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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

English is an internationally known journal of literary criticism, published on behalf of The English Association. Each issue contains essays on major works of English literature or on topics of general literary interest, aimed at readers within universities and colleges and presented in a lively and engaging style. There is a substantial review section, in which reviewers have space to situate a book within the context of recent developments in its field, and present a detailed argument. English is unusual among academic journals in publishing original poetry. This policy embodies the view that the critical and creative functions, often so widely separated in the teaching of English, can co-exist and cross-fertilise each other.

The Current Issue

Instructions to Authors


Please submit contributions via Manuscript Central by clicking here

Contributions should be between 5,000 and 9,000 words.

Contributors can normally expect replies within three months. Essays will be refereed, and referees' comments will usually be forwarded to authors.


Contributors can greatly help the editorial process by setting up their manuscript in accordance with the following conventions.

1) Use A4 paper, one side of each sheet only.
2 Leave generous margins.
3) Use double line spacing, even for quotations and notes.
4) Indent the beginning of each paragraph except the first.
5) Use single, not double, inverted commas.
6) Italicise (or underline) book titles.
7) Enclose in single inverted commas the titles of poems, short stories, articles and chapters.
8) Longish quotations should start on a new line and be set off by indentation, but not enclosed in inverted commas.
Shorter quotations should be incorporated into the text within single inverted commas.
9) The titles of articles are neither capitalised throughout nor italicised.
10) The author's name should be centrally placed below the title of articles, and academic affiliation, italicised or underlined, should be placed at the end of the text but before the notes.
11) Reviews should have brief titles (three or four words), underlined or italicised. Details of the book under review are given below the title, using the following conventions:

Dividing Lines: Poetry, Class and Ideology in the 1930s. BY ADRIAN CAESAR. Manchester University Press. 9.95 and .95.

For reviews, the author's name, capitalised, should be placed at the end, with academic affiliation, italicised or underlined, below it.
12) If a source can be clearly and concisely indicated within parentheses in the text, please do so: e.g. Hamlet's well-known soliloquy (II.3.56). References after the first one to a work should be in the text, in parentheses, and in abbreviated form (do not use 'op. cit.'): e.g. (Form and Style, p. 82).

Often (especially when there is a series of references) just a bracketed page number in the text is sufficient: (p. 82).

13) When footnotes are necessary make them as brief as possible and place them at the end of the article.

14) Material submitted should generally be in line with modern conventions on issues of language and gender. If guidance is needed please consult The Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing for Writers, Editors and Speakers, Casey Miller and Kate Swift, published by the Women's Press.


Revised manuscripts should be returned to the editors within two months of the date from when the invitation was sent; revised manuscripts received after this time will be considered as new submissions. Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a detailed response letter on how all the concerns of the editor and referees have been addressed. Please give the exact page number(s), paragraphs(s) and line number(s) where each revision was made. Please copy this letter in "Response to reviews" during submission.

Format: Original source files are required to avoid delays if the manuscript is accepted. The main text must be provided as Microsoft Word. Figure Legends should also be included in the Word file.

Figures should be provided as .TIFF files. The minimum resolution for the figures is 300 dpi for tone or colour, 1200 dpi for line art at approximately the correct size for publication. Colour figures should be CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black).


Supplementary data may be submitted for online only publication if it adds value for potential readers. However, it must not contain material critical to the understanding of the manuscript. The hard copy of the manuscript should stand alone, but it should be indicated at an appropriate point in the text that supplementary material is available on-line. In addition, the availability of supplementary material should also be indicated in the manuscript by a section heading "Supplementary Data" with a brief description of these data to appear before the Acknowledgements and References. Please name your supplementary material and cite it within the manuscript as Figure S1, Table S1, Video S1, etc, and provide a detailed legend.

Electronic files of supplementary material are preferable as one complete .PDF file. If images are supplied as .GIFs or .JPEGs, the minimum acceptable resolution for viewing on screen is 120 dpi.

Videos: The preferred formats for video clips are .MOV, .MPG, .AVI, and animated .GIF files. Authors are advised to use a readily available program to create movies so that they can be viewed easily with e.g., Windows Media Player or QuickTime.

Authors should carefully check the supplementary data as this information is not professionally copy edited or proofread.


Proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author as a .PDF file. The author should reply to the proof email with their corrections, and should send either a list of corrections in the email or attach an annotated PDF. Corrections should be limited to typographical errors and corrections should be returned within five days of receipt; otherwise the Editor reserves the right to correct the proofs and to send the material for publication. This is essential if all the material in a given issue is not to be delayed by the late receipt of one corrected proof.


On publication of an article the corresponding author of articles, poetry and book reviews will receive a free copy of the issue and a unique URL that gives access to both PDF and HTML versions of the paper. The URL links visitors to the English site and the complete version of the paper online with all functionality retained is accessible regardless of subscription status. Additional offprints may be purchased if required. Order forms are sent out with the proofs. Late orders submitted after the journal has gone to press are subject to a 100% surcharge (to cover the additional printing cost).


For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page.


Editorial Board

Editorial Board


Helen Wilcox

School of English
Bangor University

Andrew Hiscock

School of English
Bangor University

Poetry Editors

Ian Davidson

School of English
Bangor University

Ian Gregson

School of English
Bangor University

Book Reviews Editors

Stephen Colclough

School of English
Bangor University

Sue Niebrzydowski

School of English
Bangor University

Editorial Advisory Board

Jonathan Bate

University of Warwick, UK

Kate Flint

Rutgers University, USA

Linda Hutcheon

University of Toronto, Canada

Giovanni Iamartino

University of Milan, Italy

Elisabeth Jay

Oxford Brookes University, UK

Tabish Khair

University of Aarhus, Denmark

Peter Middleton

University of Southampton, UK

W.R. (Bob) Owens

Open University, UK

Deryn Rees-Jones

Liverpool University, UK

Jo Shapcott

Royal Holloway College, UK

Elaine Treharne

Florida State University, USA

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