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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Since its founding in 1880 by Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve, the American Journal of Philology has helped to shape American classical scholarship. Today the Journal has achieved worldwide recognition as a forum for international exchange among classicists and philologists by publishing original research in Greek and Roman literature; classical linguistics; and Greek and Roman history, society, religion, and philosophy. In-depth coverage and a substantial book review section are featured in every issue. AJP is open to a wide variety of contemporary approaches including literary interpretation and history, textual criticism, historical investigation, and epigraphy.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

1. The American Journal of Philology publishes original research in classical philology, linguistics, history, society, religion, philosophy, and cultural and material studies, including interdisciplinary approaches. Brief Mentions (see AJP 122.1 [2001]: iii-iv) are also welcome. Articles should run about 35 typed pages maximum, including notes. Brief Mentions are shorter.

2. Contributions and other editorial correspondence should be sent to:

Barbara K. Gold, Editor
Department of Classics
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, New York 13323
email: bgold@hamilton.edu

Books for review should be sent to:

Carl A. Rubino, Book Review Editor
Department of Classics
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, New York 13323
email: crubino@hamilton.edu

3. Submit two paper copies--one original manuscript and one copy. Normally, these will not be returned. In addition, please either enclose the electronic file on a zip disk or CD, or send it by e-mail attachment to the Editor or Book Review Editor as above. If sending by e-mail, please identify by title in the subject line. Retain a copy of the manuscript in the exact format submitted, since editorial comments sent to authors sometimes refer to specific pages and lines in the original. All manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, with ample margins. Underline or italicize words that are to be set in italics; please be consistent. Footnotes should be typed as endnotes in your manuscript--double-spaced and numbered in a consecutive series (not 16, 16a, 16b). Give inclusive page numbers; do not use ff. Articles should be accompanied by a full bibliography, and author-date citations should be used in text where possible. Simple bibliographical references can be inserted directly into text--"Boatwright (1991, 24) suggests...". If some discussion is required, however, the reference should be in a footnote. For Greek and Latin passages, please use a standard edition (Oxford, Teubner, Bud¨¦). Please state whose translations you are using (your own or otherwise) in an appropriately placed footnote.

4. The Journal follows a policy of blind and anonymous reviewing. Authors are asked to prepare their manuscripts so that their own identities are not revealed to editorial readers. The first two pages should be unnumbered: (1) a cover page with the title of the manuscript, the author's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address; and (2) an abstract of 100 or fewer words (repeat the title of the article on the abstract page to identify it). Number pages thereafter sequentially (first page of text is page 1). Authors who use a header with page numbers should use a short title (e.g., "Fasti and the Stars" - 3). Although it may seem obvious, please proofread your paper, especially the Latin and Greek passages, and make sure all references are complete before submitting it for review.

5. If you are asked to submit a revised version of your paper for a second review, please prepare 2 blind copies as above, but send only paper copies. No disk is necessary at this stage.

6. Scholarship published in the Journal often requires quotations in Greek. Despite modern production methods, the printing of Greek is costly and time consuming, as compositors do not know Greek. Contributors are asked to follow these guidelines: Do not quote passages in Greek or insert Greek words unnecessarily. Use a Greek font rather than writing Greek by hand in the manuscript. Try to keep the Greek together; avoid inserting Greek words or phrases in English sentences, except when necessary to gloss. Individual Greek words, when mentioned in English sentences, may be transliterated. In such cases, either underline or italicize the word to indicate italics; be consistent.

7. It is the policy of The Johns Hopkins University Press to require the assignment of copyright to the Press of all articles and interpretations published by the American Journal of Philology. Further information about this policy can be obtained on request from the editor.

Points of Style (for final submissions)

AJP wants to make the journal more accessible to nonspecialists and more in line with what is used in other humanities disciplines. The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed.

1. Abbreviations. Refrain from scholarly abbreviations in references (op. cit., ad loc., ff.). Use short titles instead of op. cit. Do not italicize common Latin abbreviations (e.g., et al.).

2. Classical works. For abbreviations of classical works, authors, and journals, AJP prefers the Oxford Classical Dictionary (OCD). Other systems (Liddell and Scott, OLD, L'Ann¨¦e Philogique) are acceptable as long as they are consistent.

3. Eras and dates. The journal prefers B.C.E., C.E., 12 December 1999.

4. Illustrations. The author is responsible for obtaining permissions for illustrations if necessary. Please allow plenty of time to obtain permissions. For all illustrations, please supply approximate placement by coding in arrow brackets at the appropriate point in your manuscript

. Please also supply legends if any (e.g., Figure 2. Medea knocks at the palace door).

5. Greek and Latin. Don't mix Greek or Latin into the syntax of an English sentence; give the original language first or after the English version. Please check all Greek and Latin quotations, especially for accents and line numbering. (It is a good idea to photocopy lengthy Latin or Greek passages so that you can quickly check them against proofs.) Also, be consistent in English spelling of Greek proper names throughout your article--do not use both Herakles and Hercules. Please code macrons in transliterated Greek: techn<mac>e</mac>. If you must use underlines in Greek for emphasis (AJP prefers this to italicized Greek), please code by using arrow brackets around Greek text <u>Greek words</u>.Use sparingly.

6. Acknowledgments. Should be in the final note, keyed to the end of text.

Examples for bibliography (note that author's first name or two initials and publisher's names are included):

O'Gorman, Ellen. 1993. "No Place Like Rome: Identity and Difference in the Germania of Tacitus." Ramus 22:135-54.

Ross, D. O., Jr. 1987. Virgil's Elements: Physics and Poetry in the Georgics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Edition of a classical work
Mastronarde, D. J., ed. 2002. Euripides: Medea. With intro. and comm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (note classical work is set in italics as rest of title)

Chapter in a book
Franko, George Fredric. 2001. "Plautus and Roman New Comedy." In Greek and Roman Comedy, ed. Shawn O'Bryhim, 147-239. Austin: University of Texas Press. (note: inclusive page numbers are given)

Fernandez-Delgado, J. A. 1982. "Sobre forma y contenido de Los trabajos y los dias." In Estudios de forma y contenido sobre les generos literarios griegos, ed. F. R. Adrados et al., 9-29. Caceres: Universidad de Extramadura. (Et al. is used only for four or more authors.)

Editorial Board

Editors and Editorial Board


    Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College

Book Review Editor

    Carl A. Rubino, Hamilton College

Associate Editors

    Helene P. Foley, Barnard College
    Carole Newlands, University of Wisconsin, Madison
    Carl A. Rubino, Hamilton College
    Richard Talbert, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Editorial Board

    Ruby Blondell, University of Washington
    Deborah Boedeker, Brown University
    Kathleen M. Coleman, Harvard University
    Joseph Farrell, University of Pennsylvania
    Maud W. Gleason, Stanford University
    Mark Golden, University of Winnipeg
    Stephen E.Hinds, University of Washington
    David Konstan, Brown University
    Sheila Murnaghan, University of Pennsylvania
    Andrea Nightingale, Stanford University
    Kenneth J. Reckford, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Honorary Editors

    Diskin Clay
    Georg Luck
    George A. Kennedy
    Philip A. Stadter


    Bill Britton

Journal Assistant

    Susan Goldberg

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