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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

English Language and Linguistics

English Language and Linguistics, published three times a year, is an international journal which focuses on the description of the English language within the framework of contemporary linguistics. The journal is concerned equally with the synchronic and the diachronic aspects of English language studies and publishes articles of the highest quality which make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the structure and development of the English language and which are informed by a knowledge and appreciation of linguistic theory. English Language and Linguistics carries articles and short discussion papers or squibs on all core aspects of English, from its beginnings to the present day, including syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics and lexis. There is also a major review section including, from time to time, articles that give an overview of current research in particular specialist areas. The second issue each year is guest-edited and devoted to a special topic.

Instructions to Authors
English Language and Linguistics
Editorial policy
English Language and Linguistics is an international journal which focuses on the description of the English language within the framework of contemporary linguistics. The journal is concerned equally with the synchronic and the diachronic aspects of English language studies and publishes articles of the highest quality which make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the structure and development of the English language and which are informed by a knowledge and appreciation of linguistic theory. English Language and Linguistics carries articles and short discussion papers or squibs on all core aspects of English, from its beginnings to the present day, including syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics and lexis.
A note and discussion contribution (or squib) is appropriate in particular for comments on articles published earlier in ELL.
A review article should be a more substantial piece of work than a review. It should not just summarise the content of the book and provide an assessment of it. Rather it should seek to take up some of the ideas in the book and take the debate forward either by extending them in some way or by taking issue with them. The review article should also seek to place the book in its wider linguistic context by referring to other literature within the sub-field. Potentially, a review article is as important a contribution to the field as an ordinary article. For this reason, all review articles will be refereed before publication, so as an author you should expect to receive comments and suggestions for changes, and should be prepared to revise your initial draft before publication, and to do so within a reasonable time-frame. Unsolicited review articles are not accepted but offers can be made by contacting the Review Editor, Professor Bas Aarts HTUb.aarts@ucl.ac.ukUTH.
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not previously been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Following acceptance of a paper, the author will be asked to assign copyright (on certain conditions) to Cambridge University Press.
Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright, to be used in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript.
Please follow the guidelines below in the preparation of your manuscript. The requirements apply equally to all three categories of contribution article, notes and discussion, and review article with a few exceptions for review articles, set out in section 18. Guidelines for book review authors are set out in section 19. All the guidelines incorporate advice from ELL's publisher and printer, Cambridge University Press.
Contact details
Submitted papers as well as general correspondence and offers to contribute to the notes and discussion section should be sent to the appropriate editor, as follows:
Bas Aarts: papers on present-day English syntax and morphology, papers not obviously falling under any of the areas listed below, and all reviews
David Denison: papers on historical syntax and morphology
Richard Hogg: papers on historical and present-day phonetics and phonology
North American contributors may, if they prefer, submit manuscripts to the Associate Editor, Douglas Biber.
Addresses of editors:
Professor Bas Aarts
Editor, English Language and Linguistics
c/o Department of English Language and Literature
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
HTUell@ucl.ac.ukUTH or HTUb.aarts @ucl.ac.ukUTH
Professor David Denison
Editor, English Language and Linguistics
Dept of Linguistics and English Language
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
Professor Richard Hogg
Editor, English Language and Linguistics
Dept of Linguistics and English Language
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
Professor Douglas Biber
Associate Editor, English Language and Linguistics
Department of English
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6032
Submitting a paper for consideration for publication in ELL
PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY PAPERS OF NO MORE THAN 10,000 WORDS, INCLUDING REFERENCES AND FOOTNOTES, SHOULD NORMALLY BE SUBMITTED FOR CONSIDERATION FOR PUBLICATION IN ELL. If a longer manuscript is submitted for some particular reason, the covering letter/e-mail must include a note making a case for an exception to this limit.
Authors should submit to the appropriate Editor an electronic copy of the paper, preferably in Microsoft Word DOC format. The name(s) of the author(s) and full contact details should be on a separate page at the start of the document, and the author(s) should not be identifiable from the references in the remainder of the text and the acknowledgements. Occasionally, an author may be asked to send a paper copy of the manuscript by post or a PDF version as well. (Authors submitting a file to Professor Aarts are requested to mail one paper copy in any event.)
Most characters necessary for representing Old or Middle English are now contained in standard fonts, which should therefore be used wherever possible. Additional letters and phonetic characters should where possible be taken from the Doulos SIL font, available from HTUhttp://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.phpsite_id=nrsi&item_id=DoulosSILfontUTH
All papers will normally be read in anonymised form by two anonymous referees. The identity of the author(s) of a review article is revealed to the referees but the referees normally remain anonymous.
If, for any reason, an electronic copy of an article cannot be supplied, please contact the Editor concerned.
For all articles, proofs will be presented as PDF files for the authors to correct. In the case of co-authored articles, the proofs will be sent to the first-named author, unless otherwise requested. Please inform the Editor of any relevant changes of e-mail addresses occurring between the submission of the final version of the paper and the expected release of the proofs. The proofs should be corrected within three days of receipt and returned immediately. Detailed proofing instructions will be found in the proof file.
The format and style requirements listed below are to facilitate a smooth conversion of
text from file(s) into print. Please note that if many adjustments are required, then this may be a source of new typographic and other errors in the printed version. The Editors reserve the right to return a manuscript, asking for an improved format, which may result in a delay in publication. Authors may like to refer to a recent issue of English Language and Linguistics (issue 11.3 or later for bibliographic details) to look up certain features of formatting and style.
1. PAGINATION AND ORGANISATION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. Insert page number in the top right corner of every page. Number continuously throughout the title page, abstract, article's main text, author's address, references, and if applicable footnotes (i.e. endnotes in the manuscript format) and other end matter (appendix, tables, figures, etc.; see section 15 below). The various components of the manuscript are to follow in the order just given, except for an appendix, which should immediately precede the references.
The title page should include only the title of the article, author's name and affiliation, on separate lines and centred, as in the pattern shown here. An acknowledgements footnote should be marked with a superscript not an asterisk at the end of the title. The rest of the page should be left blank for copy-editing purposes. The title page of a review article is slightly different; see section 18 below.
Article title
Author's affiliation
2. TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS. Please refer to section 16 below for recommendations on the use of various typefaces.
3. SPACING AND MARGINS. Double-space throughout. Leave 3cm/1.5" margins on all four sides of all the pages. Except for the first paragraph of a new section or subsection, the first line of every new paragraph is indented, as is shown in section 5 below. Please do not mark paragraph breaks by extra line spacing.
4. ABSTRACT. Article abstracts (but usually not abstracts of Notes and Discussion items or Review Articles) will appear in print. The abstract, on a separate page, should follow the title page of an Article.
5. SECTION AND SUBSECTION HEADINGS. These should be typed on separate lines, in small capitals and italics, respectively, numbered and punctuated exactly as in the following example:

1.1.1 Metrical grids
6. STYLE. Contributors should be sensitive to the social implications of language choice and seek wording free of discriminatory overtones in matters such as race and gender. The style of writing should be non-elliptical: abbreviations of rule names, languages, etc. are to be kept to an absolute minimum and clearly introduced at first occurrence. If abbreviations of less commonly-known technical terms are used extensively in an article, they should be set out clearly in a footnote or an end-of-article glossary. Natural data sources (from Old English texts, contemporary novels, etc.) should be clearly identified.
7. SPELLING. Either British English or US English conventions for spelling and expression should be followed consistently. In words with alternative -ize/-ise spellings, either can be used, consistently throughout the text, but note that analyze is only used in conjunction with US spelling elsewhere. Please run a spellchecker on the final draft to eliminate detectable typos.
8. QUOTATIONS. Quotations of under 25 words should be included in single quotation marks in the running text. Any punctuation normally FOLLOWS the closing quotation mark. Longer quotations should be set out as a separate paragraph (or paragraphs) on a new line, indented at the left margin throughout, without any quotation marks and with no extra indent on the first line. The source work and page number must be given for all the quotations. Please check thoroughly against the source the accuracy of the quoted text in the manuscript (wording, punctuation, capitalisation, emphasis) and the page number(s) from which the quotation is taken.
9. SHORT REFERENCES IN TEXT. As is shown below, variants of the author-date-page format are used for literature citations depending on the context of the sentence. With more than one work listed, works are ordered chronologically, not alphabetically, unless two or more works by different authors have the same year of publication.
... for arguments against see Smith & Jones (1993: 481), Chomsky (1995: 154, 286f.; 1997), Vikner (1995: chapter 5), Rizzi (1997), Iwakura (1999) ...
... and elsewhere (see Seuren 1985: 295-13, Browning 1996: 238, fn. 2) ...
... distinguish certain words from others "without having any meaning of its own"(Hockett 1958: 575).
Please note: (i) the ampersand (&) immediately preceding the surname of the second (or last) co-author; (ii) a space between the colon and the page number; (iii) a long hyphen(en-rule) between page numbers; (iv) elliptical page number spans; (v) no space and a full stop, respectively, before and after ff./f.; (vi) NO comma between author's name and year; (vii) punctuation follows the quotation mark and the quotation source details.
10. FOOTNOTES (AND REFERENCES). Lists headed REFERENCES and FOOTNOTES (both headings in capitals and centred, no bold) should each start on a fresh page (see section 13 below for further instructions on references). All material which is to appear as footnotes in print should be gathered as endnotes in the manuscript, NOT presented as footnotes at the bottom of relevant manuscript pages. Endnotes should be double-spaced and numbered consecutively, starting from number 1, even if the first footnote contains acknowledgements only. As far as possible, the number and the length of footnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum.
11. NUMBERED EXAMPLES. Include all the example numbers and any letters identifying sub-examples in separate parentheses, and align as is shown below, using small word-processor tabs. Example numbering begins at the left margin.
In the article text, examples should be referred to as (4a), (5b, c), (6b–e), (7)?9) (NOT: (4)a, (5b) and (5c), (6)b–e, (7?)). Examples in footnotes should be numbered with small roman numerals, also in parentheses, i.e. (i), (ii), etc. Please note the use of a "long hyphen"
12. EXAMPLES FROM LANGUAGES OTHER THAN MODERN ENGLISH. Sentences, phrases and words in languages other than modern English which are set out as numbered examples are followed by a line of word-for-word (or morpheme-for-morpheme) gloss and a line of literary translation, all double-spaced. Glosses are fully aligned with the appropriate words or morphemes of the original. The translation is included in single quotation marks and sentence-final punctuation is within the quotation marks. All the text in numbered examples is in roman type but if a part of a numbered example is to be highlighted, it is set in bold. Linguistic category labels appearing in the gloss are in SMALL CAPITALS. The following illustrates:
(4) (a) John likes Mary. (NOT: 4 a., (4) a., etc.)
(b) Mary doesn't like John.
(c) *Like does Mary John not.
(5) Siroi huku-o kita wakai baaten-ga sutando-no utigawa-ni san-nin
white clothing-ACC wore young bartender-NOM bar-GEN inside-LOC three-CLASS
"Three young bartenders dressed in white were working behind the bar."  A translation or a gloss of a non-modern-English example in the running text immediately follows the example at its first occurrence and is enclosed in single quotes; the grammatical category gloss, if present, is given in lower-case roman type in parentheses and within the quotes, e.g. moja matka "my mother (nom, 3sg, fem)"
13. REFERENCES. The style is that of the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals (HTUhttp://linguistlist.org/pubs/tocs/JournalUnifiedStyleSheet2007.pdfUTH) with the
exception that (i) all page numbers are preceded by a comma, i.e. there is a comma rather than a full-stop after journal/proceedings volume number; (ii) page numbers are elided as far as possible except for teens, e.g 21, 121 but 112-4; and (iii) dissertation entries specify the university but no "place of publication" separately.
All and only works mentioned in the text and footnotes must be included in the references at the end of the article. Authors should check carefully that this is the case, and that the authors and dates cited match the names and the dates in the references, that the page numbers of all the articles in journals and books are correctly supplied, and that the list is in strict alphabetic order and formatted according to the specification below.
References start on a fresh page, immediately after the main body of the text. The heading REFERENCES is in capitals and centred, and not in bold. The list is double-spaced throughout. There are no lines or blank spaces for repeated names of authors the names are always typed as in the first entry. It is the Journal's preferred format that THE FIRST NAMES OF ALL THE AUTHORS AND EDITORS ARE GIVEN IN FULL. This convention must be followed consistently throughout with the exception for those authors who are known to use initials only (e.g. R. M. W. Dixon, S. J. Hannahs). Note that the full first name follows the surname only at the beginning of a new entry. A full-stop separates author name(s) and the year of the publication. If an entry is longer than one line, the second and subsequent lines are indented. In the case of joint authors or editors use the ampersand (&), not the word "and"  Please note also a "long hyphen" in number spans and ellipsis of repeated digits (i.e. 1985?1, 134-2; NOT: 1985?991, 134-62). Abbreviations are to be avoided in the case of journal titles (e.g. English Language and Linguistics, NOT: ELL) but citations from conference proceedings include the meeting's or the society's acronym. US state names are given using the standard two-letter abbreviation, e.g. MA (NOT: Mass.) Examples follow:
Akmajian, Adrian, Richard A. Demers & Robert M. Harnish. 1985. Linguistics, 2nd edn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Blevins, Juliette. 2004. Evolutionary phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kemenade, Ans van & Nigel B. Vincent (eds.). 1997. Parameters of morphosyntactic change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kiparsky, Paul & Gilbert Youmans (eds.). 1989. Phonetics and phonology, vol. 1: Rhythm and meter. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Lahiri, Aditi (ed.). 2000. Analogy, leveling, markedness: Principles of change in phonology and morphology (Trends in Linguistics 127). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Luce, R. Duncan, Robert R. Bush & Eugene Galanter (eds.). 1963. Handbook of mathematical psychology, vol. 2. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edn. 1989. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pintzuk, Susan, George Tsoulas & Anthony Warner (eds.). 2000. Diachronic syntax: Models and mechanisms. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Webelhuth, Gert (ed.). 1995. Government and binding theory and the minimalist program: Principles and parameters in syntactic theory (Generative Syntax). Oxford: Blackwell.
Articles in edited volumes, conference proceedings and working papers
If more than one article is cited from a single edited volume, a short reference to the volume appears in the article entries (as in the examples below) and the full details of the volume appear in a separate entry.
Abraham, Werner. 1997. The interdependence of case, aspect, and referentiality in the history of German:
The case of the verbal genitive. In van Kemenade & Vincent (eds.), 29-1.
Archangeli, Diana. 1985. Yawelmani noun stress: Assignment of extrametricality. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 6, 1?3.
Casali, Roderic F. 1998. Predicting ATR activity. Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 34(1), 55-8.
Clark, Alexander. 2006. Pac-learning unambiguous NTS languages. International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference 8, 59-1. Berlin: Springer.
Del Gobbo, Francesca. 2003a. Appositives and quantification. Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium 26 (University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 9), 73-8.
Hornstein, Norbert & Amy Weinberg. 1995 The Empty Category Principle. In Webelhuth (ed.), 241-6.
Hudson, Richard. 1996. The difficulty of (so-called) self-embedded structures. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 8, 283?14.
Kemenade, Ans van. 2000. Jespersen's cycle revisited: Formal properties of grammaticalization. In Pintzuk et al. (eds.), 51-4.
Kiparsky, Paul. 1997. The rise of positional licensing. In van Kemenade & Vincent (eds.), 460-4.
Rice, Curt. 2006. Norwegian stress and quantity: Gaps and repairs at the phonology?BR>morphology interface. The North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 36(1), 27?8. [ROA 781.]
Rissanen, Matti. 1999. Syntax. In Roger Lass (ed.), Cambridge history of the English language, vol. 3, 187-31. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
Roberts, Ian & Anders Holmberg. 2005. On the role of parameters in Universal
Grammar: A reply to Newmeyer. In Hans Broekhuis, Norbert Corver, Riny Huybregts, Ursula Kleinhenz & Jan Koster (eds.), Organizing grammar: Linguistic studies in honor of Henk van Riemsdijk, 538-3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Williams, Edwin. 1995. Theta theory. In Webelhuth (ed.), 97-24.
Willis, David. 2000. Verb movement in Slavonic conditionals. In Pintzuk et al. (eds.), 322-8.
Articles in journals
Iverson, Gregory K. 1983. Korean /s/. Journal of Phonetics 11, 191?00.
Murray, Robert W. & Theo Vennemann. 1983. Sound change and syllable structure in Germanic phonology. Language 59(3), 514?8.
Suñer, Margarita.1988. The role of agreement in clitic-doubled constructions. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 6, 391-34.
Online papers, reviews, dissertations and other kinds of publication
Ellison. T. Mark & Ewan Klein. 2001. The best of all possible words. Review article on Diana Archangeli & D. Terence Langendoen (eds.), Optimality Theory: An overview, 1997. English Language and Linguistics 37(1), 127?3.
Franks, Steven. 2005. Bulgarian clitics are positioned in the syntax, 15 pp. H http://www.cogs.indiana.edu/people/homepages/franks/Bg_clitics_remark_dense.pdfH (10 May 2007).
Harley, Heidi. 1995. Subjects, events and licensing. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT.
Joseph, Brian D. 2001. Review of R. M. W. Dixon, The rise and fall of languages, 1997.
English Language and Linguistics 37(1), 180.
Lattewitz, Karen. 1996. Movement of verbal complements. Ms., University of Groningen.
Pedersen, Johan. 2005. The Spanish impersonal se-construction: Constructional variation and change. Constructions 1, http://www.constructions-online.de (10 May 2007).
Watson, Kevin & Patrick Honeybone. 2002. Liverpool English, visarga in pausa, and the phonetics–phonology divide. Presented at the Toulouse Conference on English Phonology, University of Toulouse le Mirail.
Yu, Alan C. L. 2003. The morphology and phonology of infixation. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
14. AUTHOR’S CONTACT DETAILS. This comes immediately before the references, set on a new page, in the following format (please note the italics and the layout):
Author's address:
Full postal details including post or zip code
E-mail: HTUname@domainUTH
15. ARTWORK. Tables, tree diagrams, tableaux, AVMs, etc. are usually single-spaced.
(a) Only horizontal lines are normally used in tables but both horizontal and vertical lines are acceptable in OT tableaux and intricate tables.
(b) Tree diagrams, tableaux, AVMs and the like are numbered like other examples. Some tables can also be numbered in this way.
(c) In a hard copy, tables and figures (e.g. graphs and drawings) are labelled underneath as Table 1 or Figure 1 (in roman, centred) and given a caption (in italic, centred, on a separate line). Each such item should be set out camera-ready on a separate sheet of paper, at the end of the manuscript, even if it is included in the main body of the text; if it isn't, the approximate location of each table, figure, etc. should be clearly marked in the text.
(d) In the electronic part of the submission, all tables are set in a SINGLE file, with their captions underneath. The file is named something like "Smith-Tables1"  Each tree diagram, tableau and figure are set in a SEPARATE file, named "Smith-Tableau(16)" "Smith-Fig1" All these objects, excluding tables, should also be submitted in PDF files and ?if possible ?in the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format. None of these files should include any captions. The identity of the object will be clear from the file's name.
(e) Accompanying the figure files will be a file (named "Smith-Captions" with a list of figure captions.
16. TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS. Please use Times/Times Roman size 12pt font throughout the manuscript. Special typefaces are used as follows:
(i) technical terms when first introduced
(ii) section headings
(iii) the names of grammatical categories in the glosses of numbered examples
Please do NOT use CAPITALS with a reduced font size.
(i) language material in the running text
(ii) foreign words
(iii) emphasis in the main body of the text or footnotes
(iv) subsection headings
(v) titles of books, journals and dissertations
(vi) headings in numbered examples (if applicable)
(i) article title
(ii) emphasis in numbered examples
(iii) author's name in the bibliographical information about the book discussed in a Review Article
"Single quotation marks") terms used in a semi-technical sense or terms whose validity is questioned
(ii) meanings of words and sentences
(iii) quotations and direct speech "Double quotation marks" quotations within quotations only.
& (ampersand) is used instead of the word and before the second/last surname of a co-author or co-editor in references as well as in the main text.
A long hyphen  (en-rule ) is used
(i) to mark a 'dash"  it is then preceded and followed by a space and
(ii) to mark number spans, such as in page numbers (e.g. 123?4) in the main text as well as in References
Please distinguish between a long hyphen  the en-rule ( and a short hyphen . The em-rule  is used only in tables, to mark an empty cell.
17. KEEPING TRACK OF NUMBERING SEQUENCES. If (sub)sections, numbered examples or footnotes are added to or removed from the article in the process of revising it, every care should be taken to ensure that all subsequent (sub)sections, examples or footnotes are appropriately renumbered and that any in-text and in-footnote references to them by numbers (e.g. given the arguments in section 3.2 above be checked and adjusted if necessary. While it is acceptable for files to include automatic footnote (i.e. endnote) numbering, please DO NOT use automatic example, figure and table numbering and cross-referencing.
Title page. Review articles must have their own title as well as category heading. The details of the book under review are typed on the front page, which has the following format:
Tracking the origins of transformational generative grammar1
University of Edinburgh
Marcus Tomalin, Linguistics and the formal sciences: The origins of generative grammar (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 110). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. xiv + 233.
Abstract. There is usually no abstract in the printed version.
In-text references to the book under review. The name of a single author or editor of the book under review is to be given in full at each mention, rather than abbreviated. However, the names of two or more authors or editors may be abbreviated thus: "Chomsky & Halle 1968 (henceforth C&H)"  Please note the use of the ampersand (&) and the lack of spaces in the abbreviation. Alternatively, the book under review may be referred to by an abbreviation of the title, e.g. "The book The origins of complex language by Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy (henceforth OCL)"  Please note that the abbreviation is in italic.
Page references. Page references to passages in or quotations from the book under review are given in parentheses, e.g. (p. 39). Please note that the full stop immediately follows the page reference if this appears at the end of a sentence, thus: the author notes that “the problem becomes traceable” (p. 39).
Length. Reviews in ELL are generally 2,000-3,000 words in length, as commissioned by the Review Editor. Manuscripts which substantially exceed the word limit may be cut or sent back to the author to be shortened. If neither is acceptable to the author, the Review Editor may ask for the book to be returned so that another reviewer can be found.
Format. Please submit the review as an e-mail attachment in MS. Word, following the format set out in the Stylesheet as closely as possible. The following special features should be noted:
a. Reviews are headed by (i) the details of the book under review and (ii) the reviewer's name and affiliation: the latter must be RIGHT-ALIGNED. These details precede the text and have the following exact format, double-spaced; please note the order of information and exact use of punctuation, bold, italics, capital letters and small capitals:
Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou & Martin Everaert (eds.), The unaccusativity puzzle: Explorations of the syntax–lexicon interface (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 5). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. x + 372.
Reviewed by FIRST NAME SURNAME [in small caps], Institution Name
b. When referring to chapter titles, or the titles of individual papers in an edited volume, the following EXACT format for punctuation should be used:
I turn now to chapter 3, "Syntactic variation in English: A global perspective"  which is an excellent summary ...
The first paper in the volume is by Kim Blogg, entitled "Syllable structure in Klingon" and this proposes ...
Note that the initial letter of both the title and the subtitle of the chapter or paper are in capitals, and that the title appears in single quotation marks (not in italic or bold font). Note also that lower case "c" is used when referring to chapters by number. The author's name (or authors?names) must be given in full at first mention.
c. References should be kept to a minimum. As a rule of thumb, there should be no
more than eight references in a 2,000-word review and no more than five in a shorter review. The Review Editor may cut longer lists. References start on a new page, headed REFERENCES (in capital letters, centred). The list must be double-spaced throughout. Please see section 16 above for style details.
d. Only under exceptional circumstances will a review contain footnotes. If present, footnotes must be gathered in the manuscript as endnotes. Numbering starts from number 1, even if the first note contains acknowledgements. The list of notes must start on a new page, headed FOOTNOTES (in capitals), and be double-spaced throughout.
The manuscripts of reviews should be submitted to the Review Editor, Professor Bas Aarts HTUb.aarts@ucl.ac.ukUTH .
Proof corrections must be sent to the Copy Editor at the address below:
Mrs Kay McKechnie
45 Northcroft Road
London W13 9SS
Last updated 25PthP May 2007
Editorial Board



  • Professor Bas Aarts
  • Department of English Language and Literature
    University College London
    Gower Street
    London WC1E 6BT
  • ell@ucl.ac.uk
  • Professor David Denison
  • Department of Linguistics and English Language
    University of Manchester
    Manchester M13 9PL
  • d.denison@manchester.ac.uk
  • Professor Richard Hogg
  • Department of Linguistics and English Language
    University of Manchester
    M13 9PL
  • r.m.hogg@manchester.ac.uk

Associate Editor

  • Professor Douglas Biber
  • Department of English
    Northern Arizona University
    Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-6032
  • douglas.biber@nau.edu

Editorial Board

  • Professor Masa-chiyo Amano
  • Nagoya University, Japan
  • Professor Laurie Bauer
  • Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Professor Laurel J. Brinton
  • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Professor Dr Olga Fischer
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Professor Heinz J Giegerich
  • University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Professor Liliane Haegeman
  • University of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Professor Rodney Huddleston
  • University of Queensland, Australia
  • Professor Seizi Iwata
  • Osaka City University, Japan
  • Professor Bernd Kortmann
  • University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Professor Geoffrey Leech
  • Lancaster University, UK
  • Professor April McMahon
  • University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Professor Laura Michaelis
  • University of Colorado, USA
  • Professor Donka Minkova
  • University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Professor Terttu Nevalainen
  • University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Professor Carita Paradis
  • Växj University, Sweden
  • Professor Susan Pintzuk
  • University of York, UK
  • Professor Ingo Plag
  • Universität Siegen , Germany
  • Professor Geoffrey Pullum
  • University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
  • Professor Jeremy J Smith
  • University of Glasgow, UK
  • Professor Robert Stockwell
  • University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Professor John Taylor
  • University of Otago, New Zealand
  • Professor Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade
  • Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Professor Elizabeth Traugott
  • Stanford University, USA
  • Professor Ans van Kemenade
  • University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Professor Wim van der Wurff
  • University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


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