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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and scope

For nearly two decades, Politics, Religion & Ideology has provided the leading international forum for the scholarly exploration of the politics of illiberal ideologies, both religious and secular. The journal is multi-disciplinary, cutting-edge and truly international in scope, having to date received submissions from authors located in over 30 different countries.

The journal publishes critical analyses of theory and international case studies pertaining to: 
• The historic and ongoing interaction between religion and politics. 
• The impact of religious radicalism on public policy, political attitudes and decision-making. 
• The contemporary politics of religious revival in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, and Asia. 
• The historical and contemporary politics of secular 'totalising' movements, such as fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, and Ba'athism. 
• Conflicts between illiberal ideologies (both religious and secular) and their opponents. 
• Constructions of the sacred and the secular in political religions and other political ideologies. 
• Publicly enforced (ir)religion and dissent. 
• Class, gender and race in the context of political religions and religious politics. 
• Memory, memory culture and the politics of memory in the context of totalitarianism and radical ideologies.

Committed to methodological and empirical eclecticism, Politics, Religion & Ideologycontinues to bring together leading academics and younger researchers engaged in exploring the above thematic. Directed to historians, social scientists, and policy analysts alike, the journal promotes original scholarship that demonstrates an acute awareness of the conceptual and methodological problems raised by the study of social phenomena, such as radicalism and political violence. The journal invites contributions that map common areas between different subject areas, revises conventional definitions of key concepts and, where appropriate, applies non-Eurocentric perspectives to political events, political ideas and political actors. 
Peer Review Policy 
All research articles submitted to Politics, Religion & Ideology undergo a rigorous process of double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. The editorial process is overseen by the Editor-in-Chief, supported by two Editorial Assistants and an International Editorial Board consisting of 29 leading intellectuals from North America, the United Kingdom, continental Europe, Australasia, South Asia and the Middle East. 

Endorsements for Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions:

For over a decade, Politics,Religion & Ideology has been the most vital journal for new studies on fascism, and it has now additionally become the leading forum for the analysis of the nexus between religion and radical ideology. Its focus is unique and extremely valuable for contemporary history and politics, for it has no rival as a venue for the broad and comparative treatment of radical ideologies. 
-------- Professor Stanley Payne--------

Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions presents cogent research in the area of extremist ideologies. Contributors to the journal include some of the most distinguished scholars in the fields of history and political science who study Fascism, Communism, Islamism, and related ideologies. Most important, the research is presented in a dispassionate style in marked contrast to the tendentious tenor that so often characterizes studies in these fields. 
--------Dr George Michael--------

Since its foundation at the turn of the new millennium, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions has offered a unique forum for the comparative and interdisciplinary discussion of radical ideologies, movements and regimes. It is now widely recognised as a major source in the re-thinking of forces such as communism, fascism and Islamism, which have shaped the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. 
--------Professor Roger Eatwell--------


Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index,  Scopus, EBSCOhost including International Political Science Abstracts Database, Military & Government Collection and Political Science Complete; Sociological Abstracts, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and International Bibliography of the Social Sciences,among others. 


Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board
Naveed S. Sheikh - Keele University, UK ( pri.editor@keele.ac.uk) 
Book Review Editor: 
Younes Saramifar - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands ( y.saramifar@vu.nl)      

Editorial Assistant: 
Ms Iysha Arun - School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), UK ( iysha.arun@outlook.com) 

Founding Editors: 
Michael Burleigh - Royal Historical Society, UK 
Robert Mallet - University of Birmingham, UK 

Editorial Board 
Pertti Ahonen - University of Edinburgh, UK 
Jeffrey M. Bale -  Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA  
Anne-Marie Brady - University of Canterbury, New Zealand 
Emmanuel Karagiannis - King's College London, UK 
Marina Cattaruzza - University of Bern, Switzerland 
Kenneth Christie -  Royal Road University, Canada 
Costas Constantinou - University of Nicosia, Cyprus 
Timothy Fitzgerald - University of Stirling, UK 
Michael Freeden - University of Nottingham, UK 
Hossein Godazgar -  Al-Maktoum Institute, UK  
Istar Gozaydin -  Gediz University, Turkey 
Nader Hashemi - Duke University, USA 
Thomas Hegghammer - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norway 
David Hoffmann - Ohio State University, USA 
Humeira Iqtidar - King's College London, UK 
Riva Kastoryano - Sciences-Po, France 
Peter Lambert - Aberystwyth University, UK 
Adrian Lyttelton - Johns Hopkins University Center, Bologna, Italy 
Gus Martin - California State University, USA 
Fiona McCallum -  University of St. Andrews, UK 
Daniel Philpott - University of Notre Dame, USA 
Daniel E. Rogers - University of South Alabama, USA 
Alberto Spektorowski - Tel Aviv University, Israel 
Ivan Strenski - University of California, Riverside, USA 
Chris Szejnmann - Loughborough University, UK 
Ermin Sinanović - Shenandoah University, USA 
Scott Thomas  - University of Bath, UK 
Amir Weiner - Stanford University, USA 

International Advisory Board 
Asma Afsaruddin - Indiana University Bloomington, USA 
Farish Ahmad-Noor - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 
Uwe Backes - Technical University of Dresden, Germany 
Linell Cady - Arizona State University, USA 
Umit Cizre  - Bilkent University, Turkey 
Stuart Croft - University of Warwick, UK 
Jonathan Fox - Bar Ilan University, Israel 
Graeme Gill  - University of Sydney, Australia 
Yoram Gorlizki  - University of Manchester, UK 
Alex De Grand - North Carolina State University, USA 
Jonathan Haslam - University of Cambridge, UK 
Jeff Haynes - London Metropolitan University, UK 
Robert Hefner  - Boston University, USA 
Ivan Ivekovic - The American University in Cairo, Egypt 
Mark Juergensmeyer - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 
Thomas Lahusen  - University of Toronto, Canada 
Bruce Lawrence - Duke University, USA 
Jie-Hyun Lim - Hanyang University, South Korea 
Mehdi Mozaffari  - University of Aarhus, Denmark 
Ashish Nandy - Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India 
David Ohana - Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 
Rosemary O’Kane - Keele University, UK 
Dietrich Orlow - Boston University, USA 
Eric Patterson - Georgetown University, USA 
James Piscatori -  University of Durham, UK 
Ana Belén Soage - University of Granada, Spain 

Updated 4-12-2020

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