierhayes@simmons.edu

In body of e-mail, include:

  • Name
  • Major(s), if declared
  • Status (graduate or undergraduate student)
  • Graduation year
  • Name of course in which the paper originated
  • Name of the associated professor

If your paper is accepted, the editors of Essays & Studies may require further revision before publication.

Still have questions? E-mail chris.cormierhayes@simmons.edu 

Editorial Board

Chris Cormier Hayes
Coordinator, WritingCenter 

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