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变更情况:Newly Added by 2019

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ISSN 20455895 , ONLINE ISSN 20455909

The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) publishes peer-reviewed articles on the urban design, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on the detailed analysis of the historical, theoretical, and practical aspects of architecture.

Winner of the Mohamed Makiya Prize for Architecture 2019.

Category: Visual Arts

The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) publishes bi-annually, peer-reviewed articles on the urban design and planning, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on the detailed analysis of the practical, historical and theoretical aspects of architecture, with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal also aims to encourage dialogue and discussion between practitioners and scholars. Articles that bridge the academic-practitioner divide are highly encouraged.

While the main focus is on architecture, papers that explore architecture from other disciplinary perspectives, such as art, history, archaeology, anthropology, culture, spirituality, religion and economics are also welcome. The journal is specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines, IJIA seeks to analyse and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered. The audience of this journal includes both practitioners and scholars. The journal publishes both online and in print. The first issue was published in January 2012.


Architectural Publications Index
Art Source
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Contemporary Science Association (CSA)
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI)
Design and Applied Art Index (DAAI)
Index Islamicus
International Bibliography of Book Reviews in Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
Norwegian Publication Index
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
SciTech Collection
Technology Journals
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Web of Science: Current Contents Connect - Arts & Humanities edition

Instructions to Authors
Sample PaperDownload

Łukasz Stanek (2015), 'Mobilities of Architecture in the Global Cold War: From Socialist Poland to Kuwait and Back', https://doi.org/10.1386/ijia.4.2.365_1. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Notes for ContributorsDownload

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications.

The International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) publishes bi-annually, peer-reviewed articles on the urban design and planning, architecture and landscape architecture of the historic Islamic world, encompassing the Middle East and parts of Africa and Asia, but also the more recent geographies of Islam in its global dimensions. The main emphasis is on the detailed analysis of the practical, historical and theoretical aspects of architecture, with a focus on both design and its reception. The journal also aims to encourage dialogue and discussion between practitioners and scholars. Articles that bridge the academic-practitioner divide are highly encouraged.

While the main focus is on architecture, papers that explore architecture from other disciplinary perspectives, such as art, history, archaeology, anthropology, culture, spirituality, religion and economics are also welcome. The journal is specifically interested in contemporary architecture and urban design in relation to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology and conservation. Spanning across cultures and disciplines, IJIA seeks to analyse and explain issues related to the built environment throughout the regions covered. The audience of this journal includes both practitioners and scholars. The journal publishes both online and in print. The first issue was published in January 2012.

IJIA is now soliciting manuscripts in the following categories:

1. Design in Theory - DiT manuscripts focus on the history, theory and critical analyses of architecture, urban planning and design and landscape architecture. Essays submitted should be a minimum of 5,000 words but no more than 8,000 words. (Notes and bibliography are included in the word count).

2. Design in Practice - DiP manuscripts focus on the practice of architecture, planning and landscape design as well as pedagogy. It is preferential that DiP papers address contextual and/or conceptual issues, analysis or critique of proposals, design and construction processes or built projects. Submissions may also include practitioner reflections on lessons learned but should avoid purely descriptive content. Manuscripts should range from 3,500 to 5,000 words.

3. Book, Media and Exhibition reviews
For those interested in writing book/media/exhibition reviews for IJIA, please submit your CV and your areas of expertise and interest and the books/media/exhibition you wish to review to the Reviews Editor: ssayek@wm.edu. for consideration.

Unsolicited book reviews will not be accepted. Generally, the length of the reviews should not exceed 1000 words for a one-book review essay and 1800 words for an essay that reviews multiple books.

4. Conference, Conference Panel, and Seminar Précis
IJIA will publish a record of seminars and conferences that focus exclusively or partially on the latest research and findings in Islamic art, architecture, design, and urbanism, including issues in architectural and urban development, history, and theory. This directive is increasingly important with the growing globalization of such events and the geographically dispersed nature of our readership. Preference will be given to conferences that take place outside of Europe and North America and those that will not be documented with a publication. Précis are written by an organizer of or participant in the event in order to present an overview and analysis of topics treated and the issues taken up, but moreover to provide a space for critical reflection on the event's proceedings. Conference, conference panel, and seminar précis should not exceed 1000 words.

5. Letters to the Editor
Letters and comments on articles and reviews published, editorial themes and topics should be addressed and sent to the Editor of the journal. Send letters to ijia@intellectbooks.com.

Email the editors at ijia@intellectbooks.com to submit a manuscript or for any additional questions or information.

Please include the following with any manuscript submission:
A Title Page with the following
A concise and informative title
The full names and affiliations of all authors; a 3–4 sentence bio on each author (with a maximum of 100 words per bio)
The full postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author(s)
All e-mail and postal addresses must be valid for at least a year from time of submission.
Abstract and Keywords on page 2. This page should include the following:

  • An abstract: an overview of no more than 200 words, summarizing the significant points of the article.
  • Six keywords or two-word phrases defining the article should be included for indexing references to facilitate a reader's search. All keywords should be in lower case unless they are proper nouns or names.
  • The word count for the full text, i.e. the body of text and all notes should be included.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Director and Founding Editor

Mohammad Gharipour 
Morgan State University 

Academic Editor

Hasan-uddin Khan 
Roger Williams University 

Managing Editor

Kıvanç Kılınç 

Reviews Editor

Sibel Zandi-Sayek 

Olga Bush 

Associate Editor

Heather Ferguson 

Patricia Blessing 

Assistant Editor

Mehreen Chida-Razvi 

Nancy Demerdash 

Emily Neumeier 

Daniel E. Coslett 

Eliana Abu-Hamdi 

Hala Auji 

Elvan Cobb 

Editorial Assistant

Ashley Dimmig 

Editorial Board

Samer Akkach
The University of Adelaide, Australia

Doris Behrens-Abouseif
University of London, UK

Julia Gonnella
Qatar Museums Authority, Qatar

Christiane Gruber
University of Michigan, USA

Sandy Isenstadt
University of Delaware, USA

Kevin Mitchell
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Alona Nitzan-Shiftan
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Mahbub Rashid
University of Kansas, USA

Heghnar Watenpaugh
University of California at Davis, USA

James L. Wescoat
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Advisory Board

Nader Ardalan
Harvard University, USA

Sheila Blair
Boston College, USA

Renata Holod
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Philip Jodidio
Independent Scholar

Ebba Koch
University of Vienna, Austria

Ken Lambla
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Roger Mandle
Qatar Museums Authority, Qatar

Attilio Petrucciolli
Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Vikramaditya Prakash
University of Washington, USA

Nasser Rabbat
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

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