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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

In 1913 Birmingham Doctor Adam Boyd Simpson bequeathed a sum of money to the National University to be used on condition that Irish should become a compulsory subject for University Matriculation. The bequest became available to the University in 1923 after which from time to time the income was put towards publication of a journal of Irish studies. The first such publication was entitled Lia Fáil edited by Dubhghlas de hÍde. Two volumes appeared between 1926 and 1932 (the year of Hyde's retirement from UCD).

The publication of Éigse goes back to a decision noted in the University Standing Committee Report of 12 January 1938 as follows:

The Senate approved the following report from the Professors and Lecturers in Irish, agreed to at their meeting held on December 17th 1937, with reference to the application of the income of the Adam Boyd Simpson Fund:

  • Go gcaithfear an t-airgead le hIrisleabhar i gcóir na Nua-Ghaeilge.

  • Go n-iarrfar ar Ghearóid Ó Murchadha an eagarthóireacht a dhéanamh.

  • Go bhfágfar ainm an Irisleabhair fén eagarthóir.

  • Go bhfágfar cló agus bainistíocht an Irisleabhair fén eagarthóir agus fé mhuinntir na hOifige.

Gerard Murphy, who at the time was lecturer in Irish at University College Dublin and later became Professor of the History of Irish Literature, settled on the name Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies and determined that a volume should appear in four parts annually. The first part of volume I was published in Spring of 1939, priced at two shillings, and the three remaining parts were issued in Summer, Autumn and Winter of 1939 in turn. Professor Murphy continued to edit Éigse for twenty years until his death in 1959.

Since 1984 Éigse has issued in a single volume and normally appears once a year.

Since 1999 publication of Éigse has been funded by the Publications Fund of the National University of Ireland.

Instructions to Authors


 Guidelines For Contributors

  • Contributions should be submitted in type (two copies, with double spacing of text and footnotes), preferably accompanied by computer disk, or by email to the Editor (pbreatnach@celt.dias.ie). Headings, paragraphs, fonts etc., should be clearly marked. References and abbreviations should be immediately intelligible and conform to the conventions practised in recent volumes.
  • Style of first-time citations (articles), e.g. R. A. Breatnach, 'Cregeen's Manx proverbs and familiar phrases' Éigse 27 (1993) 1-34.
  • Style of first-time citations (articles in proceedings, Festschriften etc.), e.g. Tomás Concheanainn, 'Bréagfhoirmeacha, tét agus tét cliss, i dTochmharc Eimhire' in Ilánach ildírech: a Festschrift for Proinsias Mac Cana, ed. John Carey, J. T. Koch, and Pierre-Yves Lambert (Andover & Aberystwyth 1999) 169-80.
  • Style of first-time citations (books, including scholarly editions), e.g. Brian Cuív, Irish dialects and Irish-speaking districts (Dublin 1967); A. M. Freeman,  Annála Connacht. The Annals of Connacht (Dublin 1944); (subsequent citations) Freeman, Annála Connacht.
  • Parenthetical documentation in accordance with the practice of the Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (PMLA) is recommended in the case of longer articles only.


How to Subscribe

In order to enter a subscription for Volume XXXVI (2006) please complete and return subscription form together with payment. See methods of payment below.

National University of Ireland,
49 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2.

The subscription for Volume XXXVI is Euro 20.00.


Methods of Payment

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Subscription Form (pdf format)


Editorial Board

Editors / Eagarthóir?Éigse

Gerard Murphy (1939-59)

Brian Cuív (1959-74) 

Tomás Concheanainn (1975-86) 

Pádraig A. Breatnach (1987-) 
      Professor Breatnach is Professor of Classical Irish at
     University College Dublin

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